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Canonical ABI Explainer

This document defines the Canonical ABI used to convert between the values and functions of components in the Component Model and the values and functions of modules in Core WebAssembly. See the AST explainer for a walkthrough of the static structure of a component and the async explainer for a high-level description of the async model being specified here.

Supporting definitions

The Canonical ABI specifies, for each component function signature, a corresponding core function signature and the process for reading component-level values into and out of linear memory. While a full formal specification would specify the Canonical ABI in terms of macro-expansion into Core WebAssembly instructions augmented with a new set of (spec-internal) administrative instructions, the informal presentation here instead specifies the process in terms of Python code that would be logically executed at validation- and run-time by a component model implementation. The Python code is presented by interleaving definitions with descriptions and eliding some boilerplate. For a complete listing of all Python definitions in a single executable file with a small unit test suite, see the canonical-abi directory.

The convention followed by the Python code below is that all traps are raised by explicit trap()/trap_if() calls; Python assert() statements should never fire and are only included as hints to the reader. Similarly, there should be no uncaught Python exceptions.

While the Python code appears to perform a copy as part of lifting the contents of linear memory into high-level Python values, a normal implementation should never need to make this extra intermediate copy. This claim is expanded upon below.

Lastly, independently of Python, the Canonical ABI defined below assumes that out-of-memory conditions (such as memory.grow returning -1 from within realloc) will trap (via unreachable). This significantly simplifies the Canonical ABI by avoiding the need to support the complicated protocols necessary to support recovery in the middle of nested allocations. In the MVP, for large allocations that can OOM, streams would usually be the appropriate type to use and streams will be able to explicitly express failure in their type. Post-MVP, adapter functions would allow fully custom OOM handling for all component-level types, allowing a toolchain to intentionally propagate OOM into the appropriate explicit return value of the function's declared return type.

Lifting and Lowering Context

Most Canonical ABI definitions depend on some ambient information which is established by the canon lift- or canon lower-defined function that is being called:

  • the ABI options supplied via canonopt
  • the containing component instance
  • the Task or Subtask used to lower or lift, resp., borrow handles

These three pieces of ambient information are stored in an LiftLowerContext object that is threaded through all the Python functions below as the cx parameter/field.

class LiftLowerContext:
  opts: CanonicalOptions
  inst: ComponentInstance
  borrow_scope: Optional[Task|Subtask]

  def __init__(self, opts, inst, borrow_scope = None):
    self.opts = opts
    self.inst = inst
    self.borrow_scope = borrow_scope

The borrow_scope field may be None if the types being lifted/lowered are known to not contain borrow. The CanonicalOptions, ComponentInstance, Task and Subtask classes are defined next.

Canonical ABI Options

The CanonicalOptions class contains all the possible canonopt immediates that can be passed to the canon definition being implemented.

class CanonicalOptions:
  memory: Optional[bytearray] = None
  string_encoding: Optional[str] = None
  realloc: Optional[Callable] = None
  post_return: Optional[Callable] = None
  sync: bool = True # = !canonopt.async
  callback: Optional[Callable] = None
  always_task_return: bool = False

(Note that the async canonopt is inverted to sync here for the practical reason that async is a keyword and most branches below want to start with the sync = True case.)

Runtime State

The following Python classes define spec-internal state and utility methods that are used to define the externally-visible behavior of Canonical ABI's lifting, lowering and built-in definitions below. These fields are chosen for simplicity over performance and thus an optimizing implementation is expected to use a more optimized representations as long as it preserves the same externally-visible behavior. Some specific examples of expected optimizations are noted below.

Component Instance State

The ComponentInstance class contains all the relevant per-component-instance state that canon-generated functions use to maintain component invariants.

class ComponentInstance:
  resources: Table[ResourceHandle]
  waitables: Table[Subtask|StreamHandle|FutureHandle]
  error_contexts: Table[ErrorContext]
  num_tasks: int
  may_leave: bool
  backpressure: bool
  interruptible: asyncio.Event
  pending_tasks: list[tuple[Task, asyncio.Future]]
  starting_pending_task: bool

  def __init__(self):
    self.resources = Table[ResourceHandle]()
    self.waitables = Table[Subtask|StreamHandle|FutureHandle]()
    self.error_contexts = Table[ErrorContext]()
    self.num_tasks = 0
    self.may_leave = True
    self.backpressure = False
    self.interruptible = asyncio.Event()
    self.pending_tasks = []
    self.starting_pending_task = False

Table State

The generic Table class, used by the resources, waitables and error_contexts fields of ComponentInstance above, encapsulates a single mutable, growable array of elements that are represented in Core WebAssembly as i32 indices into the array.

ElemT = TypeVar('ElemT')
class Table(Generic[ElemT]):
  array: list[Optional[ElemT]]
  free: list[int]

  MAX_LENGTH = 2**30 - 1

  def __init__(self):
    self.array = [None] = []

  def get(self, i):
    trap_if(i >= len(self.array))
    trap_if(self.array[i] is None)
    return self.array[i]

  def add(self, e):
      i =
      assert(self.array[i] is None)
      self.array[i] = e
      i = len(self.array)
      trap_if(i > Table.MAX_LENGTH)
    return i

  def remove(self, i):
    e = self.get(i)
    self.array[i] = None
    return e

Table maintains a dense array of elements that can contain holes created by the remove method (defined below). When table elements are accessed (e.g., by canon_lift and resource.rep, below), there are thus both a bounds check and hole check necessary. Upon initialization, table element 0 is allocated and set to None, effectively reserving index 0 which is both useful for catching null/uninitialized accesses and allowing 0 to serve as a sentinel value.

The add and remove methods work together to maintain a free list of holes that are used in preference to growing the table. The free list is represented as a Python list here, but an optimizing implementation could instead store the free list in the free elements of array.

The limit of 2**30 ensures that the high 2 bits of table indices are unset and available for other use in guest code (e.g., for tagging, packed words or sentinel values).

Resource State

The ResourceHandle class defines the elements of the resources field of ComponentInstance:

class ResourceHandle:
  rt: ResourceType
  rep: int
  own: bool
  borrow_scope: Optional[Task]
  num_lends: int

  def __init__(self, rt, rep, own, borrow_scope = None):
    self.rt = rt
    self.rep = rep
    self.own = own
    self.borrow_scope = borrow_scope
    self.num_lends = 0

The rt and rep fields of ResourceHandle store the rt and rep parameters passed to the call that created this handle. The rep field is currently fixed to be an i32, but will be generalized in the future to other types.

The own field indicates whether this element was created from an own type (or, if false, a borrow type).

The borrow_scope field stores the Task that lowered the borrowed handle as a parameter. When a component only uses sync-lifted exports, due to lack of reentrance, there is at most one Task alive in a component instance at any time and thus an optimizing implementation doesn't need to store the Task per ResourceHandle.

The num_lends field maintains a conservative approximation of the number of live handles that were lent from this own handle (by calls to borrow-taking functions). This count is maintained by the ImportCall bookkeeping functions (above) and is ensured to be zero when an own handle is dropped.

The ResourceType class represents a runtime instance of a resource type that has been created either by the host or a component instance (where multiple component instances of the same static component create multiple ResourceType instances). ResourceType Python object identity is used by trapping guards on the rt field of ResourceHandle (above) and thus resource type equality is not defined structurally (on the contents of ResourceType).

class ResourceType(Type):
  impl: ComponentInstance
  dtor: Optional[Callable]
  dtor_sync: bool
  dtor_callback: Optional[Callable]

  def __init__(self, impl, dtor = None, dtor_sync = True, dtor_callback = None):
    self.impl = impl
    self.dtor = dtor
    self.dtor_sync = dtor_sync
    self.dtor_callback = dtor_callback

Task State

The Task class depends on the following type definitions:

class CallState(IntEnum):

class EventCode(IntEnum):

EventTuple = tuple[EventCode, int, int]
EventCallback = Callable[[], Optional[EventTuple]]
OnBlockCallback = Callable[[Awaitable], Awaitable]

The CallState enum describes the linear sequence of states that an async call necessarily transitions through: STARTING, STARTED and RETURNED. The EventCode enum shares common code values with CallState to define the set of integer event codes that are delivered to waiting or polling tasks.

The current_task global holds an asyncio.Lock that starts out locked and is strategically released and reacquired to control when and where the runtime can switch between concurrent tasks. Without this lock, Python's normal async semantics would allow switching at every await point, which would look more like preemptive multi-threading from the perspective of wasm code.

current_task = asyncio.Lock()

The current_task lock is exclusively acquired and released by the following two functions which, as described below, are meant to be implementable in terms of the Core WebAssembly stack-switching proposal's suspend, resume and instructions. As defined below, every Task stores a caller-supplied on_block callback that works like await and is called by the Canonical ABI instead of await when performing blocking I/O. When a component is called directly from the host, the on_block callback defaults to default_on_block which simply releases and reacquires current_task so that other tasks can make progress while this task is blocked. However, when making an async-lowered import call, call_and_handle_blocking supplies a custom on_block closure that directly transfers control flow from the callee back to the caller.

async def default_on_block(f):
  v = await f
  await current_task.acquire()
  return v

class Blocked: pass
class Returned: pass

async def call_and_handle_blocking(callee, *args) -> Blocked|Returned:
  ret = asyncio.Future[Blocked|Returned]()
  async def on_block(f):
    if not ret.done():
    v = await f
    await current_task.acquire()
    return v
  async def do_call():
    await callee(*args, on_block)
    if not ret.done():
  return await ret

Talking through this little Python pretzel of control flow:

  1. call_and_handle_blocking starts by running do_call in a fresh Python task and then immediately awaiting ret, which will be resolved by do_call. Since current_task isn't release()d or acquire()d as part of this process, the net effect is to directly transfer control flow from call_and_handle_blocking to do_call task without allowing other tasks to run (as if by the and resume instructions of stack-switching).
  2. do_call passes the local on_block closure to callee, which the Canonical ABI ensures will be called whenever there is a need to block on I/O (represented by the future f).
  3. If on_block is called, the first time it is called it will signal that the callee has blocked by setting ret to Blocked() before await. Because the current_task lock is not release()d , control flow is transferred directly from on_block to call_and_handle_blocking without allowing any other tasks to execute (as if by the suspend instruction of stack-switching).
  4. If on_block is called more than once, there is no longer a caller to directly switch to, so the current_task lock is release()d so that the Python async scheduler can pick another task to switch to.
  5. If callee returns and ret hasn't been set, then on_block hasn't been called and thus callee was never suspsended, so ret is set to Returned.

With these tricky primitives defined, the rest of the logic below can simply use on_block when there is a need to block and call_and_handle_blocking when there is a need to make an async call.

A Task object is created for each call to canon_lift and is implicitly threaded through all core function calls. This implicit Task parameter represents the "current task".

class Task:
  opts: CanonicalOptions
  inst: ComponentInstance
  ft: FuncType
  caller: Optional[Task]
  on_return: Optional[Callable]
  on_block: OnBlockCallback
  events: list[EventCallback]
  has_events: asyncio.Event
  num_subtasks: int
  num_borrows: int

  def __init__(self, opts, inst, ft, caller, on_return, on_block):
    self.opts = opts
    self.inst = inst
    self.ft = ft
    self.caller = caller
    self.on_return = on_return
    self.on_block = on_block = []
    self.has_events = asyncio.Event()
    self.num_subtasks = 0
    self.num_borrows = 0

The fields of Task are introduced in groups of related Task methods next. Using a conservative syntactic analysis of the component-level definitions of a linked component DAG, an optimizing implementation can statically eliminate these fields when the particular feature (borrow handles, async imports) is not used.

The trap_if_on_stack helper method is called (below) to prevent reentrance. The definition uses the caller field which points to the task's supertask in the async call tree defined by Component Model structured concurrency.

  def trap_if_on_the_stack(self, inst):
    c = self.caller
    while c is not None:
      trap_if(c.inst is inst)
      c = c.caller

By analyzing a linked component DAG, an optimized implementation can avoid the O(n) loop in trap_if_on_the_stack:

  • Reentrance by a child component can (often) be statically ruled out when the parent component doesn't both lift and lower the child's imports and exports (i.e., "donut wrapping").
  • Reentrance of the root component by the host can either be asserted not to happen or be tracked in a per-root-component-instance flag.
  • When a potentially-reenterable child component only lifts and lowers synchronously, reentrance can be tracked in a per-component-instance flag.
  • For the remaining cases, the live instances on the stack can be maintained in a packed bit-vector (assigning each potentially-reenterable async component instance a static bit position) that is passed by copy from caller to callee.

The enter method is called immediately after constructing a Task and, along with may_enter and may_start_pending_task, enforces backpressure before lowering the arguments into the callee's memory. In particular, if may_enter signals that backpressure is needed, enter blocks by putting itself into a pending_tasks queue and waiting (via wait_on, defined next) to be released by maybe_start_pending_task. One key property of maybe_start_pending_task is that pending_tasks are only popped one at a time, ensuring that if an overloaded component instance enables and then disables backpressure, there will not be an unstoppable thundering herd of pending tasks started all at once that OOM the component before it can re-enable backpressure.

  async def enter(self, on_start):
    if not self.may_enter(self) or self.inst.pending_tasks:
      f = asyncio.Future()
      self.inst.pending_tasks.append((self, f))
      await self.on_block(f)
      self.inst.starting_pending_task = False
    if self.opts.sync:
    self.inst.num_tasks += 1
    cx = LiftLowerContext(self.opts, self.inst, self)
    return lower_flat_values(cx, MAX_FLAT_PARAMS, on_start(), self.ft.param_types())

  def may_enter(self, pending_task):
    return self.inst.interruptible.is_set() and \
           not (pending_task.opts.sync and self.inst.num_tasks > 0) and \
           not self.inst.backpressure

  def maybe_start_pending_task(self):
    if self.inst.pending_tasks and not self.inst.starting_pending_task:
      pending_task, pending_future = self.inst.pending_tasks[0]
      if self.may_enter(pending_task):
        self.inst.starting_pending_task = True

The conditions in may_enter ensure two invariants:

  • While a synchronously-lifted export or synchronously-lowered import is being called, concurrent/interleaved execution is disabled.
  • While the wasm-controlled backpressure flag is set, no new tasks start execution.

