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File metadata and controls

1219 lines (1075 loc) · 41.2 KB



The OpenHMIS API is a web-based API for collecting data and generating reports about sources and users of social services. It is vendor-neutral, fully open, and can be implemented by anyone writing an HMIS application, to allow their application to exchange HMIS information with any source that speaks this API.

The OpenHMIS API is based on the the 2014 data standards from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), but it is independent from the underlying data storage system, that is, it does not depend on any particular database schema.

The latest version of the API is version 3 and provides complete coverage of the HUD 2014 data standards, though it is still in beta-testing while it undergoes further review and validation.

For more information about the HUD 2014 standards, see:

Note that the OpenHMIS API has a shared origin with the HMIS API project, and we are actively coordinating with that API to achieve maximum possible compatibility. We believe the OpenHMIS API is compatible with the 2015 HMIS API in most of the core methods, and we are working to expand the compatible area. Interoperability is a primary goal of OpenHMIS.

Historical background:

There have been two earlier versions of the OpenHMIS API, both of them based on the HUD 2010 data standards. Neither should be used as a basis for new development now, since they are based on HUD 2010 instead of on HUD 2014, but we list them here for reference:

OpenHMIS API Reference Documentation

The OpenHMIS API is a RESTful API that works like typical RESTful APIs. (Authentication and authorization are considered separate from the API itself; most implementations use OAuth-style authentication, such as Google Sign-in, and this INSTALL file describes one such workflow in more detail.)

Request bodies send and receive either JSON or XML representations of objects. The examples in this document are all given in JSON, but the HTTP header Content-Type should be used to designate the format for the data carried in a request, and the Accept header used to designate the desired format of the response. Thus, header pairs will either be like this:

Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

or like this:

Content-Type: application/xml
Accept: application/xml

(Theoretically, a request could name different formats for sent and received data, but we assume you're not writing insane software.)

For intermediate URLs, the objects being represented are lists, and the contents of the list are sub-objects of whatever type would be fetched by extending the URL with the natural next component. For example, assuming that is the API services base, then a GET request to

would fetch a list of clients like this:

    "data": {
      ... }
      ... }

Extending that with the appropriate personalId value ...

...would fetch the corresponding individual Client:

    "data": {
         ... }

Returned data is contained in a "data" wrapper object, as recommended by the Google JSON Style Guide and, not coincidentally, for compliance with the HMIS API as well. As the above examples show, the "data" object will contain either one "item" or a list of "items".

When there is an error, an "error" wrapper is used instead, as described in "Errors and Exceptions" later in this document. Although the Google JSON Style Guide technically allows both "data" and "error" to be included in the same response, in the OpenHMIS API they are currently mutually exclusive: you will get either "data" or "error", but not both.

POST, PUT, and DELETE work as expected: you just supply the object(s), in the same JSON format that responses use.

For example, to update the example client given above, the PUT request would look like:

$ curl -H "Authorization: __YOUR_GOOGLE_KEY_HERE__" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -X PUT --data @sample-call.json 'http://localhost:8080/openhmis/api/v3/clients/336788'

...where the contents of sample_call.json look like:

    "firstName": "NewName",
    "middleName": null,
    "lastName": "Mover"

Note that you cannot edit fields inside nested objects. For example, if you PUT an Enrollment object (containing income sources nested within it) to services/enrollments/3/, you should not expect changes in nested income sources to take effect. Instead, to change or add those income sources, you must use the appropriate top-level endpoint, e.g., services/income-sources/1.

HTTP response codes

The HTTP response codes returned from this API follow RFC 2616 web standards. We do not document the HTTP response codes for each endpoint, but the API follows these principles:

Successful requests get a response code in the 2xx range (e.g., 200 OK, or 201 Created in the case of a succesful POST or PUT request). Unsuccessful requests should get a response code in the 4xx range (e.g., 400 Bad Request in case of a data validation problem, or 401 Unauthorized in case of an authorization failure). HTTP response codes in the 5xx range are not part of this API; however, note that some implementations may return them in practice. For example when a data validity problem is not explicitly caught and thus leads to a database type mismatch error later on, the resultant low-level error might be propagated back to the client as a 500 Internal Server Error.

Top-level resources:

  • Clients
  • Enrollments
  • Organizations
  • Projects
  • Consent-to-Share Record


The Clients resource supports GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE methods.

URI: /clients


  • Path: /clients/

  • Method name: getClients()

  • Parameters: None

  • Responses: Returns all clients found.

