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File metadata and controls

128 lines (94 loc) · 4.73 KB

Version NEXT

  • Changed the header protection data types for better ergonomics (#125). Previously, () was used for serialisations that only support protected headers (thus, a single constructor). This release introduces the new singleton data type RequiredProtected to replace the use of () for this purpose. This is a breaking change and some library users will need to update their code.

    The Protection type has been renamed to OptionalProtection, with the old name retained as a (deprecated) type synonym.

    The ProtectionIndicator class has been renamed to ProtectionSupport, with the old name retained as a (deprecated) type synonym.

    Added some convenience header and header parameter constructors: newJWSHeaderProtected, newHeaderParamProtected and newHeaderParamUnprotected.

  • Generalised the types of signJWT, verifyJWT and related functions to accept custom JWS header types. Added new type synonym SignedJWTWithHeader h. This change could break some applications by introducing ambiguity. The solution is to use a type annotation, type application, or explicit coercion function, as in the below examples:

    -- type application
    {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
    decodeCompact @SignedJWT s >>= verifyClaims settings k
    -- type annotation
      jwt <- decodeCompact s
      verifyClaims settings k (jwt :: SignedJWT)
    -- coercion function
      fixType = id :: SignedJWT -> SignedJWT
      verifyClaims settings k . fixType =<< decodeCompact s
  • Added unsafeGetPayload, unsafeGetJWTPayload and unsafeGetJWTClaimsSet functions. These enable access to the JWS/JWT payload without cryptographic verification. As the name imlies, these should be used with the utmost caution! (#126)

  • Add Crypto.JOSE.JWK.negotiateJWSAlg which chooses the cryptographically strongest JWS algorithm for a given key, restricted to a given set of algorithms. (#118)

  • Added new conversion functions Crypto.JOSE.JWK.fromX509PubKey and Crypto.JOSE.JWK.fromX509PrivKey. These convert from the Data.X509.PubKey and Data.X509.PrivKey types, which can be read via the crypton-x509-store package. They supports RSA, NIST ECC, and Edwards curve key types (Ed25519, Ed448, X25519, X448).

  • Updated Crypto.JOSE.JWK.fromX509Certificate to support Edwards curve key types (Ed25519, Ed448, X25519, X448).

  • Added Crypto.JOSE.JWK.fromRSAPublic :: RSA.PublicKey -> JWK.

Version 0.11 (2023-10-31)

  • Migrate to the crypton library ecosystem. crypton was a hard fork of cryptonite, which was no longer maintained. With this change, the minimum supported version of GHC increased to 8.8. There are no other notable changes in this release.

  • The v0.10 series is the last release series to support cryptonite. It will continue to receive important bug fixes until the end of 2024.

Version 0.10 (2022-09-01)

  • Introduce newtype JOSE e m a which behaves like ExceptT e m a but also has instance (MonadRandom m) => MonadRandom (JOSE e m). The orphan MonadRandom instances were removed. (#91)

  • Parameterise JWT over the claims data type. This is a cleaner mechanism to support applications that use additional claims beyond those registered by RFC 7519. unregisteredClaims and addClaim are deprecated and will be removed in a future release. (#39)

  • Add Ed448 and X448 support. (#74)

  • Add secp256k1 curve support (RFC 8812).

  • Added checkJWK :: (MonadError e m, AsError e) => JWK -> m (). This action performs some key usability checks. In particular it identifies too-small symmetric keys. (#46)

  • Removed QuickCheck instances. jose no longer depends on QuickCheck. (#106)

  • Removed orphan ToJSON and FromJSON instances for URI.

  • Fail signature verification when curve does not match algorithm. This is an additional defence against curve substitution attacks.

  • Improved error reporting when constructing a JWK from an X.509 certificate with ECDSA key.

  • Make compatible with mtl == 2.3.* (#107)

  • Make compatible with monad-time == 0.4

Older versions

See Git commit history