The wait_on method, called by wait and yield_ below, blocks the current task until the given future is resolved, allowing other tasks to make progress in the meantime. If called with sync set, interruptible is cleared to ensure that no other tasks are allowed to start or resume, emulating a traditional synchronous system call. If sync is not set, then it's possible that between blocking and resuming, some other task executed and cleared interruptible, and thus wait_on must wait until interruptible is set again. If interruptible is already clear when wait_on is called, then it is already part of a synchronous call and so there's nothing extra to do.

  async def wait_on(self, sync, f):
    if self.inst.interruptible.is_set():
      if sync:
      v = await self.on_block(f)
      if sync:
        while not self.inst.interruptible.is_set():
          await self.on_block(self.inst.interruptible.wait())
      v = await self.on_block(f)
    return v

A task can also make a synchronous call (to a canon built-in or another component) via call_sync which, like wait_on, clears the interruptible flag to block new tasks from starting or resuming.

  async def call_sync(self, callee, *args):
    if self.inst.interruptible.is_set():
      await callee(*args, self.on_block)
      await callee(*args, self.on_block)

While a task is running, it may call wait (via canon task.wait or when using a callback, by returning to the event loop) to learn about progress made by async subtasks, streams or futures which are reported to this task by notify. (The definition of wait_on, used by wait here, is next.)

  async def wait(self, sync) -> EventTuple:
    while True:
      await self.wait_on(sync, self.has_events.wait())
      if (e := self.maybe_next_event()):
        return e

  def maybe_next_event(self) -> Optional[EventTuple]:
      event =
      if not
      if (e := event()):
        return e
    return None

  def notify(self, event: EventCallback):

Note that events are represented as closures (first class functions) that either return a tuple of scalar values to deliver to core wasm, or None. This flexibility allows multiple redundant events to be collapsed into one (e.g., when a Subtask advances CallState multiple times before the event enqueued by the initial state change is delivered) and also for events to be retroactively removed (e.g., when a stream.cancel-read "steals" a pending STREAM_READ event that was enqueued but not yet delivered).

Although this Python code represents events as an asyncio.Queue of closures, an optimizing implementation should be able to avoid dynamically allocating anything and instead represent events as a linked list embedded in the elements of the waitables table (noting that, by design, any given waitables element can be in the events list at most once).

A task may also cooperatively yield (via canon task.yield), allowing the runtime to switch execution to another task without having to wait for any external I/O (as emulated in the Python code by awaiting sleep(0):

  async def yield_(self, sync):
    await self.wait_on(sync, asyncio.sleep(0))

Putting these together, a task may also poll (via canon task.poll) for an event that is ready without actually blocking if there is no such event. Importantly, poll starts by yielding execution (to avoid unintentionally starving other tasks) which means that the code calling task.poll must assume other tasks can execute, just like with task.wait.

  async def poll(self, sync) -> Optional[EventTuple]:
    await self.yield_(sync)
    return self.maybe_next_event()

The return_ method is called by either canon_task_return or canon_lift (both defined below) to lift and return results to the caller using the on_return callback that was supplied by the caller to canon_lift. Using a callback instead of simply returning the values from canon_lift enables the callee to keep executing after returning its results. There is a dynamic error if task.return is not called exactly once and if the callee has not dropped all borrowed handles by the time task.return is called. This means that the caller can assume that ownership all its lent borrowed handles has been returned to it when it is notified that the Subtask has reached the RETURNED state.

  def return_(self, flat_results):
    trap_if(not self.on_return)
    trap_if(self.num_borrows > 0)
    if self.opts.sync and not self.opts.always_task_return:
      maxflat = MAX_FLAT_RESULTS
      maxflat = MAX_FLAT_PARAMS
    ts = self.ft.result_types()
    cx = LiftLowerContext(self.opts, self.inst, self)
    vs = lift_flat_values(cx, maxflat, CoreValueIter(flat_results), ts)
    self.on_return = None

The maximum flattened core wasm values depends on whether this is a normal synchronous call (in which return values are returned by core wasm) or a newer async or sychronous-using-always-task-return call, in which return values are passed as parameters to canon task.return.

Lastly, when a task exits, the runtime enforces the guard conditions mentioned above and allows a pending task to start. The num_subtasks counter is used below to record the number of undropped subtasks of the current (super)task.

  def exit(self):
    trap_if(self.num_subtasks > 0)
    assert(not self.maybe_next_event())
    assert(self.num_borrows == 0)
    trap_if(self.inst.num_tasks == 1 and self.inst.backpressure)
    self.inst.num_tasks -= 1
    assert(self.inst.num_tasks >= 0)
    if self.opts.sync:
      assert(not self.inst.interruptible.is_set())

While canon_lift creates Tasks, canon_lower creates Subtask objects. Importantly, the supertask field of Subtask refers to the current task which called canon lower, thereby linking all subtasks to their supertasks, maintaining a (possibly asynchronous) call tree.

class Subtask:
  supertask: Task
  state: CallState
  lenders: list[ResourceHandle]
  enqueued: bool
  finished: bool

  def __init__(self,  task):
    self.supertask = task
    self.state = CallState.STARTING
    self.lenders = []
    self.enqueued = False
    self.finished = False

The lenders field of Subtask maintains a list of all resource handles that have been lent to a subtask and must therefor not be dropped until the subtask returns. The add_lender method is called (below) when lifting a resource handle and increments its num_lends, which is guarded to be zero by canon_resource_drop (below). The finish method releases all the num_lendss of all such handles lifted for the subtask and is called (below) when the subtask returns.

  def add_lender(self, lending_handle):
    assert(not self.finished and self.state != CallState.RETURNED)
    lending_handle.num_lends += 1

  def finish(self):
    assert(not self.finished and self.state == CallState.RETURNED)
    for h in self.lenders:
      h.num_lends -= 1
    self.finished = True

Note, the lenders list usually has a fixed size (in all cases except when a function signature has borrows in lists or streams) and thus can be stored inline in the native stack frame.

Lastly, after a Subtask has finished, it must be dropped from the waitables table before its supertask may exit successfully (as checked by the guard on num_subtasks in Task.exit()).

  def drop(self):
    trap_if(not self.finished)
    assert(self.state == CallState.RETURNED)
    assert(not self.enqueued)
    self.supertask.num_subtasks -= 1

Buffer, Stream and Future State

At a high level, values of stream or future type are handles to special resources that components use to synchronize the directional copy of values between buffers supplied by the components involved, avoiding the need for intermediate buffers or copies. In support of the general virtualization goals of the Component Model, the host can be on either side of the copy unbeknownst to the component on the other side. Thus, the Python representation of lifted future and stream values are abstract interfaces that are meant to be implemented either by arbitrary host code or by wasm code using the Python classes below that end with GuestImpl:

class Buffer:
  MAX_LENGTH = 2**30 - 1

class WritableBuffer(Buffer):
  remain: Callable[[], int]
  lower: Callable[[list[any]]]

class ReadableStream:
  closed: Callable[[], bool]
  closed_with_error: Callable[[], Optional[ErrorContext]]
  read: Callable[[WritableBuffer, OnBlockCallback], Awaitable]
  cancel_read: Callable[[WritableBuffer, OnBlockCallback], Awaitable]
  close: Callable[[]]

Going through the methods in these interfaces:

  • remain returns how many values may be lowered into the WritableBuffer.
  • read may only be called if !closed. read is asynchronous (as indicated by the Awaitable return type) and can block. If read blocks, it must call the given OnBlockCallback to allow the async caller to make progress in the meantime. read returns its values by calling lower 0..N times on the given WritableBuffer. Once read returns, it must not hold onto a reference to the given WritableBuffer (as if it was passed via borrow).
  • cancel_read must only be called while there is an outstanding blocked read and must be given the same WritableBuffer that was passed to read. cancel_read is async and must call OnBlockCallback if it blocks. cancel_read must only return once the given WritableBuffer is guaranteed not to be used again by the read being cancelled.
  • close may only be called if there is no active read and leaves the stream closed without possibility of blocking.
  • closed_with_error may only be called if closed has returned True and returns an optional ErrorContext (defined below) that the writable end was closed with.

The abstract WritableBuffer interface is implemented by the WritableBufferGuestImpl class below. The ReadableBufferGuestImpl class is used by the stream implementation code below and is symmetric. The functions load_list_from_valid_range and store_list_into_valid_range used by these classes are defined below as part of normal list parameter lifting and lowering.

class BufferGuestImpl(Buffer):
  cx: LiftLowerContext
  t: ValType
  ptr: int
  progress: int
  length: int

  def __init__(self, cx, t, ptr, length):
    trap_if(length == 0 or length > Buffer.MAX_LENGTH)
    trap_if(ptr != align_to(ptr, alignment(t)))
    trap_if(ptr + length * elem_size(t) > len(cx.opts.memory)) = cx
    self.t = t
    self.ptr = ptr
    self.progress = 0
    self.length = length

  def remain(self):
    return self.length - self.progress

class ReadableBufferGuestImpl(BufferGuestImpl):
  def lift(self, n):
    assert(n <= self.remain())
    vs = load_list_from_valid_range(, self.ptr, n, self.t)
    self.ptr += n * elem_size(self.t)
    self.progress += n
    return vs

class WritableBufferGuestImpl(BufferGuestImpl, WritableBuffer):
  def lower(self, vs):
    assert(len(vs) <= self.remain())
    store_list_into_valid_range(, vs, self.ptr, self.t)
    self.ptr += len(vs) * elem_size(self.t)
    self.progress += len(vs)

The ReadableStreamGuestImpl class implements ReadableStream for a stream created by wasm (via canon and encapsulates the synchronization performed between the writer and reader ends of a stream. In addition to the read method defined as part of ReadableStream that can be called by the consumer of the ReadableStream, a write method is also defined that will be called (below) by the writable end of this same stream. Other than the fact that they copy in different directions, reading and writing work the same way and thus are defined by a single internal rendezvous method. The first time rendezvous is called, it will block until it is woken by a second call to rendezvous (necessarily in the opposite direction, as ensured by the CABI). Once this second rendezvous call arives, there is both a ReadableBuffer and WritableBuffer on hand, so a direct copy can be immediately performed (noting that dst.lower(src.lift(...)) is meant to be fused into a single copy from src's memory into dst's memory).

class ReadableStreamGuestImpl(ReadableStream):
  impl: ComponentInstance
  is_closed: bool
  errctx: Optional[ErrorContext]
  other_buffer: Optional[Buffer]
  other_future: Optional[asyncio.Future]

  def __init__(self, inst):
    self.impl = inst
    self.is_closed = False
    self.errctx = None
    self.other_buffer = None
    self.other_future = None

  def closed(self):
    return self.is_closed
  def closed_with_error(self):
    return self.errctx

  async def read(self, dst, on_block):
    await self.rendezvous(dst, self.other_buffer, dst, on_block)
  async def write(self, src, on_block):
    await self.rendezvous(src, src, self.other_buffer, on_block)
  async def rendezvous(self, this_buffer, src, dst, on_block):
    assert(not self.is_closed)
    if self.other_buffer:
      ncopy = min(src.remain(), dst.remain())
      assert(ncopy > 0)
      if not self.other_buffer.remain():
        self.other_buffer = None
      if self.other_future:
        self.other_future = None
      assert(not self.other_future)
      self.other_buffer = this_buffer
      self.other_future = asyncio.Future()
      await on_block(self.other_future)
      if self.other_buffer is this_buffer:
        self.other_buffer = None

In this logic, we can see that read and write eagerly return once any values are read or written. Thus, if a source-language API needs to read or write an exact number of elements, it must loop. (New read-full/write-full variations could be added in the future that do not complete until remain = 0, but this would only be an optimization taht minimized call overhead, not a change in expressive power or algorithmic complexity.)

One optimization intentionally enabled by the code above is that, after a rendezvous completes with some n < remain values being copied, the other_buffer is kept around (even after the other_future is resolved) to allow future rendezvous to keep reading or writing into the same buffer until the await other_future is resumed by the scheduler. Due to cooperative concurrency, this time window can be significant and thus this optimization can reduce task-switching overhead by batching up partial reads and writes into bigger reads or writes.

However, this optimization creates a subtle corner case handled by the above code that is worth pointing out: between other_future being resolved and the await other_future resuming, other_buffer may or may not get cleared by another rendezvous and then subsequently replaced by another buffer waiting in the opposite direction. This case is handled by the other_buffer is this_buffer test before clearing other_buffer. Cancellation must use this same condition to determine whether to resolve other_future or not when cancelling a read or write:

  async def cancel_read(self, dst, on_block):
    await self.cancel_rendezvous(dst, on_block)
  async def cancel_write(self, src, on_block):
    await self.cancel_rendezvous(src, on_block)
  async def cancel_rendezvous(self, this_buffer, on_block):
    assert(not self.is_closed)
    if not DETERMINISTIC_PROFILE and random.randint(0,1):
      await on_block(asyncio.sleep(0))
    if self.other_buffer is this_buffer:
      self.other_buffer = None
      if self.other_future:
        self.other_future = None

The random choice of whether or not to call on_block models the fact that, in general, cancelling a read or write operation may require a blocking operation to ensure that access to the buffer has been fully relinquished (e.g., the buffer may have been handed to the kernel or hardware and thus there may be a need to block to confirm that the kernel or hardware is done with the buffer, with terrible bugs otherwise).

When called via the ReadableStream abstract interface, the close method can assume as a precondition that there is not an outstanding read and thus there is no need to block on a cancel_read. There may however be a pending write awaiting other_future, but since we're on the reader end and we know that there are no concurrent reads, we can simple resolve other_future and move on without blocking on anything. close can also be called by the writable end of a stream (below), in which case all the above logic applies, but in the opposite direction. Thus, there is only a single direction-agnostic close that is shared by both the reader and writer ends.

  def close(self, errctx = None):
    if not self.is_closed:
      assert(not self.errctx)
      self.is_closed = True
      self.errctx = errctx
      self.other_buffer = None
      if self.other_future:
        self.other_future = None
      assert(not self.other_buffer and not self.other_future)

Note that when called via the ReadableStream abstract interface, errctx is necessarily None, whereas if called from the writer end, errctx may or may not be an ErrorContext. In the special case that the writer end passes a non-None error context and the stream has already been closed by the reader end, the ErrorContext is dropped, since the reader has already racily cancelled the stream and has no way to see the ErrorContext.

The readable and writable ends of a stream are stored as StreamHandle objects in the component instance's waitables table. Both ends of a stream have the same immutable stream and t fields but also maintain independent mutable state specific to the end. The paired state tracks whether a fresh writable end (created by has been lifted and paired with a readable end. Lastly, the copying_buffer and copying_task states maintain whether there is an active asynchronous or stream.write in progress and, if so, which Task to notify of progress and what Buffer to copy from/to.

class StreamHandle:
  stream: ReadableStream
  t: ValType
  paired: bool
  copying_task: Optional[Task]
  copying_buffer: Optional[Buffer]

  def __init__(self, stream, t): = stream
    self.t = t
    self.paired = False
    self.copying_task = None
    self.copying_buffer = None

  def start_copying(self, task, buffer):
    assert(not self.copying_task and not self.copying_buffer)
    task.num_subtasks += 1
    self.copying_task = task
    self.copying_buffer = buffer

  def stop_copying(self):
    assert(self.copying_task and self.copying_buffer)
    self.copying_task.num_subtasks -= 1
    self.copying_task = None
    self.copying_buffer = None

  def drop(self, errctx):

The trap_if(copying_buffer) in drop and the increment/decrement of num_subtasks keeps the Task alive while performing a copy operation (a or stream.write) so that the results of a copy are always reported back to the Task that issued the copy.