  • Example:

    Call: $ curl http://localhost:8080/openhmis/api/v3/clients/


    { "data":
      {  "items":
               "dateUpdated": "2015-05-08",
               "dateCreated": "2003-03-03",
               "dischargeStatus": 99,
               "militaryBranch": 99,
               "otherTheater": 99,
               "iraqOND": 99,
               "iraqOIF": 99,
               "afghanistanOEF": 99,
               "desertStorm": 99,
               "vietnamWar": 99,
               "koreanWar": 99,
               "worldWarII": 99,
               "yearSeparated": null,
               "yearEnteredService": null,
               "veteranStatus": 0,
               "otherGender": null,
               "gender": 2,
               "ethnicity": 0,
               "raceNone": 8,
               "white": 1,
               "nativeHIOtherPacific": 0,
               "blackAfAmerican": 0,
               "asian": 0,
               "amIndAKNative": 0,
               "dobDataQuality": 1,
               "dob": "2045-01-24",
               "ssnDataQuality": 1,
               "ssn": "459834818",
               "nameDataQuality": 99,
               "nameSuffix": null,
               "lastName": "Mover",
               "middleName": null,
               "firstName": "Renee",
               "personalId": "336788"
               "dateUpdated": "2015-05-08",
               "dateCreated": "2005-06-28",
               "dischargeStatus": 99,
               "militaryBranch": 99,
               "otherTheater": 99,
               "iraqOND": 99,
               "iraqOIF": 99,
               "afghanistanOEF": 99,
               "desertStorm": 99,
               "vietnamWar": 99,
               "koreanWar": 99,
               "worldWarII": 99,
               "yearSeparated": null,
               "yearEnteredService": null,
               "veteranStatus": 0,
               "otherGender": null,
               "gender": 2,
               "ethnicity": 0,
               "raceNone": 8,
               "white": 1,
               "nativeHIOtherPacific": 0,
               "blackAfAmerican": 0,
               "asian": 0,
               "amIndAKNative": 0,
               "dobDataQuality": 1,
               "dob": "2049-12-31",
               "ssnDataQuality": 99,
               "ssn": "927754675",
               "nameDataQuality": 99,
               "nameSuffix": "Ms",
               "lastName": "Test",
               "middleName": "A",
               "firstName": "Sheis",
               "personalId": "518207"

This endpoint also enables searching on the following fields via querystring parameters.

Wildcard (*) Enabled Strings:

  • firstName
  • middleName
  • lastName
  • ssn


  • dateUpdated
  • dobStart
  • dobEnd

Example Search: `/clients?firstName=J*&dobEnd=2015-05-09


  • Path: /clients/

  • Method name: createClient()

  • Parameters: String data.

    • This should be a JSON-formatted string with data element names matching those in the example above.
  • Responses: Returns the newly created client as a JSON-formatted string.

  • Example:

    Create a file sample-call.json with contents like:


Call: curl -H "Authorization: __YOUR_GOOGLE_KEY_HERE__" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -X POST --data @sample-call.json 'http://localhost:8080/openhmis/api/v3/clients/'

The response will be the newly created client object.


  • Path: /clients/{personalId}

  • Method name: getClient("personalId")

  • Parameters: Takes a personalId.

  • Responses: Returns a single client with personalId matching the parameter passed in.

  • Example:

    Call: $ curl http://localhost:8080/openhmis/api/v3/clients/336788


                "dateUpdated": "2015-05-08",
                "dateCreated": "2003-03-03",
                "dischargeStatus": 99,
                "militaryBranch": 99,
                "otherTheater": 99,
                "iraqOND": 99,
                "iraqOIF": 99,
                "afghanistanOEF": 99,
                "desertStorm": 99,
                "vietnamWar": 99,
                "koreanWar": 99,
                "worldWarII": 99,
                "yearSeparated": null,
                "yearEnteredService": null,
                "veteranStatus": 0,
                "otherGender": null,
                "gender": 2,
                "ethnicity": 0,
                "raceNone": 8,
                "white": 1,
                "nativeHIOtherPacific": 0,
                "blackAfAmerican": 0,
                "asian": 0,
                "amIndAKNative": 0,
                "dobDataQuality": 1,
                "dob": "2045-01-24",
                "ssnDataQuality": 1,
                "ssn": "459834818",
                "nameDataQuality": 99,
                "nameSuffix": null,
                "lastName": "Mover",
                "middleName": null,
                "firstName": "Renee",
                "personalId": "336788"


  • Path: /clients/{personalId}

  • Method name: updateClient("personalId")

  • Parameters: Takes a personalId and data corresponding to the fields to be updated.

