The morphological analyzer can be compiled on Unix systems. You'll need perl and hfst. Hfst version above 9.12.0 required.
wget -O - | sudo bash
sudo apt-get install hfst
cd mak
The compiled lexicon is hfst/hu.hfstol
hfst-lookup --cascade=composition hu.hfstol
If you want to redirect input from a file, use:
hfst-lookup --pipe-mode=input --cascade=composition hu.hfstol <intext >outtext
If you want lemmatized output, download the lemmatizer from
One way to download only this tool from the repository: Visit and paste the link above.
Install hfst from:
Usage is the same as above.
Copyright (C) 2001-2016 Attila Novák
The database files are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 (CC BY-NC-SA) license, the compilation scripts under the GNU General Public License (GPL v3) with the amendments below under Publication.
If you are interested in using or adapting the resource for commercial purposes, please contact the author at: [email protected]
If you use this database and/or the tools:
Please inform the author at [email protected] about your use of the database/tools clearly indicating what you use this database or tool for in your application/experiment/resource.
If possible, please publish a scientific paper about each application, experimental system or linguistic resource you create or experiment you perform using this resource quoting the articles below, and inform the author at [email protected] about each article you publish.
Articles to quote are the following: (See the BibTeX file quotethis.bib in the root directory):
Attila Novák (2014): A New Form of Humor – Mapping Constraint-Based Computational Morphologies to a Finite-State Representation. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2014). Reykjavík, pp. 1068–1073 (ISBN 978-2-9517408-8-4)
Attila Novák; Borbála Siklósi; Csaba Oravecz (2016): A New Integrated Open-source Morphological Analyzer for Hungarian In: Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016). Portorož, pp. 1315–1322.
Novák Attila (2003): Milyen a jó Humor? [What is good Humor like?] In: Magyar Számítógépes Nyelvészeti Konferencia (MSZNY 2003). Szegedi Tudományegyetem, pp. 138–145
- Please do share your adaptations of the morphology (vocabulary extensions etc.) using the same licenses.
This tool is also integrated into the e-magyar language processing system and its successor, emtsv. If you use the e-magyar/emtsv/hunlp-GATE system, please also refer to Novák et al. (2016).