Given the above logic, the readable and writable ends of a stream can be concretely implemented by the following two classes. The readable end inherits StreamHandle's constructor, which takes an already-created abstract ReadableStream passed into the component. In contrast, constructing a writable end constructs a fresh ReadableStreamGuestImpl that will later be given to the readable end paired with this writable end. The copy, cancel_copy and drop methods are called polymorphically by the common async_copy routine shared by the and stream.write built-ins below.

class ReadableStreamHandle(StreamHandle):
  async def copy(self, dst, on_block):
    await, on_block)
  async def cancel_copy(self, dst, on_block):
    await, on_block)

class WritableStreamHandle(StreamHandle):
  def __init__(self, t, inst):
    stream = ReadableStreamGuestImpl(inst)
    StreamHandle.__init__(self, stream, t)
  async def copy(self, src, on_block):
    await, on_block)
  async def cancel_copy(self, src, on_block):
    await, on_block)

Given the above definitions of how stream works, a future can simply be defined as a stream of exactly 1 value by having the copy and cancel_copy methods close() the stream as soon as they detect that the 1 remaining value has been successfully copied:

class FutureHandle(StreamHandle): pass

class ReadableFutureHandle(FutureHandle):
  async def copy(self, dst, on_block):
    assert(dst.remain() == 1)
    await, on_block)
    if dst.remain() == 0:

  async def cancel_copy(self, dst, on_block):
    await, on_block)
    if dst.remain() == 0:

class WritableFutureHandle(FutureHandle):
  def __init__(self, t, inst):
    stream = ReadableStreamGuestImpl(inst)
    FutureHandle.__init__(self, stream, t)

  async def copy(self, src, on_block):
    assert(src.remain() == 1)
    await, on_block)
    if src.remain() == 0:

  async def cancel_copy(self, src, on_block):
    await self.cancel_write(src, on_block)
    if src.remain() == 0:

  def drop(self, errctx):
    trap_if(not and not errctx)
    FutureHandle.drop(self, errctx)

The overridden WritableFutureHandle.drop method traps if the future value has not already been written and the future is not being closed with an error-context. Thus, a future must either have a single value successfully copied from the writer to the reader xor be closed with an error-context.


In the explainer, component value types are classified as either fundamental or specialized, where the specialized value types are defined by expansion into fundamental value types. In most cases, the canonical ABI of a specialized value type is the same as its expansion so, to avoid repetition, the other definitions below use the following despecialize function to replace specialized value types with their expansion:

def despecialize(t):
  match t:
    case TupleType(ts)       : return RecordType([ FieldType(str(i), t) for i,t in enumerate(ts) ])
    case EnumType(labels)    : return VariantType([ CaseType(l, None) for l in labels ])
    case OptionType(t)       : return VariantType([ CaseType("none", None), CaseType("some", t) ])
    case ResultType(ok, err) : return VariantType([ CaseType("ok", ok), CaseType("error", err) ])
    case _                   : return t

The specialized value types string and flags are missing from this list because they are given specialized canonical ABI representations distinct from their respective expansions.

Type Predicates

The contains_borrow and contains_async_value predicates return whether the given type contains a borrow or future/stream`, respectively.

def contains_borrow(t):
  return contains(t, lambda u: isinstance(u, BorrowType))

def contains_async_value(t):
  return contains(t, lambda u: isinstance(u, StreamType | FutureType))

def contains(t, p):
  t = despecialize(t)
  match t:
    case None:
      return False
    case PrimValType() | OwnType() | BorrowType():
      return p(t)
    case ListType(u) | StreamType(u) | FutureType(u):
      return p(t) or contains(u, p)
    case RecordType(fields):
      return p(t) or any(contains(f.t, p) for f in fields)
    case VariantType(cases):
      return p(t) or any(contains(c.t, p) for c in cases)
    case FuncType():
      return any(p(u) for u in t.param_types() + t.result_types())
    case _:


Each value type is assigned an alignment which is used by subsequent Canonical ABI definitions. Presenting the definition of alignment piecewise, we start with the top-level case analysis:

def alignment(t):
  match despecialize(t):
    case BoolType()                  : return 1
    case S8Type() | U8Type()         : return 1
    case S16Type() | U16Type()       : return 2
    case S32Type() | U32Type()       : return 4
    case S64Type() | U64Type()       : return 8
    case F32Type()                   : return 4
    case F64Type()                   : return 8
    case CharType()                  : return 4
    case StringType()                : return 4
    case ErrorContextType()          : return 4
    case ListType(t, l)              : return alignment_list(t, l)
    case RecordType(fields)          : return alignment_record(fields)
    case VariantType(cases)          : return alignment_variant(cases)
    case FlagsType(labels)           : return alignment_flags(labels)
    case OwnType() | BorrowType()    : return 4
    case StreamType() | FutureType() : return 4

List alignment is the same as tuple alignment when the length is fixed and otherwise uses the alignment of pointers.

def alignment_list(elem_type, maybe_length):
  if maybe_length is not None:
    return alignment(elem_type)
  return 4

Record alignment is tuple alignment, with the definitions split for reuse below:

def alignment_record(fields):
  a = 1
  for f in fields:
    a = max(a, alignment(f.t))
  return a

As an optimization, variant discriminants are represented by the smallest integer covering the number of cases in the variant (with cases numbered in order from 0 to len(cases)-1). Depending on the payload type, this can allow more compact representations of variants in memory. This smallest integer type is selected by the following function, used above and below:

def alignment_variant(cases):
  return max(alignment(discriminant_type(cases)), max_case_alignment(cases))

def discriminant_type(cases):
  n = len(cases)
  assert(0 < n < (1 << 32))
  match math.ceil(math.log2(n)/8):
    case 0: return U8Type()
    case 1: return U8Type()
    case 2: return U16Type()
    case 3: return U32Type()

def max_case_alignment(cases):
  a = 1
  for c in cases:
    if c.t is not None:
      a = max(a, alignment(c.t))
  return a

As an optimization, flags are represented as packed bit-vectors. Like variant discriminants, flags use the smallest integer that fits all the bits, falling back to sequences of i32s when there are more than 32 flags.

def alignment_flags(labels):
  n = len(labels)
  assert(0 < n <= 32)
  if n <= 8: return 1
  if n <= 16: return 2
  return 4

Handle types are passed as i32 indices into the Table[ResourceHandle] introduced below.

Element Size

Each value type is also assigned an elem_size which is the number of bytes used when values of the type are stored as elements of a list. Having this byte size be a static property of the type instead of attempting to use a variable-length element-encoding scheme both simplifies the implementation and maps well to languages which represent lists as random-access arrays. Empty types, such as records with no fields, are not permitted, to avoid complications in source languages.

def elem_size(t):
  match despecialize(t):
    case BoolType()                  : return 1
    case S8Type() | U8Type()         : return 1
    case S16Type() | U16Type()       : return 2
    case S32Type() | U32Type()       : return 4
    case S64Type() | U64Type()       : return 8
    case F32Type()                   : return 4
    case F64Type()                   : return 8
    case CharType()                  : return 4
    case StringType()                : return 8
    case ErrorContextType()          : return 4
    case ListType(t, l)              : return elem_size_list(t, l)
    case RecordType(fields)          : return elem_size_record(fields)
    case VariantType(cases)          : return elem_size_variant(cases)
    case FlagsType(labels)           : return elem_size_flags(labels)
    case OwnType() | BorrowType()    : return 4
    case StreamType() | FutureType() : return 4

def elem_size_list(elem_type, maybe_length):
  if maybe_length is not None:
    return maybe_length * elem_size(elem_type)
  return 8

def elem_size_record(fields):
  s = 0
  for f in fields:
    s = align_to(s, alignment(f.t))
    s += elem_size(f.t)
  assert(s > 0)
  return align_to(s, alignment_record(fields))

def align_to(ptr, alignment):
  return math.ceil(ptr / alignment) * alignment

def elem_size_variant(cases):
  s = elem_size(discriminant_type(cases))
  s = align_to(s, max_case_alignment(cases))
  cs = 0
  for c in cases:
    if c.t is not None:
      cs = max(cs, elem_size(c.t))
  s += cs
  return align_to(s, alignment_variant(cases))

def elem_size_flags(labels):
  n = len(labels)
  assert(0 < n <= 32)
  if n <= 8: return 1
  if n <= 16: return 2
  return 4


The load function defines how to read a value of a given value type t out of linear memory starting at offset ptr, returning the value represented as a Python value. Presenting the definition of load piecewise, we start with the top-level case analysis:

def load(cx, ptr, t):
  assert(ptr == align_to(ptr, alignment(t)))
  assert(ptr + elem_size(t) <= len(cx.opts.memory))
  match despecialize(t):
    case BoolType()         : return convert_int_to_bool(load_int(cx, ptr, 1))
    case U8Type()           : return load_int(cx, ptr, 1)
    case U16Type()          : return load_int(cx, ptr, 2)
    case U32Type()          : return load_int(cx, ptr, 4)
    case U64Type()          : return load_int(cx, ptr, 8)
    case S8Type()           : return load_int(cx, ptr, 1, signed = True)
    case S16Type()          : return load_int(cx, ptr, 2, signed = True)
    case S32Type()          : return load_int(cx, ptr, 4, signed = True)
    case S64Type()          : return load_int(cx, ptr, 8, signed = True)
    case F32Type()          : return decode_i32_as_float(load_int(cx, ptr, 4))
    case F64Type()          : return decode_i64_as_float(load_int(cx, ptr, 8))
    case CharType()         : return convert_i32_to_char(cx, load_int(cx, ptr, 4))
    case StringType()       : return load_string(cx, ptr)
    case ErrorContextType() : return lift_error_context(cx, load_int(cx, ptr, 4))
    case ListType(t, l)     : return load_list(cx, ptr, t, l)
    case RecordType(fields) : return load_record(cx, ptr, fields)
    case VariantType(cases) : return load_variant(cx, ptr, cases)
    case FlagsType(labels)  : return load_flags(cx, ptr, labels)
    case OwnType()          : return lift_own(cx, load_int(cx, ptr, 4), t)
    case BorrowType()       : return lift_borrow(cx, load_int(cx, ptr, 4), t)
    case StreamType(t)      : return lift_stream(cx, load_int(cx, ptr, 4), t)
    case FutureType(t)      : return lift_future(cx, load_int(cx, ptr, 4), t)

Integers are loaded directly from memory, with their high-order bit interpreted according to the signedness of the type.

def load_int(cx, ptr, nbytes, signed = False):
  return int.from_bytes(cx.opts.memory[ptr : ptr+nbytes], 'little', signed = signed)

Integer-to-boolean conversions treats 0 as false and all other bit-patterns as true:

def convert_int_to_bool(i):
  assert(i >= 0)
  return bool(i)

Floats are loaded directly from memory, with the sign and payload information of NaN values discarded. Consequently, there is only one unique NaN value per floating-point type. This reflects the practical reality that some languages and protocols do not preserve these bits. In the Python code below, this is expressed as canonicalizing NaNs to a particular bit pattern.

See the comments about lowering of float values for a discussion of possible optimizations.

CANONICAL_FLOAT32_NAN = 0x7fc00000
CANONICAL_FLOAT64_NAN = 0x7ff8000000000000

def canonicalize_nan32(f):
  if math.isnan(f):
    f = core_f32_reinterpret_i32(CANONICAL_FLOAT32_NAN)
  return f

def canonicalize_nan64(f):
  if math.isnan(f):
    f = core_f64_reinterpret_i64(CANONICAL_FLOAT64_NAN)
  return f

def decode_i32_as_float(i):
  return canonicalize_nan32(core_f32_reinterpret_i32(i))

def decode_i64_as_float(i):
  return canonicalize_nan64(core_f64_reinterpret_i64(i))

def core_f32_reinterpret_i32(i):
  return struct.unpack('<f', struct.pack('<I', i))[0] # f32.reinterpret_i32

def core_f64_reinterpret_i64(i):
  return struct.unpack('<d', struct.pack('<Q', i))[0] # f64.reinterpret_i64

An i32 is converted to a char (a Unicode Scalar Value) by dynamically testing that its unsigned integral value is in the valid Unicode Code Point range and not a Surrogate:

def convert_i32_to_char(cx, i):
  assert(i >= 0)
  trap_if(i >= 0x110000)
  trap_if(0xD800 <= i <= 0xDFFF)
  return chr(i)

Strings are loaded from two i32 values: a pointer (offset in linear memory) and a number of bytes. There are three supported string encodings in canonopt: UTF-8, UTF-16 and latin1+utf16. This last options allows a dynamic choice between Latin-1 and UTF-16, indicated by the high bit of the second i32. String values include their original encoding and byte length as a "hint" that enables store_string (defined below) to make better up-front allocation size choices in many cases. Thus, the value produced by load_string isn't simply a Python str, but a tuple containing a str, the original encoding and the original byte length.

String = tuple[str, str, int]

def load_string(cx, ptr) -> String:
  begin = load_int(cx, ptr, 4)
  tagged_code_units = load_int(cx, ptr + 4, 4)
  return load_string_from_range(cx, begin, tagged_code_units)

UTF16_TAG = 1 << 31

def load_string_from_range(cx, ptr, tagged_code_units) -> String:
  match cx.opts.string_encoding:
    case 'utf8':
      alignment = 1
      byte_length = tagged_code_units
      encoding = 'utf-8'
    case 'utf16':
      alignment = 2
      byte_length = 2 * tagged_code_units
      encoding = 'utf-16-le'
    case 'latin1+utf16':
      alignment = 2
      if bool(tagged_code_units & UTF16_TAG):
        byte_length = 2 * (tagged_code_units ^ UTF16_TAG)
        encoding = 'utf-16-le'
        byte_length = tagged_code_units
        encoding = 'latin-1'

  trap_if(ptr != align_to(ptr, alignment))
  trap_if(ptr + byte_length > len(cx.opts.memory))
    s = cx.opts.memory[ptr : ptr+byte_length].decode(encoding)
  except UnicodeError:

  return (s, cx.opts.string_encoding, tagged_code_units)

Error context values are lifted directly from the per-component-instance error_contexts table:

def lift_error_context(cx, i):
  return cx.inst.error_contexts.get(i)

Lists and records are loaded by recursively loading their elements/fields:

def load_list(cx, ptr, elem_type, maybe_length):
  if maybe_length is not None:
    return load_list_from_valid_range(cx, ptr, maybe_length, elem_type)
  begin = load_int(cx, ptr, 4)
  length = load_int(cx, ptr + 4, 4)
  return load_list_from_range(cx, begin, length, elem_type)

def load_list_from_range(cx, ptr, length, elem_type):
  trap_if(ptr != align_to(ptr, alignment(elem_type)))
  trap_if(ptr + length * elem_size(elem_type) > len(cx.opts.memory))
  return load_list_from_valid_range(cx, ptr, length, elem_type)

def load_list_from_valid_range(cx, ptr, length, elem_type):
  a = []
  for i in range(length):
    a.append(load(cx, ptr + i * elem_size(elem_type), elem_type))
  return a

def load_record(cx, ptr, fields):
  record = {}
  for field in fields:
    ptr = align_to(ptr, alignment(field.t))
    record[field.label] = load(cx, ptr, field.t)
    ptr += elem_size(field.t)
  return record

As a technical detail: the align_to in the loop in load_record is guaranteed to be a no-op on the first iteration because the record as a whole starts out aligned (as asserted at the top of load).