  • Responses: Returns a JSON-formatted string with data for the updated client.

  • Example:

    Call: TBD

    Response: TBD


  • Path: /clients/{personalId}

  • Method name: deleteClient("personalId")

  • Parameters: Takes a personalId for the client to be deleted.

  • Responses: Returns true if the client was successfully deleted.

  • Example:

    Call: $ curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/openhmis/api/v3/clients/336788

    Response: true



  • Path: /enrollments

  • Method name: getEnrollments()

  • Parameters: None

  • Responses: Returns all enrollments.

  • Example:

    Call: $ curl http://localhost:8080/openhmis/api/v3/enrollments


        "dateUpdated": "2015-05-08",
        "dateCreated": "2005-06-08",
        "addressDataQuality": 99,
        "lastPermanentZip": "",
        "lastPermanentState": "",
        "lastPermanentCity": "",
        "lastPermanentStreet": "",
        "percentAmi": 99,
        "worstHousingSituation": 99,
        "medicalAssistances": [],
        "askedOrForcedToExchangeForSex": 99,
        "countOfExchangeForSex": 99,
        "exchangeForSexPastThreeMonths": 99,
        "countOUtreachReferralApproaches": 0,
        "referralSource": 99,
        "incarceratedParentStatus": 99,
        "incarceratedParent": 99,
        "activeMilitaryParent": 99,
        "insufficientIncome": 99,
        "alcoholDrugAbuseFam": 99,
        "alcoholDrugAbuseYouth": 99,
        "abuseAndNeglectFam": 99,
        "abuseAndNeglectYouth": 99,
        "mentalDisabilityFam": 99,
        "mentalDisabilityYouth": 99,
        "physicalDisabilityFam": 99,
        "physicalDisabilityYouth": 99,
        "healthIssuesFam": 99,
        "healthIssuesYouth": 99,
        "mentalHealthIssuesFam": 99,
        "mentalHealthIssuesYouth": 99,
        "unemploymentFam": 99,
        "unemploymentYouth": 99,
        "schoolEducationalIssuesFam": 99,
        "schoolEducationalIssuesYouth": 99,
        "housingIssuesFam": 99,
        "housingIssuesYouth": 99,
        "sexualOrientationGenderIdFam": 99,
        "sexualOrientationGenderIdYouth": 99,
        "householdDynamics": 99,
        "juvenileJusticeMonths": 0,
        "juvenileJusticeYears": 99,
        "formerWardJuvenileJustice": 99,
        "childWelfareMonths": 0,
        "childWelfareYears": 99,
        "formerlyChildWelfare": 99,
        "pregnancyDueDate": 1438812702284,
        "pregnancyStatusCode": 99,
        "mentalHealthStatus": 99,
        "dentalHealthStatus": 99,
        "generalHealthStatus": 99,
        "notEmployedReason": 99,
        "employmentType": 99,
        "employed": 99,
        "employedInformationDate": 1438812702284,
        "schoolStatus": 99,
        "lastGradeCompleted": 99,
        "sexualOrientation": 99,
        "reasonNoServices": 99,
        "fysbYouth": 99,
        "dateOfBcpStatus": 1438812702284,
        "reasonNotEnrolled": 99,
        "clientEnrolledInPath": 99,
        "dateOfPathStatus": 1438812702284,
        "permanentHousingMoveDate": 1438812702284,
        "inPermanentHousing": 99,
        "residentialMoveInDate": 1438812702284,
        "referrals": [],
        "financialAssistances": [],
        "services": [],
        "dateOfEngagement": null,
        "contacts": [],
        "domesticAbuses": [],
        "substanceAbuses": [],
        "mentalHealthProblems": [],
        "hivAidsStatuses": [],
        "chronicHealthConditions": [],
        "developmentalDisabilities": [],
        "physicalDisabilities": [],
        "healthInsurances": [],
        "nonCashBenefits": [],
        "incomeSources": [],
        "housingStatus": 99,
        "statusDocumentedCode": 99,
        "monthsHomelessThisTime": 0,
        "monthsHomelessPastThreeYears": 99,
        "timesHomelessInPastThreeYears": 99,
        "continuouslyHomelessOneYear": 99,
        "cocCode": "",
        "clientLocationInformationDate": 1438812702284,
        "relationshipToHoH": 99,
        "householdId": "",
        "entryDate": "2005-06-07",
        "residencePriorLengthOfStay": 99,
        "otherResidence": "",
        "residencePrior": 99,
        "disablingCondition": 99,
            "familyReunificationCode": null,
            "earlyExpulsionReason": null,
            "earlyExitReason": null,
            "projectCompletionStatus": null,
            "otherAftercarePlanOrAction": null,
            "resourcePackage": null,
            "scheduledFollowupContacts": null,
            "furtherFollowupServices": null,
            "exitCounciling": null,
            "temporaryShelterPlacement": null,
            "permanentHousingPlacement": null,
            "assistanceMainstreamBenefits": null,
            "writtenAftercarePlan": null,
            "mentalHealthStatus": null,
            "dentalHealthStatus": null,
            "generalHealthStatus": null,
            "notEmployedReason": null,
            "employmentType": null,
            "employed": null,
            "employedInformationDate": null,
            "connectionWithSoar": null,
            "subsidyInformation": null,
