We can train our own MobileNet in Google Colab and then import the model into TensorFlow.js web application.
The following Colab notebook is a template to train your own model. Please create a copy first. https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1gRk3I3JudOl1u2ddvmSiVu1_ggS6hPvB
You can fine tune the model with your own image. Please upload the image into Colab notebook according to the instruction.
Colab automatically downloads the trained model into your local machine. Please put the model into the directory your application can access.
$ cp ~/Downloads/mymobilenet.zip /path/to/tfjs-workshop/web/dist
$ cd /path/to/tfjs-workshop/web/dist
$ unzip mymobilenet.zip
Your web application will be able to load the model.