Variants are loaded using the order of the cases in the type to determine the case index, assigning 0 to the first case, 1 to the next case, etc. While the code below appears to perform case-label lookup at runtime, a normal implementation can build the appropriate index tables at compile-time so that variant-passing is always O(1) and not involving string operations.

def load_variant(cx, ptr, cases):
  disc_size = elem_size(discriminant_type(cases))
  case_index = load_int(cx, ptr, disc_size)
  ptr += disc_size
  trap_if(case_index >= len(cases))
  c = cases[case_index]
  ptr = align_to(ptr, max_case_alignment(cases))
  if c.t is None:
    return { c.label: None }
  return { c.label: load(cx, ptr, c.t) }

Flags are converted from a bit-vector to a dictionary whose keys are derived from the ordered labels of the flags type. The code here takes advantage of Python's support for integers of arbitrary width.

def load_flags(cx, ptr, labels):
  i = load_int(cx, ptr, elem_size_flags(labels))
  return unpack_flags_from_int(i, labels)

def unpack_flags_from_int(i, labels):
  record = {}
  for l in labels:
    record[l] = bool(i & 1)
    i >>= 1
  return record

own handles are lifted by removing the handle from the current component instance's handle table, so that ownership is transferred to the lowering component. The lifting operation fails if unique ownership of the handle isn't possible, for example if the index was actually a borrow or if the own handle is currently being lent out as borrows.

def lift_own(cx, i, t):
  h = cx.inst.resources.remove(i)
  trap_if(h.rt is not t.rt)
  trap_if(h.num_lends != 0)
  trap_if(not h.own)
  return h.rep

The abstract lifted value for handle types is currently just the internal resource representation i32, which is kept opaque from the receiving component (it's stored in the handle table and only accessed indirectly via index). (This assumes that resource representations are immutable. If representations were to become mutable, the address of the mutable cell would be passed as the lifted value instead.)

In contrast to own, borrow handles are lifted by reading the representation from the source handle, leaving the source handle intact in the current component instance's handle table:

def lift_borrow(cx, i, t):
  assert(isinstance(cx.borrow_scope, Subtask))
  h = cx.inst.resources.get(i)
  trap_if(h.rt is not t.rt)
  return h.rep

The Subtask.add_lender participates in the enforcement of the dynamic borrow rules, which keep the source handle alive until the end of the call (as a conservative upper bound on how long the borrow handle can be held). Note that add_lender is called for borrowed source handles so that they must be kept alive until the subtask completes, which in turn prevents the current task from task.returning while its non-returned subtask still holds a transitively-borrowed handle.

Streams and futures are lifted in almost the same way, with the only difference being that it is a dynamic error to attempt to lift a future that has already been successfully read (closed()). In both cases, lifting the readable end transfers ownership of it while lifting the writable end leaves the writable end in place, but traps if the writable end has already been lifted before (as indicated by paired already being set). Together, this ensures that at most one component holds each of the readable and writable ends of a stream.

def lift_stream(cx, i, t):
  return lift_async_value(ReadableStreamHandle, WritableStreamHandle, cx, i, t)

def lift_future(cx, i, t):
  v = lift_async_value(ReadableFutureHandle, WritableFutureHandle, cx, i, t)
  return v

def lift_async_value(ReadableHandleT, WritableHandleT, cx, i, t):
  assert(not contains_borrow(t))
  h = cx.inst.waitables.get(i)
  match h:
    case ReadableHandleT():
    case WritableHandleT():
      h.paired = True
    case _:
  trap_if(h.t != t)


The store function defines how to write a value v of a given value type t into linear memory starting at offset ptr. Presenting the definition of store piecewise, we start with the top-level case analysis:

def store(cx, v, t, ptr):
  assert(ptr == align_to(ptr, alignment(t)))
  assert(ptr + elem_size(t) <= len(cx.opts.memory))
  match despecialize(t):
    case BoolType()         : store_int(cx, int(bool(v)), ptr, 1)
    case U8Type()           : store_int(cx, v, ptr, 1)
    case U16Type()          : store_int(cx, v, ptr, 2)
    case U32Type()          : store_int(cx, v, ptr, 4)
    case U64Type()          : store_int(cx, v, ptr, 8)
    case S8Type()           : store_int(cx, v, ptr, 1, signed = True)
    case S16Type()          : store_int(cx, v, ptr, 2, signed = True)
    case S32Type()          : store_int(cx, v, ptr, 4, signed = True)
    case S64Type()          : store_int(cx, v, ptr, 8, signed = True)
    case F32Type()          : store_int(cx, encode_float_as_i32(v), ptr, 4)
    case F64Type()          : store_int(cx, encode_float_as_i64(v), ptr, 8)
    case CharType()         : store_int(cx, char_to_i32(v), ptr, 4)
    case StringType()       : store_string(cx, v, ptr)
    case ErrorContextType() : store_int(cx, lower_error_context(cx, v), ptr, 4)
    case ListType(t, l)     : store_list(cx, v, ptr, t, l)
    case RecordType(fields) : store_record(cx, v, ptr, fields)
    case VariantType(cases) : store_variant(cx, v, ptr, cases)
    case FlagsType(labels)  : store_flags(cx, v, ptr, labels)
    case OwnType()          : store_int(cx, lower_own(cx, v, t), ptr, 4)
    case BorrowType()       : store_int(cx, lower_borrow(cx, v, t), ptr, 4)
    case StreamType(t)      : store_int(cx, lower_stream(cx, v, t), ptr, 4)
    case FutureType(t)      : store_int(cx, lower_future(cx, v, t), ptr, 4)

Integers are stored directly into memory. Because the input domain is exactly the integers in range for the given type, no extra range checks are necessary; the signed parameter is only present to ensure that the internal range checks of int.to_bytes are satisfied.

def store_int(cx, v, ptr, nbytes, signed = False):
  cx.opts.memory[ptr : ptr+nbytes] = int.to_bytes(v, nbytes, 'little', signed = signed)

Floats are stored directly into memory, with the sign and payload bits of NaN values modified non-deterministically. This reflects the practical reality that different languages, protocols and CPUs have different effects on NaNs.

Although this non-determinism is expressed in the Python code below as generating a "random" NaN bit-pattern, native implementations do not need to use the same "random" algorithm, or even any random algorithm at all. Hosts may instead chose to canonicalize to an arbitrary fixed NaN value, or even to the original value of the NaN before lifting, allowing them to optimize away both the canonicalization of lifting and the randomization of lowering.

When a host implements the deterministic profile, NaNs are canonicalized to a particular NaN bit-pattern.

def maybe_scramble_nan32(f):
  if math.isnan(f):
      f = core_f32_reinterpret_i32(CANONICAL_FLOAT32_NAN)
      f = core_f32_reinterpret_i32(random_nan_bits(32, 8))
  return f

def maybe_scramble_nan64(f):
  if math.isnan(f):
      f = core_f64_reinterpret_i64(CANONICAL_FLOAT64_NAN)
      f = core_f64_reinterpret_i64(random_nan_bits(64, 11))
  return f

def random_nan_bits(total_bits, exponent_bits):
  fraction_bits = total_bits - exponent_bits - 1
  bits = random.getrandbits(total_bits)
  bits |= ((1 << exponent_bits) - 1) << fraction_bits
  bits |= 1 << random.randrange(fraction_bits - 1)
  return bits

def encode_float_as_i32(f):
  return core_i32_reinterpret_f32(maybe_scramble_nan32(f))

def encode_float_as_i64(f):
  return core_i64_reinterpret_f64(maybe_scramble_nan64(f))

def core_i32_reinterpret_f32(f):
  return struct.unpack('<I', struct.pack('<f', f))[0] # i32.reinterpret_f32

def core_i64_reinterpret_f64(f):
  return struct.unpack('<Q', struct.pack('<d', f))[0] # i64.reinterpret_f64

The integral value of a char (a Unicode Scalar Value) is a valid unsigned i32 and thus no runtime conversion or checking is necessary:

def char_to_i32(c):
  i = ord(c)
  assert(0 <= i <= 0xD7FF or 0xD800 <= i <= 0x10FFFF)
  return i

Storing strings is complicated by the goal of attempting to optimize the different transcoding cases. In particular, one challenge is choosing the linear memory allocation size before examining the contents of the string. The reason for this constraint is that, in some settings where single-pass iterators are involved (host calls and post-MVP adapter functions), examining the contents of a string more than once would require making an engine-internal temporary copy of the whole string, which the component model specifically aims not to do. To avoid multiple passes, the canonical ABI instead uses a realloc approach to update the allocation size during the single copy. A blind realloc approach would normally suffer from multiple reallocations per string (e.g., using the standard doubling-growth strategy). However, as already shown in load_string above, string values come with two useful hints: their original encoding and byte length. From this hint data, store_string can do a much better job minimizing the number of reallocations.

We start with a case analysis to enumerate all the meaningful encoding combinations, subdividing the latin1+utf16 encoding into either latin1 or utf16 based on the UTF16_BIT flag set by load_string:

def store_string(cx, v: String, ptr):
  begin, tagged_code_units = store_string_into_range(cx, v)
  store_int(cx, begin, ptr, 4)
  store_int(cx, tagged_code_units, ptr + 4, 4)

def store_string_into_range(cx, v: String):
  src, src_encoding, src_tagged_code_units = v

  if src_encoding == 'latin1+utf16':
    if bool(src_tagged_code_units & UTF16_TAG):
      src_simple_encoding = 'utf16'
      src_code_units = src_tagged_code_units ^ UTF16_TAG
      src_simple_encoding = 'latin1'
      src_code_units = src_tagged_code_units
    src_simple_encoding = src_encoding
    src_code_units = src_tagged_code_units

  match cx.opts.string_encoding:
    case 'utf8':
      match src_simple_encoding:
        case 'utf8'         : return store_string_copy(cx, src, src_code_units, 1, 1, 'utf-8')
        case 'utf16'        : return store_utf16_to_utf8(cx, src, src_code_units)
        case 'latin1'       : return store_latin1_to_utf8(cx, src, src_code_units)
    case 'utf16':
      match src_simple_encoding:
        case 'utf8'         : return store_utf8_to_utf16(cx, src, src_code_units)
        case 'utf16'        : return store_string_copy(cx, src, src_code_units, 2, 2, 'utf-16-le')
        case 'latin1'       : return store_string_copy(cx, src, src_code_units, 2, 2, 'utf-16-le')
    case 'latin1+utf16':
      match src_encoding:
        case 'utf8'         : return store_string_to_latin1_or_utf16(cx, src, src_code_units)
        case 'utf16'        : return store_string_to_latin1_or_utf16(cx, src, src_code_units)
        case 'latin1+utf16' :
          match src_simple_encoding:
            case 'latin1'   : return store_string_copy(cx, src, src_code_units, 1, 2, 'latin-1')
            case 'utf16'    : return store_probably_utf16_to_latin1_or_utf16(cx, src, src_code_units)

The simplest 4 cases above can compute the exact destination size and then copy with a simply loop (that possibly inflates Latin-1 to UTF-16 by injecting a 0 byte after every Latin-1 byte).

MAX_STRING_BYTE_LENGTH = (1 << 31) - 1

def store_string_copy(cx, src, src_code_units, dst_code_unit_size, dst_alignment, dst_encoding):
  dst_byte_length = dst_code_unit_size * src_code_units
  trap_if(dst_byte_length > MAX_STRING_BYTE_LENGTH)
  ptr = cx.opts.realloc(0, 0, dst_alignment, dst_byte_length)
  trap_if(ptr != align_to(ptr, dst_alignment))
  trap_if(ptr + dst_byte_length > len(cx.opts.memory))
  encoded = src.encode(dst_encoding)
  assert(dst_byte_length == len(encoded))
  cx.opts.memory[ptr : ptr+len(encoded)] = encoded
  return (ptr, src_code_units)

The choice of MAX_STRING_BYTE_LENGTH constant ensures that the high bit of a string's byte length is never set, keeping it clear for UTF16_BIT.