            "housingAssessment": null,
            "otherDisposition": null,
            "assessmentDisposition": null,
            "otherDestination": null,
            "destinationTypeCode": null,
            "projectExitDate": null,
            "enrollmentId": null,
            "exitId": null
        "personalId": "336788",
        "enrollmentId": "46521"
        "dateUpdated": "2015-05-08",
        "dateCreated": "2005-06-15",
        "addressDataQuality": 99,
        "lastPermanentZip": "",
        "lastPermanentState": "",
        "lastPermanentCity": "",
        "lastPermanentStreet": "",
        "percentAmi": 99,
        "worstHousingSituation": 99,
        "medicalAssistances": [],
        "askedOrForcedToExchangeForSex": 99,
        "countOfExchangeForSex": 99,
        "exchangeForSexPastThreeMonths": 99,
        "countOUtreachReferralApproaches": 0,
        "referralSource": 99,
        "incarceratedParentStatus": 99,
        "incarceratedParent": 99,
        "activeMilitaryParent": 99,
        "insufficientIncome": 99,
        "alcoholDrugAbuseFam": 99,
        "alcoholDrugAbuseYouth": 99,
        "abuseAndNeglectFam": 99,
        "abuseAndNeglectYouth": 99,
        "mentalDisabilityFam": 99,
        "mentalDisabilityYouth": 99,
        "physicalDisabilityFam": 99,
        "physicalDisabilityYouth": 99,
        "healthIssuesFam": 99,
        "healthIssuesYouth": 99,
        "mentalHealthIssuesFam": 99,
        "mentalHealthIssuesYouth": 99,
        "unemploymentFam": 99,
        "unemploymentYouth": 99,
        "schoolEducationalIssuesFam": 99,
        "schoolEducationalIssuesYouth": 99,
        "housingIssuesFam": 99,
        "housingIssuesYouth": 99,
        "sexualOrientationGenderIdFam": 99,
        "sexualOrientationGenderIdYouth": 99,
        "householdDynamics": 99,
        "juvenileJusticeMonths": 0,
        "juvenileJusticeYears": 99,
        "formerWardJuvenileJustice": 99,
        "childWelfareMonths": 0,
        "childWelfareYears": 99,
        "formerlyChildWelfare": 99,
        "pregnancyDueDate": 1438812702284,
        "pregnancyStatusCode": 99,
        "mentalHealthStatus": 99,
        "dentalHealthStatus": 99,
        "generalHealthStatus": 99,
        "notEmployedReason": 99,
        "employmentType": 99,
        "employed": 99,
        "employedInformationDate": 1438812702284,
        "schoolStatus": 99,
        "lastGradeCompleted": 99,
        "sexualOrientation": 99,
        "reasonNoServices": 99,
        "fysbYouth": 99,
        "dateOfBcpStatus": 1438812702284,
        "reasonNotEnrolled": 99,
        "clientEnrolledInPath": 99,
        "dateOfPathStatus": 1438812702284,
        "permanentHousingMoveDate": 1438812702284,
        "inPermanentHousing": 99,
        "residentialMoveInDate": 1438812702284,
        "referrals": [],
        "financialAssistances": [],
        "services": [],
        "dateOfEngagement": null,
        "contacts": [],
        "domesticAbuses": [],
        "substanceAbuses": [],
        "mentalHealthProblems": [],
        "hivAidsStatuses": [],
        "chronicHealthConditions": [],
        "developmentalDisabilities": [],
        "physicalDisabilities": [],
        "healthInsurances": [],
        "nonCashBenefits": [],
        "incomeSources": [],
        "housingStatus": 99,
        "statusDocumentedCode": 99,
        "monthsHomelessThisTime": 0,
        "monthsHomelessPastThreeYears": 99,
        "timesHomelessInPastThreeYears": 99,
        "continuouslyHomelessOneYear": 99,
        "cocCode": "",
        "clientLocationInformationDate": 1438812702284,
        "relationshipToHoH": 99,
        "householdId": "",
        "entryDate": "2005-06-14",
        "residencePriorLengthOfStay": 99,
        "otherResidence": "",
        "residencePrior": 99,
        "disablingCondition": 99,
            "familyReunificationCode": null,
            "earlyExpulsionReason": null,
            "earlyExitReason": null,
            "projectCompletionStatus": null,
            "otherAftercarePlanOrAction": null,
            "resourcePackage": null,
            "scheduledFollowupContacts": null,
            "furtherFollowupServices": null,
            "exitCounciling": null,
            "temporaryShelterPlacement": null,
            "permanentHousingPlacement": null,
            "assistanceMainstreamBenefits": null,
            "writtenAftercarePlan": null,
            "mentalHealthStatus": null,
            "dentalHealthStatus": null,
            "generalHealthStatus": null,
            "notEmployedReason": null,
            "employmentType": null,
            "employed": null,
            "employedInformationDate": null,
            "connectionWithSoar": null,
            "subsidyInformation": null,
            "housingAssessment": null,
            "otherDisposition": null,
            "assessmentDisposition": null,
            "otherDestination": null,
            "destinationTypeCode": null,
            "projectExitDate": null,
            "enrollmentId": null,
            "exitId": null
        "personalId": "336825",
        "enrollmentId": "46932"


  • Path: /enrollments/{enrollmentId}

  • Method name: getClient("enrollmentId")

  • Parameters: Takes an enrollmentId.

  • Responses: Returns an enrollment with all subresources.

  • Example:

    Call: $ curl http://localhost:8080/openhmis/api/v3/enrollments/46521


        "dateUpdated": "2015-05-08",
        "dateCreated": "2005-06-08",
        "addressDataQuality": 99,
        "lastPermanentZip": "",
        "lastPermanentState": "",
        "lastPermanentCity": "",
        "lastPermanentStreet": "",
        "percentAmi": 99,
        "worstHousingSituation": 99,
        "medicalAssistances": [],
        "askedOrForcedToExchangeForSex": 99,
        "countOfExchangeForSex": 99,
        "exchangeForSexPastThreeMonths": 99,
        "countOUtreachReferralApproaches": 0,
        "referralSource": 99,
        "incarceratedParentStatus": 99,
        "incarceratedParent": 99,
        "activeMilitaryParent": 99,
        "insufficientIncome": 99,
        "alcoholDrugAbuseFam": 99,
        "alcoholDrugAbuseYouth": 99,
        "abuseAndNeglectFam": 99,
        "abuseAndNeglectYouth": 99,
        "mentalDisabilityFam": 99,
        "mentalDisabilityYouth": 99,
        "physicalDisabilityFam": 99,
        "physicalDisabilityYouth": 99,
        "healthIssuesFam": 99,
        "healthIssuesYouth": 99,
        "mentalHealthIssuesFam": 99,
        "mentalHealthIssuesYouth": 99,
        "unemploymentFam": 99,
        "unemploymentYouth": 99,
        "schoolEducationalIssuesFam": 99,
        "schoolEducationalIssuesYouth": 99,
        "housingIssuesFam": 99,
        "housingIssuesYouth": 99,
        "sexualOrientationGenderIdFam": 99,
        "sexualOrientationGenderIdYouth": 99,
        "householdDynamics": 99,
        "juvenileJusticeMonths": 0,
        "juvenileJusticeYears": 99,
        "formerWardJuvenileJustice": 99,
        "childWelfareMonths": 0,
        "childWelfareYears": 99,
        "formerlyChildWelfare": 99,
        "pregnancyDueDate": 1438812808842,
        "pregnancyStatusCode": 99,
        "mentalHealthStatus": 99,
        "dentalHealthStatus": 99,
        "generalHealthStatus": 99,
        "notEmployedReason": 99,
        "employmentType": 99,
        "employed": 99,
        "employedInformationDate": 1438812808842,
        "schoolStatus": 99,
        "lastGradeCompleted": 99,
        "sexualOrientation": 99,
        "reasonNoServices": 99,
        "fysbYouth": 99,
        "dateOfBcpStatus": 1438812808842,
        "reasonNotEnrolled": 99,
        "clientEnrolledInPath": 99,
        "dateOfPathStatus": 1438812808842,
        "permanentHousingMoveDate": 1438812808842,
        "inPermanentHousing": 99,
        "residentialMoveInDate": 1438812808842,
        "referrals": [],
        "financialAssistances": [],
        "services": [],
        "dateOfEngagement": null,
        "contacts": [],
        "domesticAbuses": [],
        "substanceAbuses": [],
        "mentalHealthProblems": [],
        "hivAidsStatuses": [],
        "chronicHealthConditions": [],
        "developmentalDisabilities": [],
        "physicalDisabilities": [],
        "healthInsurances": [],
        "nonCashBenefits": [],
        "incomeSources": [],
        "housingStatus": 99,
        "statusDocumentedCode": 99,