The 2 cases of transcoding into UTF-8 share an algorithm that starts by optimistically assuming that each code unit of the source string fits in a single UTF-8 byte and then, failing that, reallocates to a worst-case size, finishes the copy, and then finishes with a shrinking reallocation.

def store_utf16_to_utf8(cx, src, src_code_units):
  worst_case_size = src_code_units * 3
  return store_string_to_utf8(cx, src, src_code_units, worst_case_size)

def store_latin1_to_utf8(cx, src, src_code_units):
  worst_case_size = src_code_units * 2
  return store_string_to_utf8(cx, src, src_code_units, worst_case_size)

def store_string_to_utf8(cx, src, src_code_units, worst_case_size):
  assert(src_code_units <= MAX_STRING_BYTE_LENGTH)
  ptr = cx.opts.realloc(0, 0, 1, src_code_units)
  trap_if(ptr + src_code_units > len(cx.opts.memory))
  for i,code_point in enumerate(src):
    if ord(code_point) < 2**7:
      cx.opts.memory[ptr + i] = ord(code_point)
      trap_if(worst_case_size > MAX_STRING_BYTE_LENGTH)
      ptr = cx.opts.realloc(ptr, src_code_units, 1, worst_case_size)
      trap_if(ptr + worst_case_size > len(cx.opts.memory))
      encoded = src.encode('utf-8')
      cx.opts.memory[ptr+i : ptr+len(encoded)] = encoded[i : ]
      if worst_case_size > len(encoded):
        ptr = cx.opts.realloc(ptr, worst_case_size, 1, len(encoded))
        trap_if(ptr + len(encoded) > len(cx.opts.memory))
      return (ptr, len(encoded))
  return (ptr, src_code_units)

Converting from UTF-8 to UTF-16 performs an initial worst-case size allocation (assuming each UTF-8 byte encodes a whole code point that inflates into a two-byte UTF-16 code unit) and then does a shrinking reallocation at the end if multiple UTF-8 bytes were collapsed into a single 2-byte UTF-16 code unit:

def store_utf8_to_utf16(cx, src, src_code_units):
  worst_case_size = 2 * src_code_units
  trap_if(worst_case_size > MAX_STRING_BYTE_LENGTH)
  ptr = cx.opts.realloc(0, 0, 2, worst_case_size)
  trap_if(ptr != align_to(ptr, 2))
  trap_if(ptr + worst_case_size > len(cx.opts.memory))
  encoded = src.encode('utf-16-le')
  cx.opts.memory[ptr : ptr+len(encoded)] = encoded
  if len(encoded) < worst_case_size:
    ptr = cx.opts.realloc(ptr, worst_case_size, 2, len(encoded))
    trap_if(ptr != align_to(ptr, 2))
    trap_if(ptr + len(encoded) > len(cx.opts.memory))
  code_units = int(len(encoded) / 2)
  return (ptr, code_units)

The next transcoding case handles latin1+utf16 encoding, where there general goal is to fit the incoming string into Latin-1 if possible based on the code points of the incoming string. The algorithm speculates that all code points do fit into Latin-1 and then falls back to a worst-case allocation size when a code point is found outside Latin-1. In this fallback case, the previously-copied Latin-1 bytes are inflated in place, inserting a 0 byte after every Latin-1 byte (iterating in reverse to avoid clobbering later bytes):

def store_string_to_latin1_or_utf16(cx, src, src_code_units):
  assert(src_code_units <= MAX_STRING_BYTE_LENGTH)
  ptr = cx.opts.realloc(0, 0, 2, src_code_units)
  trap_if(ptr != align_to(ptr, 2))
  trap_if(ptr + src_code_units > len(cx.opts.memory))
  dst_byte_length = 0
  for usv in src:
    if ord(usv) < (1 << 8):
      cx.opts.memory[ptr + dst_byte_length] = ord(usv)
      dst_byte_length += 1
      worst_case_size = 2 * src_code_units
      trap_if(worst_case_size > MAX_STRING_BYTE_LENGTH)
      ptr = cx.opts.realloc(ptr, src_code_units, 2, worst_case_size)
      trap_if(ptr != align_to(ptr, 2))
      trap_if(ptr + worst_case_size > len(cx.opts.memory))
      for j in range(dst_byte_length-1, -1, -1):
        cx.opts.memory[ptr + 2*j] = cx.opts.memory[ptr + j]
        cx.opts.memory[ptr + 2*j + 1] = 0
      encoded = src.encode('utf-16-le')
      cx.opts.memory[ptr+2*dst_byte_length : ptr+len(encoded)] = encoded[2*dst_byte_length : ]
      if worst_case_size > len(encoded):
        ptr = cx.opts.realloc(ptr, worst_case_size, 2, len(encoded))
        trap_if(ptr != align_to(ptr, 2))
        trap_if(ptr + len(encoded) > len(cx.opts.memory))
      tagged_code_units = int(len(encoded) / 2) | UTF16_TAG
      return (ptr, tagged_code_units)
  if dst_byte_length < src_code_units:
    ptr = cx.opts.realloc(ptr, src_code_units, 2, dst_byte_length)
    trap_if(ptr != align_to(ptr, 2))
    trap_if(ptr + dst_byte_length > len(cx.opts.memory))
  return (ptr, dst_byte_length)

The final transcoding case takes advantage of the extra heuristic information that the incoming UTF-16 bytes were intentionally chosen over Latin-1 by the producer, indicating that they probably contain code points outside Latin-1 and thus probably require inflation. Based on this information, the transcoding algorithm pessimistically allocates storage for UTF-16, deflating at the end if indeed no non-Latin-1 code points were encountered. This Latin-1 deflation ensures that if a group of components are all using latin1+utf16 and one component over-uses UTF-16, other components can recover the Latin-1 compression. (The Latin-1 check can be inexpensively fused with the UTF-16 validate+copy loop.)

def store_probably_utf16_to_latin1_or_utf16(cx, src, src_code_units):
  src_byte_length = 2 * src_code_units
  trap_if(src_byte_length > MAX_STRING_BYTE_LENGTH)
  ptr = cx.opts.realloc(0, 0, 2, src_byte_length)
  trap_if(ptr != align_to(ptr, 2))
  trap_if(ptr + src_byte_length > len(cx.opts.memory))
  encoded = src.encode('utf-16-le')
  cx.opts.memory[ptr : ptr+len(encoded)] = encoded
  if any(ord(c) >= (1 << 8) for c in src):
    tagged_code_units = int(len(encoded) / 2) | UTF16_TAG
    return (ptr, tagged_code_units)
  latin1_size = int(len(encoded) / 2)
  for i in range(latin1_size):
    cx.opts.memory[ptr + i] = cx.opts.memory[ptr + 2*i]
  ptr = cx.opts.realloc(ptr, src_byte_length, 1, latin1_size)
  trap_if(ptr + latin1_size > len(cx.opts.memory))
  return (ptr, latin1_size)

Error context values are lowered by storing them directly into the per-component-instance error_contexts table and passing the i32 index to wasm.

def lower_error_context(cx, v):
  return cx.inst.error_contexts.add(v)

Lists and records are stored by recursively storing their elements and are symmetric to the loading functions. Unlike strings, lists can simply allocate based on the up-front knowledge of length and static element size.

def store_list(cx, v, ptr, elem_type, maybe_length):
  if maybe_length is not None:
    assert(maybe_length == len(v))
    store_list_into_valid_range(cx, v, ptr, elem_type)
  begin, length = store_list_into_range(cx, v, elem_type)
  store_int(cx, begin, ptr, 4)
  store_int(cx, length, ptr + 4, 4)

def store_list_into_range(cx, v, elem_type):
  byte_length = len(v) * elem_size(elem_type)
  trap_if(byte_length >= (1 << 32))
  ptr = cx.opts.realloc(0, 0, alignment(elem_type), byte_length)
  trap_if(ptr != align_to(ptr, alignment(elem_type)))
  trap_if(ptr + byte_length > len(cx.opts.memory))
  store_list_into_valid_range(cx, v, ptr, elem_type)
  return (ptr, len(v))

def store_list_into_valid_range(cx, v, ptr, elem_type):
  for i,e in enumerate(v):
    store(cx, e, elem_type, ptr + i * elem_size(elem_type))

def store_record(cx, v, ptr, fields):
  for f in fields:
    ptr = align_to(ptr, alignment(f.t))
    store(cx, v[f.label], f.t, ptr)
    ptr += elem_size(f.t)

Variant values are represented as Python dictionaries containing exactly one entry whose key is the label of the lifted case and whose value is the (optional) case payload. While this code appears to do an O(n) search of the variant type for a matching case label, a normal implementation can statically fuse store_variant with its matching load_variant to ultimately build a dense array that maps producer's case indices to the consumer's case indices.

def store_variant(cx, v, ptr, cases):
  case_index, case_value = match_case(v, cases)
  disc_size = elem_size(discriminant_type(cases))
  store_int(cx, case_index, ptr, disc_size)
  ptr += disc_size
  ptr = align_to(ptr, max_case_alignment(cases))
  c = cases[case_index]
  if c.t is not None:
    store(cx, case_value, c.t, ptr)

def match_case(v, cases):
  [label] = v.keys()
  [index] = [i for i,c in enumerate(cases) if c.label == label]
  [value] = v.values()
  return (index, value)

Flags are converted from a dictionary to a bit-vector by iterating through the case-labels of the variant in the order they were listed in the type definition and OR-ing all the bits together. Flag lifting/lowering can be statically fused into array/integer operations (with a simple byte copy when the case lists are the same) to avoid any string operations in a similar manner to variants.

def store_flags(cx, v, ptr, labels):
  i = pack_flags_into_int(v, labels)
  store_int(cx, i, ptr, elem_size_flags(labels))

def pack_flags_into_int(v, labels):
  i = 0
  shift = 0
  for l in labels:
    i |= (int(bool(v[l])) << shift)
    shift += 1
  return i

Finally, own and borrow handles are lowered by initializing new handle elements in the current component instance's resources table. The increment of num_borrows is complemented by a decrement in canon_resource_drop and ensures that all borrowed handles are dropped before the end of the task.

def lower_own(cx, rep, t):
  h = ResourceHandle(t.rt, rep, own = True)
  return cx.inst.resources.add(h)

def lower_borrow(cx, rep, t):
  assert(isinstance(cx.borrow_scope, Task))
  if cx.inst is t.rt.impl:
    return rep
  h = ResourceHandle(t.rt, rep, own = False, borrow_scope = cx.borrow_scope)
  h.borrow_scope.num_borrows += 1
  return cx.inst.resources.add(h)

The special case in lower_borrow is an optimization, recognizing that, when a borrowed handle is passed to the component that implemented the resource type, the only thing the borrowed handle is good for is calling resource.rep, so lowering might as well avoid the overhead of creating an intermediate borrow handle.

Lowering a stream or future is entirely symmetric. The trap_if(v.closed()) in lift_future ensures the validity of the assert(not v.closed()) in lower_future.

def lower_stream(cx, v, t):
  return lower_async_value(ReadableStreamHandle, WritableStreamHandle, cx, v, t)

def lower_future(cx, v, t):
  assert(not v.closed())
  return lower_async_value(ReadableFutureHandle, WritableFutureHandle, cx, v, t)

def lower_async_value(ReadableHandleT, WritableHandleT, cx, v, t):
  assert(isinstance(v, ReadableStream))
  assert(not contains_borrow(t))
  if isinstance(v, ReadableStreamGuestImpl) and cx.inst is v.impl:
    [h] = [h for h in cx.inst.waitables.array if h and is v]
    h.paired = False
    i = cx.inst.waitables.array.index(h)
    assert(2**31 > Table.MAX_LENGTH >= i)
    return i | (2**31)
    h = ReadableHandleT(v, t)
    h.paired = True
    return cx.inst.waitables.add(h)

In the ordinary case, the abstract ReadableStream (which may come from the host or the guest) is stored in a ReadableHandle in the waitables table.

The interesting case is when a component receives back a ReadableStream that it itself holds the WritableStreamHandle for. Without specially handling this case, this would lead to copies from a single linear memory into itself which is both inefficient and raises subtle semantic interleaving questions that we would rather avoid. To avoid both, this case is detected and the ReadableStream is "unwrapped" to the writable handle, returning the existing index of it in the waitables table, setting the high bit to signal this fact to guest code. Guest code must therefore handle this special case by collapsing the two ends of the stream to work fully without guest code (since the Canonical ABI is now wholly unnecessary to pass values from writer to reader). The O(N) searches through the waitables table are expected to be optimized away by instead storing a pointer or index of the writable handle in the stream itself (alongside the impl field).


With only the definitions above, the Canonical ABI would be forced to place all parameters and results in linear memory. While this is necessary in the general case, in many cases performance can be improved by passing small-enough values in registers by using core function parameters and results. To support this optimization, the Canonical ABI defines flatten_functype to map component function types to core function types by attempting to decompose all the non-dynamically-sized component value types into core value types.

For a variety of practical reasons, we need to limit the total number of flattened parameters and results, falling back to storing everything in linear memory. The number of flattened results is currently limited to 1 due to various parts of the toolchain (notably the C ABI) not yet being able to express multi-value returns. Hopefully this limitation is temporary and can be lifted before the Component Model is fully standardized.

When there are too many flat values, in general, a single i32 pointer can be passed instead (pointing to a tuple in linear memory). When lowering into linear memory, this requires the Canonical ABI to call realloc (in lower below) to allocate space to put the tuple. As an optimization, when lowering the return value of an imported function (via canon lower), the caller can have already allocated space for the return value (e.g., efficiently on the stack), passing in an i32 pointer as an parameter instead of returning an i32 as a return value.

Given all this, the top-level definition of flatten_functype is:


def flatten_functype(opts, ft, context):
  flat_params = flatten_types(ft.param_types())
  flat_results = flatten_types(ft.result_types())
  if opts.sync:
    if len(flat_params) > MAX_FLAT_PARAMS:
      flat_params = ['i32']
    if len(flat_results) > MAX_FLAT_RESULTS:
      match context:
        case 'lift':
          flat_results = ['i32']
        case 'lower':
          flat_params += ['i32']
          flat_results = []
    return CoreFuncType(flat_params, flat_results)
    match context:
      case 'lift':
        if opts.callback:
          flat_results = ['i32']
          flat_results = []
      case 'lower':
        if len(flat_params) > 1:
          flat_params = ['i32']
        if len(flat_results) > 0:
          flat_params += ['i32']
        flat_results = ['i32']
    return CoreFuncType(flat_params, flat_results)

def flatten_types(ts):
  return [ft for t in ts for ft in flatten_type(t)]

As shown here, the core signatures async functions use a lower limit on the maximum number of parameters (1) and results (0) passed as scalars before falling back to passing through memory.

Presenting the definition of flatten_type piecewise, we start with the top-level case analysis:

def flatten_type(t):
  match despecialize(t):
    case BoolType()                       : return ['i32']
    case U8Type() | U16Type() | U32Type() : return ['i32']
    case S8Type() | S16Type() | S32Type() : return ['i32']
    case S64Type() | U64Type()            : return ['i64']
    case F32Type()                        : return ['f32']
    case F64Type()                        : return ['f64']
    case CharType()                       : return ['i32']
    case StringType()                     : return ['i32', 'i32']
    case ErrorContextType()               : return ['i32']
    case ListType(t, l)                   : return flatten_list(t, l)
    case RecordType(fields)               : return flatten_record(fields)
    case VariantType(cases)               : return flatten_variant(cases)
    case FlagsType(labels)                : return ['i32']
    case OwnType() | BorrowType()         : return ['i32']
    case StreamType() | FutureType()      : return ['i32']

List flattening of a fixed-length list uses the same flattening as a tuple (via flatten_record below).

def flatten_list(elem_type, maybe_length):
  if maybe_length is not None:
    return flatten_type(elem_type) * maybe_length
  return ['i32', 'i32']

Record flattening simply flattens each field in sequence.

def flatten_record(fields):
  flat = []
  for f in fields:
    flat += flatten_type(f.t)
  return flat

Variant flattening is more involved due to the fact that each case payload can have a totally different flattening. Rather than giving up when there is a type mismatch, the Canonical ABI relies on the fact that the 4 core value types can be easily bit-cast between each other and defines a join operator to pick the tightest approximation. What this means is that, regardless of the dynamic case, all flattened variants are passed with the same static set of core types, which may involve, e.g., reinterpreting an f32 as an i32 or zero-extending an i32 into an i64.

def flatten_variant(cases):
  flat = []
  for c in cases:
    if c.t is not None:
      for i,ft in enumerate(flatten_type(c.t)):
        if i < len(flat):
          flat[i] = join(flat[i], ft)
  return flatten_type(discriminant_type(cases)) + flat

def join(a, b):
  if a == b: return a
  if (a == 'i32' and b == 'f32') or (a == 'f32' and b == 'i32'): return 'i32'
  return 'i64'

Flat Lifting

Values are lifted by iterating over a list of parameter or result Core WebAssembly values:

class CoreValueIter:
  values: list[int|float]
  i: int

  def __init__(self, vs):
    self.values = vs
    self.i = 0

  def next(self, t):
    v = self.values[self.i]
    self.i += 1
    match t:
      case 'i32': assert(isinstance(v, int) and 0 <= v < 2**32)
      case 'i64': assert(isinstance(v, int) and 0 <= v < 2**64)
      case 'f32': assert(isinstance(v, (int,float)))
      case 'f64': assert(isinstance(v, (int,float)))
      case _    : assert(False)
    return v

  def done(self):
    return self.i == len(self.values)

The match is only used for spec-level assertions; no runtime typecase is required.

The lift_flat function defines how to convert a list of core values into a single high-level value of type t. Presenting the definition of lift_flat piecewise, we start with the top-level case analysis:

def lift_flat(cx, vi, t):
  match despecialize(t):
    case BoolType()         : return convert_int_to_bool('i32'))
    case U8Type()           : return lift_flat_unsigned(vi, 32, 8)
    case U16Type()          : return lift_flat_unsigned(vi, 32, 16)
    case U32Type()          : return lift_flat_unsigned(vi, 32, 32)
    case U64Type()          : return lift_flat_unsigned(vi, 64, 64)
    case S8Type()           : return lift_flat_signed(vi, 32, 8)
    case S16Type()          : return lift_flat_signed(vi, 32, 16)
    case S32Type()          : return lift_flat_signed(vi, 32, 32)
    case S64Type()          : return lift_flat_signed(vi, 64, 64)
    case F32Type()          : return canonicalize_nan32('f32'))
    case F64Type()          : return canonicalize_nan64('f64'))
    case CharType()         : return convert_i32_to_char(cx,'i32'))
    case StringType()       : return lift_flat_string(cx, vi)
    case ErrorContextType() : return lift_error_context(cx,'i32'))
    case ListType(t, l)     : return lift_flat_list(cx, vi, t, l)
    case RecordType(fields) : return lift_flat_record(cx, vi, fields)
    case VariantType(cases) : return lift_flat_variant(cx, vi, cases)
    case FlagsType(labels)  : return lift_flat_flags(vi, labels)
    case OwnType()          : return lift_own(cx,'i32'), t)
    case BorrowType()       : return lift_borrow(cx,'i32'), t)
    case StreamType(t)      : return lift_stream(cx,'i32'), t)
    case FutureType(t)      : return lift_future(cx,'i32'), t)

Integers are lifted from core i32 or i64 values using the signedness of the target type to interpret the high-order bit. When the target type is narrower than an i32, the Canonical ABI ignores the unused high bits (like load_int). The conversion logic here assumes that i32 values are always represented as unsigned Python ints and thus lifting to a signed type performs a manual 2s complement conversion in the Python (which would be a no-op in hardware).

def lift_flat_unsigned(vi, core_width, t_width):
  i ='i' + str(core_width))
  assert(0 <= i < (1 << core_width))
  return i % (1 << t_width)

def lift_flat_signed(vi, core_width, t_width):
  i ='i' + str(core_width))
  assert(0 <= i < (1 << core_width))
  i %= (1 << t_width)
  if i >= (1 << (t_width - 1)):
    return i - (1 << t_width)
  return i

The contents of strings and variable-length lists are stored in memory so lifting these types is essentially the same as loading them from memory; the only difference is that the pointer and length come from i32 values instead of from linear memory. Fixed-length lists are lifted the same way as a tuple (via lift_flat_record below).

def lift_flat_string(cx, vi):
  ptr ='i32')
  packed_length ='i32')
  return load_string_from_range(cx, ptr, packed_length)

def lift_flat_list(cx, vi, elem_type, maybe_length):
  if maybe_length is not None:
    a = []
    for i in range(maybe_length):
      a.append(lift_flat(cx, vi, elem_type))
    return a
  ptr ='i32')
  length ='i32')
  return load_list_from_range(cx, ptr, length, elem_type)

Records are lifted by recursively lifting their fields:

def lift_flat_record(cx, vi, fields):
  record = {}
  for f in fields:
    record[f.label] = lift_flat(cx, vi, f.t)
  return record

Variants are also lifted recursively. Lifting a variant must carefully follow the definition of flatten_variant above, consuming the exact same core types regardless of the dynamic case payload being lifted. Because of the join performed by flatten_variant, we need a more-permissive value iterator that reinterprets between the different types appropriately and also traps if the high bits of an i64 are set for a 32-bit type:

def lift_flat_variant(cx, vi, cases):
  flat_types = flatten_variant(cases)
  assert(flat_types.pop(0) == 'i32')
  case_index ='i32')
  trap_if(case_index >= len(cases))
  class CoerceValueIter:
    def next(self, want):
      have = flat_types.pop(0)
      x =
      match (have, want):
        case ('i32', 'f32') : return decode_i32_as_float(x)
        case ('i64', 'i32') : return wrap_i64_to_i32(x)
        case ('i64', 'f32') : return decode_i32_as_float(wrap_i64_to_i32(x))
        case ('i64', 'f64') : return decode_i64_as_float(x)
        case _              : assert(have == want); return x
  c = cases[case_index]
  if c.t is None:
    v = None
    v = lift_flat(cx, CoerceValueIter(), c.t)
  for have in flat_types:
    _ =
  return { c.label: v }

def wrap_i64_to_i32(i):
  assert(0 <= i < (1 << 64))
  return i % (1 << 32)

Finally, flags are lifted by lifting to a record the same way as when loading flags from linear memory.

def lift_flat_flags(vi, labels):
  assert(0 < len(labels) <= 32)
  i ='i32')
  return unpack_flags_from_int(i, labels)

Flat Lowering

The lower_flat function defines how to convert a value v of a given type t into zero or more core values. Presenting the definition of lower_flat piecewise, we start with the top-level case analysis:

def lower_flat(cx, v, t):
  match despecialize(t):
    case BoolType()         : return [int(v)]
    case U8Type()           : return [v]
    case U16Type()          : return [v]
    case U32Type()          : return [v]
    case U64Type()          : return [v]
    case S8Type()           : return lower_flat_signed(v, 32)
    case S16Type()          : return lower_flat_signed(v, 32)
    case S32Type()          : return lower_flat_signed(v, 32)
    case S64Type()          : return lower_flat_signed(v, 64)
    case F32Type()          : return [maybe_scramble_nan32(v)]
    case F64Type()          : return [maybe_scramble_nan64(v)]
    case CharType()         : return [char_to_i32(v)]
    case StringType()       : return lower_flat_string(cx, v)
    case ErrorContextType() : return lower_error_context(cx, v)
    case ListType(t, l)     : return lower_flat_list(cx, v, t, l)
    case RecordType(fields) : return lower_flat_record(cx, v, fields)
    case VariantType(cases) : return lower_flat_variant(cx, v, cases)
    case FlagsType(labels)  : return lower_flat_flags(v, labels)
    case OwnType()          : return [lower_own(cx, v, t)]
    case BorrowType()       : return [lower_borrow(cx, v, t)]
    case StreamType(t)      : return [lower_stream(cx, v, t)]
    case FutureType(t)      : return [lower_future(cx, v, t)]

Since component-level values are assumed in-range and, as previously stated, core i32 values are always internally represented as unsigned ints, unsigned integer values need no extra conversion. Signed integer values are converted to unsigned core i32s by 2s complement arithmetic (which again would be a no-op in hardware):

def lower_flat_signed(i, core_bits):
  if i < 0:
    i += (1 << core_bits)
  return [i]

Since strings and variable-length lists are stored in linear memory, lifting can reuse the previous definitions; only the resulting pointers are returned differently (as i32 values instead of as a pair in linear memory). Fixed-length lists are lowered the same way as tuples (via lower_flat_record below).

def lower_flat_string(cx, v):
  ptr, packed_length = store_string_into_range(cx, v)
  return [ptr, packed_length]

def lower_flat_list(cx, v, elem_type, maybe_length):
  if maybe_length is not None:
    assert(maybe_length == len(v))
    flat = []
    for e in v:
      flat += lower_flat(cx, e, elem_type)
    return flat
  (ptr, length) = store_list_into_range(cx, v, elem_type)
  return [ptr, length]

Records are lowered by recursively lowering their fields:

def lower_flat_record(cx, v, fields):
  flat = []
  for f in fields:
    flat += lower_flat(cx, v[f.label], f.t)
  return flat

Variants are also lowered recursively. Symmetric to lift_flat_variant above, lower_flat_variant must consume all flattened types of flatten_variant, manually coercing the otherwise-incompatible type pairings allowed by join:

def lower_flat_variant(cx, v, cases):
  case_index, case_value = match_case(v, cases)
  flat_types = flatten_variant(cases)
  assert(flat_types.pop(0) == 'i32')
  c = cases[case_index]
  if c.t is None:
    payload = []
    payload = lower_flat(cx, case_value, c.t)
    for i,(fv,have) in enumerate(zip(payload, flatten_type(c.t))):
      want = flat_types.pop(0)
      match (have, want):
        case ('f32', 'i32') : payload[i] = encode_float_as_i32(fv)
        case ('i32', 'i64') : payload[i] = fv
        case ('f32', 'i64') : payload[i] = encode_float_as_i32(fv)
        case ('f64', 'i64') : payload[i] = encode_float_as_i64(fv)
        case _              : assert(have == want)
  for _ in flat_types:
  return [case_index] + payload

Finally, flags are lowered by packing the flags into an i32 bitvector.

def lower_flat_flags(v, labels):
  assert(0 < len(labels) <= 32)
  return [pack_flags_into_int(v, labels)]

Lifting and Lowering Values

The lift_flat_values function defines how to lift a list of core parameters or results (given by the CoreValueIter vi) into a tuple of component-level values with types ts.

def lift_flat_values(cx, max_flat, vi, ts):
  flat_types = flatten_types(ts)
  if len(flat_types) > max_flat:
    return lift_heap_values(cx, vi, ts)
    return [ lift_flat(cx, vi, t) for t in ts ]

def lift_heap_values(cx, vi, ts):
  ptr ='i32')
  tuple_type = TupleType(ts)
  trap_if(ptr != align_to(ptr, alignment(tuple_type)))
  trap_if(ptr + elem_size(tuple_type) > len(cx.opts.memory))
  return list(load(cx, ptr, tuple_type).values())

Symmetrically, the lower_flat_values function defines how to lower a list of component-level values vs of types ts into a list of core values. As already described for flatten_functype above, lowering handles the greater-than-max_flat case by either allocating storage with realloc or accepting a caller-allocated buffer as an out-param:

def lower_flat_values(cx, max_flat, vs, ts, out_param = None):
  cx.inst.may_leave = False
  flat_types = flatten_types(ts)
  if len(flat_types) > max_flat:
    flat_vals = lower_heap_values(cx, vs, ts, out_param)
    flat_vals = []
    for i in range(len(vs)):
      flat_vals += lower_flat(cx, vs[i], ts[i])
  cx.inst.may_leave = True
  return flat_vals

def lower_heap_values(cx, vs, ts, out_param):
  tuple_type = TupleType(ts)
  tuple_value = {str(i): v for i,v in enumerate(vs)}
  if out_param is None:
    ptr = cx.opts.realloc(0, 0, alignment(tuple_type), elem_size(tuple_type))
    flat_vals = [ptr]
    ptr ='i32')
    flat_vals = []
  trap_if(ptr != align_to(ptr, alignment(tuple_type)))
  trap_if(ptr + elem_size(tuple_type) > len(cx.opts.memory))
  store(cx, tuple_value, tuple_type, ptr)
  return flat_vals

The may_leave flag is guarded by canon_lower below to prevent a component from calling out of the component while in the middle of lowering, ensuring that the relative ordering of the side effects of lifting followed by lowering cannot be observed and thus an implementation may reliably fuse lifting with lowering when making a cross-component call to avoid the intermediate copy.

Canonical Definitions

Using the above supporting definitions, we can describe the static and dynamic semantics of component-level canon definitions. The following subsections cover each of these canon cases.

canon lift

For a canonical definition:

(canon lift $callee:<funcidx> $opts:<canonopt>* (func $f (type $ft)))

validation specifies:

  • $callee must have type flatten_functype($opts, $ft, 'lift')
  • $f is given type $ft
  • a memory is present if required by lifting and is a subtype of (memory 1)
  • a realloc is present if required by lifting and has type (func (param i32 i32 i32 i32) (result i32))
  • if a post-return is present, it has type (func (param flatten_functype({}, $ft, 'lift').results))

When instantiating component instance $inst:

  • Define $f to be the partially-bound closure canon_lift($opts, $inst, $ft, $callee)

The resulting function $f takes 4 runtime arguments:

  • caller: the caller's Task or, if this lifted function is being called by the host, None
  • on_start: a nullary function that must be called to return the caller's arguments as a list of component-level values
  • on_return: a unary function that must be called after on_start, passing the list of component-level return values
  • on_block: a unary async function taking an asyncio.Future to await, and returning the future's result. This function will be called (by the Canonical ABI) instead of raw await for any blocking operation.

The indirection of on_start and on_return are used to model the interleaving of reading arguments out of the caller's stack and memory and writing results back into the caller's stack and memory, which will vary in async calls. The on_block callback is described above and defaults to default_on_block, also described above.

If $f ends up being called by the host, the host is responsible for, in a host-defined manner, conjuring up component-level values suitable for passing into lower and, conversely, consuming the component values produced by lift. For example, if the host is a native JS runtime, the JavaScript embedding would specify how native JavaScript values are converted to and from component values. Alternatively, if the host is a Unix CLI that invokes component exports directly from the command line, the CLI could choose to automatically parse argv into component-level values according to the declared types of the export. In any case, canon lift specifies how these variously-produced values are consumed as parameters (and produced as results) by a single host-agnostic component.

Based on this, canon_lift is defined:

async def canon_lift(opts, inst, ft, callee, caller, on_start, on_return, on_block = default_on_block):
  task = Task(opts, inst, ft, caller, on_return, on_block)
  flat_args = await task.enter(on_start)
  flat_ft = flatten_functype(opts, ft, 'lift')
  assert(types_match_values(flat_ft.params, flat_args))
  if opts.sync:
    flat_results = await call_and_trap_on_throw(callee, task, flat_args)
    if not opts.always_task_return:
      assert(types_match_values(flat_ft.results, flat_results))
      if opts.post_return is not None:
        [] = await call_and_trap_on_throw(opts.post_return, task, flat_results)
    if not opts.callback:
      [] = await call_and_trap_on_throw(callee, task, flat_args)
      assert(types_match_values(flat_ft.results, []))
      [packed_ctx] = await call_and_trap_on_throw(callee, task, flat_args)
      assert(types_match_values(flat_ft.results, [packed_ctx]))
      while packed_ctx != 0:
        is_yield = bool(packed_ctx & 1)
        ctx = packed_ctx & ~1
        if is_yield:
          await task.yield_(sync = False)
          event, p1, p2 = (EventCode.YIELDED, 0, 0)
          event, p1, p2 = await task.wait(sync = False)
        [packed_ctx] = await call_and_trap_on_throw(opts.callback, task, [ctx, event, p1, p2])

In the sync case, if the always-task-return ABI option is not set, then task.return_ will be called by callee to return values; otherwise, task.return_ must be called by canon_lift.

In the async case, there are two sub-cases depending on whether the callback canonopt was set. When callback is present, waiting happens in an "event loop" inside canon_lift which also allows yielding (i.e., allowing other tasks to run without blocking) by setting the LSB of the returned i32. Otherwise, waiting must happen by calling task.wait (defined below), which potentially requires the runtime implementation to use a fiber (aka. stackful coroutine) to switch to another task. Thus, callback is an optimization for avoiding fiber creation for async languages that don't need it (e.g., JS, Python, C# and Rust).

Uncaught Core WebAssembly exceptions result in a trap at component boundaries. Thus, if a component wishes to signal an error, it must use some sort of explicit type such as result (whose error case particular language bindings may choose to map to and from exceptions):

async def call_and_trap_on_throw(callee, task, args):
    return await callee(task, args)
  except CoreWebAssemblyException:

canon lower

For a canonical definition:

(canon lower $callee:<funcidx> $opts:<canonopt>* (core func $f))

where $callee has type $ft, validation specifies:

  • $f is given type flatten_functype($opts, $ft, 'lower')
  • a memory is present if required by lifting and is a subtype of (memory 1)
  • a realloc is present if required by lifting and has type (func (param i32 i32 i32 i32) (result i32))
  • there is no post-return in $opts
  • if contains_async_value($ft), then $opts.async must be set

When instantiating component instance $inst:

  • Define $f to be the partially-bound closure: canon_lower($opts, $ft, $callee)

The resulting function $f takes 2 runtime arguments:

  • task: the Task that was created by canon_lift when entering the current component instance
  • flat_args: the list of core values passed by the core function calller

Given this, canon_lower is defined in chunks as follows:

async def canon_lower(opts, ft, callee, task, flat_args):
  trap_if(not task.inst.may_leave)
  subtask = Subtask(task)
  cx = LiftLowerContext(opts, task.inst, subtask)

Each call to canon lower creates a new Subtask. However, this Subtask is only added to the waitables table if async is specified and the callee blocks. In any case, this Subtask is used as the borrow_scope for borrow lifted during the call, ensuring that owned handles are not dropped before Subtask.finish() is called.

The on_start and on_return callbacks are called by the callee (which is canon_lift, when wasm calls wasm) to produce and consume lifted arguments and results, resp. These callbacks are also used by canon_lift to update the CallState of the Subtask and notify the async caller of progress via the on_progress local callback, which is assigned to do something useful in the async-blocked case below.

  flat_ft = flatten_functype(opts, ft, 'lower')
  assert(types_match_values(flat_ft.params, flat_args))
  flat_args = CoreValueIter(flat_args)
  flat_results = None
  on_progress = lambda: None
  def on_start():
    subtask.state = CallState.STARTED
    return lift_flat_values(cx, max_flat_params, flat_args, ft.param_types())
  def on_return(vs):
    subtask.state = CallState.RETURNED
    nonlocal flat_results
    flat_results = lower_flat_values(cx, max_flat_results, vs, ft.result_types(), flat_args)

The max_flat_{params,results} variables used above are defined in the synchronous and asynchronous branches next:

  if opts.sync:
    assert(not contains_async_value(ft))
    max_flat_params = MAX_FLAT_PARAMS
    max_flat_results = MAX_FLAT_RESULTS
    await task.call_sync(callee, task, on_start, on_return)
    assert(subtask.state == CallState.RETURNED)
    assert(types_match_values(flat_ft.results, flat_results))

In the synchronous case, Task.call_sync ensures a fully-synchronous call to callee (that prevents any interleaved execution until callee returns). The not contains_async_value(ft) assertion is ensured by validation and reflects the fact that a function that takes or returns a future or stream is extremely likely to deadlock if called in this manner (since the whole point of these types is to allow control flow to switch back and forth between caller and callee).

The asynchronous case uses the call_and_handle_blocking utility (defined above) to execute callee in a Python coroutine that suspends (via await) when blocked, immediately returning control flow to the async-lowered caller.

    max_flat_params = 1
    max_flat_results = 0
    _ = await call_and_handle_blocking(callee, task, on_start, on_return)
    match subtask.state:
      case CallState.RETURNED:
        flat_results = [0]
      case _:
        task.num_subtasks += 1
        subtaski = task.inst.waitables.add(subtask)
        def on_progress():
          if not subtask.enqueued:
            subtask.enqueued = True
            def subtask_event():
              subtask.enqueued = False
              if subtask.state == CallState.RETURNED:
              return (EventCode(subtask.state), subtaski, 0)
        assert(0 < subtaski <= Table.MAX_LENGTH < 2**30)
        assert(0 <= int(subtask.state) < 2**2)
        flat_results = [subtaski | (int(subtask.state) << 30)]

  return flat_results

If the callee reached the RETURNED state before blocking, the call returns 0, signalling to the caller that the parameters have been read and the results have been written to the outparam buffer. Note that the callee may have blocked after calling task.return and thus the callee may still be executing concurrently. However, all the caller needs to know is that it has received its return value (and all borrowed handles have been returned) and thus the subtask is ready to be dropped (via subtask.drop).

If callee did not reach the RETURNED state, it must have blocked and so the Subtask is added to the current component instance's waitables table, eagerly returning the i32 index packed with the CallState of the Subtask. If the returned CallState is STARTING, the caller must keep the memory pointed to by the first i32 parameter valid until task.wait indicates that subtask i has advanced to STARTED or RETURNED. Similarly, if the returned state is STARTED, the caller must keep the memory pointed to by the final i32 parameter valid until task.wait indicates that the subtask has advanced to RETURNED.

The on_progress callback is called by on_start and on_return above and takes care of task.notify()ing the async caller of progress. The enqueued flag is used to avoid sending repeated progress events when the caller only cares about the latest value of subtask.state, taking advantage of the fact that "events" are first-class functions that are called right before passing the event tuple to core wasm. If the RETURNED event is about to be delivered, the Subtask is finish()ed, returning ownership of borrowed handles to the async caller.

The above definitions of sync/async canon_lift/canon_lower ensure that a sync-or-async canon_lift may call a sync-or-async canon_lower, with all combinations working. This is why the Task class, which is used for both sync and async canon_lift calls, contains the code for handling async-lowered subtasks. As mentioned above, conservative syntactic analysis of all canon definitions in a component can statically rule out combinations so that, e.g., a DAG of all-sync components use a plain synchronous callstack and a DAG of all async callback components use only an event loop without fibers. It's only when async (without a callback) or various compositions of async and sync components are used that fibers (or Asyncify) are required to implement the above async rules.

Since any cross-component call necessarily transits through a statically-known canon_lower+canon_lift call pair, an AOT compiler can fuse canon_lift and canon_lower into a single, efficient trampoline. In the future this may allow efficient compilation of permissive subtyping between components (including the elimination of string operations on the labels of records and variants) as well as post-MVP adapter functions.


For a canonical definition:

(canon $rt (core func $f))

validation specifies:

  • $rt must refer to locally-defined (not imported) resource type
  • $f is given type (func (param $rt.rep) (result i32)), where $rt.rep is currently fixed to be i32.

Calling $f invokes the following function, which adds an owning handle containing the given resource representation in the current component instance's resources table:

async def canon_resource_new(rt, task, rep):
  trap_if(not task.inst.may_leave)
  h = ResourceHandle(rt, rep, own = True)
  i = task.inst.resources.add(h)
  return [i]

canon resource.drop

For a canonical definition:

(canon resource.drop $rt $async? (core func $f))

validation specifies:

  • $rt must refer to resource type
  • $f is given type (func (param i32))

Calling $f invokes the following function, which removes the handle from the current component instance's resources table and, if the handle was owning, calls the resource's destructor.

async def canon_resource_drop(rt, sync, task, i):
  trap_if(not task.inst.may_leave)
  inst = task.inst
  h = inst.resources.remove(i)
  trap_if(h.rt is not rt)
  trap_if(h.num_lends != 0)
  flat_results = [] if sync else [0]
  if h.own:
    assert(h.borrow_scope is None)
    if inst is rt.impl:
      if rt.dtor:
        await rt.dtor(h.rep)
      if rt.dtor:
        caller_opts = CanonicalOptions(sync = sync)
        callee_opts = CanonicalOptions(sync = rt.dtor_sync, callback = rt.dtor_callback)
        ft = FuncType([U32Type()],[])
        callee = partial(canon_lift, callee_opts, rt.impl, ft, rt.dtor)
        flat_results = await canon_lower(caller_opts, ft, callee, task, [h.rep])
    h.borrow_scope.num_borrows -= 1
  return flat_results

In general, the call to a resource's destructor is treated like a cross-component call (as-if the destructor was exported by the component defining the resource type). This means that cross-component destructor calls follow the same concurrency rules as normal exports. However, since there are valid reasons to call resource.drop in the same component instance that defined the resource, which would otherwise trap at the reentrance guard of Task.enter, an exception is made when the resource type's implementation-instance is the same as the current instance (which is statically known for any given canon resource.drop).

When a destructor isn't present, the rules still perform a reentrance check since this is the caller's responsibility and the presence or absence of a destructor is an encapsualted implementation detail of the resource type.

canon resource.rep

For a canonical definition:

(canon resource.rep $rt (core func $f))

validation specifies:

  • $rt must refer to a locally-defined (not imported) resource type
  • $f is given type (func (param i32) (result $rt.rep)), where $rt.rep is currently fixed to be i32.

Calling $f invokes the following function, which extracts the resource representation from the handle.

async def canon_resource_rep(rt, task, i):
  h = task.inst.resources.get(i)
  trap_if(h.rt is not rt)
  return [h.rep]

Note that the "locally-defined" requirement above ensures that only the component instance defining a resource can access its representation.

🔀 canon task.backpressure

For a canonical definition:

(canon task.backpressure (core func $f))

validation specifies:

  • $f is given type [i32] -> []

Calling $f invokes the following function, which sets the backpressure flag on the current ComponentInstance:

async def canon_task_backpressure(task, flat_args):
  task.inst.backpressure = bool(flat_args[0])
  return []

The backpressure flag is read by Task.enter (defined above) to prevent new tasks from entering the component instance and forcing the guest code to consume resources.

🔀 canon task.return

For a canonical definition:

(canon task.return (result $t)? $opts (core func $f))

validation specifies:

  • $f is given type flatten_functype($opts, (func (param $t)?), 'lower')

Calling $f invokes the following function which uses Task.return_ to lift and pass the results to the caller:

async def canon_task_return(task, result_type, opts, flat_args):
  trap_if(not task.inst.may_leave)
  trap_if(task.opts.sync and not task.opts.always_task_return)
  trap_if(result_type != task.ft.results)
  trap_if(opts != task.opts)
  return []

The trap_if(result_type != task.ft.results) guard ensures that, in a component with multiple exported functions of different types, task.return is not called with a mismatched result type (which, due to indirect control flow, can in general only be caught dynamically).

The trap_if(opts != task.opts) guard ensures that the return value is lifted the same way as the canon lift from which this task.return is returning. This ensures that AOT fusion of canon lift and canon lower can generate a thunk that is indirectly called by task.return after these guards.

🔀 canon task.wait

For a canonical definition:

(canon task.wait $async? (memory $mem) (core func $f))

validation specifies:

  • $f is given type (func (param i32) (result i32))

Calling $f waits for progress to be made in a subtask of the current task, returning the event (which is currently simply a CallState value) and writing the subtask index as an outparam:

async def canon_task_wait(sync, mem, task, ptr):
  trap_if(not task.inst.may_leave)
  trap_if(task.opts.callback and not sync)
  event, p1, p2 = await task.wait(sync)
  cx = LiftLowerContext(CanonicalOptions(memory = mem), task.inst)
  store(cx, p1, U32Type(), ptr)
  store(cx, p2, U32Type(), ptr + 4)
  return [event]

If async is not set, no other tasks may execute during task.wait, which can be useful for producer toolchains in situations where interleaving is not supported. However, this is generally worse for concurrency and thus producer toolchains should set async when possible. When $async is set, task.wait will only block the current Task, allowing other tasks to start or resume.

task.wait can be called from a synchronously-lifted export so that even synchronous code can make concurrent import calls. In these synchronous cases, though, the automatic backpressure (applied by Task.enter) will ensure there is only ever at most once synchronously-lifted task executing in a component instance at a time.

The guard preventing async use of task.wait when a callback has been used preserves the invariant that producer toolchains using callback never need to handle multiple overlapping callback activations.

🔀 canon task.poll

For a canonical definition:

(canon task.poll $async? (memory $mem) (core func $f))

validation specifies:

  • $f is given type (func (param i32) (result i32))

Calling $f does a non-blocking check for whether an event is already available, returning whether or not there was such an event as a boolean and, if there was an event, storing the i32 event and payloads as outparams.

async def canon_task_poll(sync, mem, task, ptr):
  trap_if(not task.inst.may_leave)
  trap_if(task.opts.callback and not sync)
  ret = await task.poll(sync)
  if ret is None:
    return [0]
  cx = LiftLowerContext(CanonicalOptions(memory = mem), task.inst)
  store(cx, ret, TupleType([U32Type(), U32Type(), U32Type()]), ptr)
  return [1]

When async is set, task.poll can yield to other tasks (in this or other components) as part of polling for an event.

The guard preventing async use of task.poll when a callback has been used preserves the invariant that producer toolchains using callback never need to handle multiple overlapping callback activations.

🔀 canon task.yield

For a canonical definition:

(canon task.yield $async? (core func $f))

validation specifies:

  • $f is given type (func)

Calling $f calls Task.yield_ to allow other tasks to execute:

async def canon_task_yield(sync, task):
  trap_if(not task.inst.may_leave)
  trap_if(task.opts.callback and not sync)
  await task.yield_(sync)
  return []

If async is set, no other tasks in the same component instance can execute, however tasks in other component instances may execute. This allows a long-running task in one component to avoid starving other components without needing support full reentrancy.

The guard preventing async use of task.poll when a callback has been used preserves the invariant that producer toolchains using callback never need to handle multiple overlapping callback activations.

🔀 canon subtask.drop

For a canonical definition:

(canon subtask.drop (core func $f))

validation specifies:

  • $f is given type (func (param i32))

Calling $f removes the subtask at the given index from the current component instance's watiable table, performing the guards and bookkeeping defined by Subtask.drop().

async def canon_subtask_drop(task, i):
  trap_if(not task.inst.may_leave)
  h = task.inst.waitables.remove(i)
  trap_if(not isinstance(h, Subtask))
  return []

🔀 canon {stream,future}.new

For canonical definitions:

(canon $t (core func $f))
(canon $t (core func $f))

validation specifies:

  • $f is given type (func (result i32))

Calling $f calls canon_{stream,future}_new which add a new writable end to the stream or future to the waitables table and return its index.

async def canon_stream_new(elem_type, task):
  trap_if(not task.inst.may_leave)
  h = WritableStreamHandle(elem_type, task.inst)
  return [ task.inst.waitables.add(h) ]

async def canon_future_new(t, task):
  trap_if(not task.inst.may_leave)
  h = WritableFutureHandle(t, task.inst)
  return [ task.inst.waitables.add(h) ]

Note that new writable ends start with StreamHandle.paired unset. This means they can't be used in {stream,future}.{read,write} until after they have been lifted, which creates a corresponding readable end and sets paired.

🔀 canon {stream,future}.{read,write}

For canonical definitions:

(canon $t $opts (core func $f))
(canon stream.write $t $opts (core func $f))

validation specifies:

  • $f is given type (func (param i32 i32 i32) (result i32))

For canonical definitions:

(canon $t $opts (core func $f))
(canon future.write $t $opts (core func $f))

validation specifies:

  • $f is given type (func (param i32 i32) (result i32))

The implementation of these four built-ins all funnel down to a single type- and EventCode-parameterized async_copy function. async_copy reuses the same call_and_handle_blocking machinery that async canon lower used above to model reads and writes as-if they were async import calls. For the same reason that canon lower does not allow synchronously lowering functions that contain stream or future types in their signature (high likelihood of deadlock), there is no synchronous option for read or write. The actual copy happens via polymorphic dispatch to copy, which has been defined above by the 4 {Readable,Writable}{Stream,Future}Handle types:

async def canon_stream_read(t, opts, task, i, ptr, n):
  return await async_copy(ReadableStreamHandle, WritableBufferGuestImpl, t, opts,
                          EventCode.STREAM_READ, task, i, ptr, n)

async def canon_stream_write(t, opts, task, i, ptr, n):
  return await async_copy(WritableStreamHandle, ReadableBufferGuestImpl, t, opts,
                          EventCode.STREAM_WRITE, task, i, ptr, n)

async def canon_future_read(t, opts, task, i, ptr):
  return await async_copy(ReadableFutureHandle, WritableBufferGuestImpl, t, opts,
                          EventCode.FUTURE_READ, task, i, ptr, 1)

async def canon_future_write(t, opts, task, i, ptr):
  return await async_copy(WritableFutureHandle, ReadableBufferGuestImpl, t, opts,
                          EventCode.FUTURE_WRITE, task, i, ptr, 1)

async def async_copy(HandleT, BufferT, t, opts, event_code, task, i, ptr, n):
  trap_if(not task.inst.may_leave)
  h = task.inst.waitables.get(i)
  trap_if(not isinstance(h, HandleT))
  trap_if(h.t != t)
  assert(not contains_borrow(t))
  cx = LiftLowerContext(opts, task.inst, borrow_scope = None)
  buffer = BufferT(cx, t, ptr, n)
    flat_results = [pack_async_copy_result(task, buffer, h)]
    if opts.sync:
      trap_if(not h.paired)
      await task.call_sync(h.copy, buffer)
      flat_results = [pack_async_copy_result(task, buffer, h)]
      async def do_copy(on_block):
        await h.copy(buffer, on_block)
        if h.copying_buffer is buffer:
          def copy_event():
            if h.copying_buffer is buffer:
              return (event_code, i, pack_async_copy_result(task, buffer, h))
              return None
      match await call_and_handle_blocking(do_copy):
        case Blocked():
          h.start_copying(task, buffer)
          flat_results = [BLOCKED]
        case Returned():
          flat_results = [pack_async_copy_result(task, buffer, h)]
  return flat_results

The trap_if(h.copying_buffer) trap prevents multiple overlapping calls to read or write. (This restriction could be relaxed in the future to allow greater pipeline parallelism.) The trap_if(not h.paired) in the synchronous case prevents what would otherwise be a deadlock, performing a blocking write when there is no reader.

One subtle corner case handled by this code that is worth pointing out is that, between calling h.copy() and h.copy() returning, wasm guest code can call {stream,future}.cancel-{read,write} (defined next) which may return the copy progress to the wasm guest code and reset copying_buffer to None (to allow future reads or writes). Then the wasm guest code can call {stream,future}.{read,write} again, setting copying_buffer to a new buffer. Thus, it's necessary to test h.copying_buffer is buffer both before calling task.notify(copy_event) (since the Task may have exit()ed) and right before delivering the copy_event. (Note that returning None from copy_event causes the event to be discarded.)

When the copy completes, the progress is reported to the caller. The order of tests here indicates that, if some progress was made and then the stream was closed, only the progress is reported and the CLOSED status is left to be discovered on the next read or write call.

BLOCKED = 0xffff_ffff
CLOSED  = 0x8000_0000

def pack_async_copy_result(task, buffer, h):
  if buffer.progress:
    assert(buffer.progress <= Buffer.MAX_LENGTH < BLOCKED)
    assert(not (buffer.progress & CLOSED))
    return buffer.progress
    if (errctx :=
      assert(isinstance(h, ReadableStreamHandle|ReadableFutureHandle))
      errctxi = task.inst.error_contexts.add(errctx)
      assert(errctxi != 0)
      errctxi = 0
    assert(errctxi <= Table.MAX_LENGTH < BLOCKED)
    assert(not (errctxi & CLOSED))
    return errctxi | CLOSED
    return 0

Note that error-contexts are only possible on the readable end of a stream or future (since, as defined below, only the writable end can close the stream with an error-context). Thus, error-contexts only flow in the same direction as values, as an optional last value of the stream or future.

🔀 canon {stream,future}.cancel-{read,write}

For canonical definitions:

(canon stream.cancel-read $t $async? (core func $f))
(canon stream.cancel-write $t $async? (core func $f))
(canon future.cancel-read $t $async? (core func $f))
(canon future.cancel-write $t $async? (core func $f))

validation specifies:

  • $f is given type (func (param i32) (result i32))

The implementation of these four built-ins all funnel down to a single type-parameterized cancel_async_copy function which makes a polymorphic call to cancel_copy, which has been defined above by the 4 {Readable,Writable}{Stream,Future}Handle types. Unlike read and write, cancel-read and cancel-write do provide a synchronous calling option (represented as an optional async immediate in the canon definition) since there is not the same deadlock hazard. The ability to synchronously cancel a read or write (and regain ownership of the passed buffer) is crucial since some languages will need to cancel reading or writing from within the synchronous context of a destructor.

async def canon_stream_cancel_read(t, sync, task, i):
  return await cancel_async_copy(ReadableStreamHandle, t, sync, task, i)

async def canon_stream_cancel_write(t, sync, task, i):
  return await cancel_async_copy(WritableStreamHandle, t, sync, task, i)

async def canon_future_cancel_read(t, sync, task, i):
  return await cancel_async_copy(ReadableFutureHandle, t, sync, task, i)

async def canon_future_cancel_write(t, sync, task, i):
  return await cancel_async_copy(WritableFutureHandle, t, sync, task, i)

async def cancel_async_copy(HandleT, t, sync, task, i):
  trap_if(not task.inst.may_leave)
  h = task.inst.waitables.get(i)
  trap_if(not isinstance(h, HandleT))
  trap_if(h.t != t)
  trap_if(not h.copying_buffer)
    flat_results = [pack_async_copy_result(task, h.copying_buffer, h)]
    if sync:
      await task.call_sync(h.cancel_copy, h.copying_buffer)
      flat_results = [pack_async_copy_result(task, h.copying_buffer, h)]
      match await call_and_handle_blocking(h.cancel_copy, h.copying_buffer):
        case Blocked():
          flat_results = [BLOCKED]
        case Returned():
          flat_results = [pack_async_copy_result(task, h.copying_buffer, h)]
  return flat_results

As mentioned above for async_copy, if cancellation doesn't block, the buffer's progress is synchronously returned and the "copying" status of the StreamHandle is immediately reset. In the BLOCKED case, there is no new waitable element allocated; the cancellation is simply reported as a normal {STREAM,FUTURE}_{READ,WRITE} event by the original, now-unblocked read or write.

🔀 canon {stream,future}.close-{readable,writable}

For canonical definitions:

(canon stream.close-readable $t (core func $f))
(canon future.close-readable $t (core func $f))

validation specifies:

  • $f is given type (func (param i32))

and for canonical definitions:

(canon stream.close-writable $t (core func $f))
(canon future.close-writable $t (core func $f))

validation specifies:

  • $f is given type (func (param i32 i32))

Calling $f removes the readable or writable end of the stream or future at the given index from the current component instance's waitable table, performing the guards and bookkeeping defined by {Readable,Writable}{Stream,Future}Handle.drop() above.

async def canon_stream_close_readable(t, task, i):
  return await close_async_value(ReadableStreamHandle, t, task, i, 0)

async def canon_stream_close_writable(t, task, hi, errctxi):
  return await close_async_value(WritableStreamHandle, t, task, hi, errctxi)

async def canon_future_close_readable(t, task, i):
  return await close_async_value(ReadableFutureHandle, t, task, i, 0)

async def canon_future_close_writable(t, task, hi, errctxi):
  return await close_async_value(WritableFutureHandle, t, task, hi, errctxi)

async def close_async_value(HandleT, t, task, hi, errctxi):
  trap_if(not task.inst.may_leave)
  h = task.inst.waitables.remove(hi)
  if errctxi == 0:
    errctx = None
    errctx = task.inst.error_contexts.get(errctxi)
  trap_if(not isinstance(h, HandleT))
  trap_if(h.t != t)
  return []

Note that only the writable ends of streams and futures can be closed with a final error-context value and thus error-contexts only flow in the same direction as values as an optional last value of the stream or future.

🔀 canon

For a canonical definition:

(canon $opts (core func $f))

validation specifies:

  • $f is given type (func (param i32 i32) (result i32))

Calling $f calls the following function which uses the $opts immediate to (non-deterministically) lift the debug message, create a new ErrorContext value, store it in the per-component-instance error_contexts table and returns its index.

class ErrorContext:
  debug_message: String

async def canon_error_context_new(opts, task, ptr, tagged_code_units):
  trap_if(not task.inst.may_leave)
  if DETERMINISTIC_PROFILE or random.randint(0,1):
    s = String(('', 'utf8', 0))
    cx = LiftLowerContext(opts, task.inst)
    s = load_string_from_range(cx, ptr, tagged_code_units)
    s = host_defined_transformation(s)
  i = task.inst.error_contexts.add(ErrorContext(s))
  return [i]

Supporting the requirement (introduced in the explainer) that wasm code does not depend on the contents of error-context values for behavioral correctness, the debug message is completely discarded non-deterministically or, in the deterministic profile, always. Importantly (for performance), when the debug message is discarded, it is not even lifted and thus the O(N) well-formedness conditions are not checked. (Note that host_defined_transformation is not defined by the Canonical ABI and stands for an arbitrary host-defined function.)

🔀 canon error-context.debug-message

For a canonical definition:

(canon error-context.debug-message $opts (core func $f))

validation specifies:

  • $f is given type (func (param i32 i32))

Calling $f calls the following function which uses the $opts immediate to lowers the ErrorContext's debug message. While producing an error-context value may non-deterministically discard or transform the debug message, a single error-context value must return the same debug message from error.debug-message over time.

async def canon_error_context_debug_message(opts, task, i, ptr):
  trap_if(not task.inst.may_leave)
  errctx = task.inst.error_contexts.get(i)
  cx = LiftLowerContext(opts, task.inst)
  store_string(cx, errctx.debug_message, ptr)
  return []

Note that ptr points to an 8-byte region of memory into which will be stored the pointer and length of the debug string (allocated via opts.realloc).

🔀 canon error-context.drop

For a canonical definition:

(canon error-context.drop (core func $f))

validation specifies:

  • $f is given type (func (param i32))

Calling $f calls the following function, which drops the error-context value from the current component instance's error_contexts table.

async def canon_error_context_drop(task, i):
  trap_if(not task.inst.may_leave)
  return []

🧵 canon thread.spawn

For a canonical definition:

(canon thread.spawn (type $ft) (core func $st))

validation specifies:

  • $ft must refer to a shared function type; initially, only the type (func shared (param $c i32)) is allowed (see explanation below)
  • $st is given type (func (param $f (ref null $ft)) (param $c i32) (result $e i32)).

Note: ideally, a thread could be spawned with arbitrary thread parameters. Currently, that would require additional work in the toolchain to support so, for simplicity, the current proposal simply fixes a single i32 parameter type. However, thread.spawn could be extended to allow arbitrary thread parameters in the future, once it's concretely beneficial to the toolchain. The inclusion of $ft ensures backwards compatibility for when arbitrary parameters are allowed.

Calling $st checks that the reference $f is not null. Then, it spawns a thread which:

  • invokes $f with $c
  • executes $f until completion or trap in a shared context as described by the shared-everything threads proposal.

In pseudocode, $st looks like:

def canon_thread_spawn(f, c):
  trap_if(f is None)
    return [-1]

  def thread_start():
    except CoreWebAssemblyException:

  if spawn(thread_start):
    return [0]
    return [-1]

🧵 canon thread.available_parallelism

For a canonical definition:

(canon thread.available_parallelism (core func $f))

validation specifies:

  • $f is given type (func shared (result i32)).

Calling $f returns the number of threads the underlying hardware can be expected to execute in parallel. This value can be artificially limited by engine configuration and is not allowed to change over the lifetime of a component instance.

def canon_thread_available_parallelism():
    return [1]