        "monthsHomelessThisTime": 0,
        "monthsHomelessPastThreeYears": 99,
        "timesHomelessInPastThreeYears": 99,
        "continuouslyHomelessOneYear": 99,
        "cocCode": "",
        "clientLocationInformationDate": 1438812808842,
        "relationshipToHoH": 99,
        "householdId": "",
        "entryDate": "2005-06-07",
        "residencePriorLengthOfStay": 99,
        "otherResidence": "",
        "residencePrior": 99,
        "disablingCondition": 99,
            "familyReunificationCode": null,
            "earlyExpulsionReason": null,
            "earlyExitReason": null,
            "projectCompletionStatus": null,
            "otherAftercarePlanOrAction": null,
            "resourcePackage": null,
            "scheduledFollowupContacts": null,
            "furtherFollowupServices": null,
            "exitCounciling": null,
            "temporaryShelterPlacement": null,
            "permanentHousingPlacement": null,
            "assistanceMainstreamBenefits": null,
            "writtenAftercarePlan": null,
            "mentalHealthStatus": null,
            "dentalHealthStatus": null,
            "generalHealthStatus": null,
            "notEmployedReason": null,
            "employmentType": null,
            "employed": null,
            "employedInformationDate": null,
            "connectionWithSoar": null,
            "subsidyInformation": null,
            "housingAssessment": null,
            "otherDisposition": null,
            "assessmentDisposition": null,
            "otherDestination": null,
            "destinationTypeCode": null,
            "projectExitDate": null,
            "enrollmentId": null,
            "exitId": null
      "personalId": "336788",
      "enrollmentId": "46521"


  • Path: /enrollments/
  • Method name: createEnrollment(String data)
  • Parameters: This takes JSON-formatted enrollment data.
  • Responses: This returns a new enrollment, JSON-formatted.
  • Example:


  • Path: /enrollments/{enrollmentId}
  • Method name: updateEnrollment("enrollmentId")
  • Parameters: Takes an enrollmentId and data corresponding to the fields to be updated.
  • Responses: Returns a JSON-formatted string with data for the updated enrollment.
  • Example:


  • Path: /enrollments/{enrollmentId}

  • Method name: deleteEnrollment("enrollmentId")

  • Parameters: Takes an enrollmentId for the client to be deleted.

  • Responses: Returns true if the enrollment was successfully deleted.

  • Example:

    Call: $ curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/openhmis/api/v3/enrollments/46521

    Response: true



  • Path: /enrollments/{enrollmentId}/exits
  • Method name: getExits("enrollmentId")
  • Parameters:
  • Responses:
  • Example:


  • Path: /enrollments/{enrollmentId}/exits/{exitId}
  • Method name: getExit("enrollmentId", "exitId")
  • Parameters: enrollmentId and exitId
  • Responses:
  • Example:


  • Path: /enrollments/{enrollmentId}/exits
  • Method name: createExit(@PathParam("enrollmentId")
  • Parameters:
  • Responses:
  • Example:


  • Path: /enrollments/{enrollmentId}/exits/{exitId}
  • Method name: updateExit("enrollmentId", "exitId")
  • Parameters: enrollmentId and exitId
  • Responses:
  • Example:


  • Path: /enrollments/{enrollmentId}/exits/{exitId}
  • Method name: deleteExit("enrollmentId", "exitId")
  • Parameters: enrollmentId and exitId
  • Responses:
  • Example:

Chronic Health Conditions


  • Path: /enrollments/{enrollmentId}/chronic-health-conditions/
  • Method name: getChronicHealthConditions("enrollmentId")
  • Parameters:
  • Responses:
  • Example:


  • Path: /enrollments/{enrollmentId}/chronic-health-conditions/{chronicHealthConditionId}
  • Method name: getChronicHealthCondition("enrollmentId", "chronicHealthConditionId")
  • Parameters: enrollmentId and chronicHealthConditionId
  • Responses:
  • Example:


  • Path: /enrollments/{enrollmentId}/chronic-health-conditions
  • Method name: createChronicHealthCondition("enrollmentId")
  • Parameters:
  • Responses:
  • Example:


  • Path: /enrollments/{enrollmentId}/chronic-health-conditions/{chronicHealthConditionId}
  • Method name: updateChronicHealthCondition("enrollmentId", "chronicHealthConditionId")
  • Parameters: enrollmentId and chronicHealthConditionId
  • Responses:
  • Example:


  • Path: /enrollments/{enrollmentId}/chronic-health-conditions/{chronicHealthConditionId}
  • Method name: deleteChronicHealthCondition("enrollmentId", "chronicHealthConditionId")
  • Parameters: enrollmentId and chronicHealthConditionId
  • Responses:
  • Example:



  • Path: /enrollments/{enrollmentId}/contacts/
  • Method name: getContacts("enrollmentId")
  • Parameters:
  • Responses:
  • Example:


  • Path: /enrollments/{enrollmentId}/contacts/{contactId}
  • Method name: getContact("enrollmentId", "contactId")
  • Parameters: enrollmentId and contactId
  • Responses:
  • Example:


  • Path: /enrollments/{enrollmentId}/contacts
  • Method name: createContact("enrollmentId")
  • Parameters:
  • Responses:
  • Example:


  • Path: /enrollments/{enrollmentId}/contacts/{contactId}
  • Method name: updateContact("enrollmentId", "contactId")
  • Parameters: enrollmentId and contactId
  • Responses:
  • Example:


  • Path: /enrollments/{enrollmentId}/contacts/{contactId}
  • Method name: deleteContact("enrollmentId", "contactId")
  • Parameters: enrollmentId and contactId
  • Responses:
  • Example:

Developmental Disability


  • Path: /enrollments/{enrollmentId}/developmental-disabilities/
  • Method name: getDevelopmentalDisabilities("enrollmentId")
  • Parameters:
  • Responses:
  • Example:


  • Path: /enrollments/{enrollmentId}/developmental-disabilities/{developmentalDisabilityId}
  • Method name: getDevelopmentalDisability("enrollmentId", "developmentalDisabilityId")
  • Parameters: enrollmentId and developmentalDisabilityId
  • Responses:
  • Example:


  • Path: /enrollments/{enrollmentId}/developmental-disabilities
  • Method name: createDevelopmentalDisability("enrollmentId")
  • Parameters:
  • Responses:
  • Example:


  • Path: /enrollments/{enrollmentId}/developmental-disabilities/{developmentalDisabilityId}
  • Method name: updateDevelopmentalDisability("enrollmentId", "developmentalDisabilityId")
  • Parameters: enrollmentId and developmentalDisabilityId
  • Responses:
  • Example:


  • Path: /enrollments/{enrollmentId}/developmental-disabilities/{developmentalDisabilityId}
  • Method name: deleteDevelopmentalDisability("enrollmentId", "developmentalDisabilityId")
  • Parameters: enrollmentId and developmentalDisabilityId
  • Responses:
  • Example:

Domestic Abuse


  • Path: /enrollments/{enrollmentId}/domestic-abuses/
  • Method name: getDomesticAbuses("enrollmentId")
  • Parameters:
  • Responses:
  • Example:


  • Path: /enrollments/{enrollmentId}/domestic-abuses/{domesticAbuseId}
  • Method name: getDomesticAbuse("enrollmentId", "domesticAbuseId")
  • Parameters: enrollmentId and domesticAbuseId
  • Responses:
  • Example:


  • Path: /enrollments/{enrollmentId}/domestic-abuses
  • Method name: createDomesticAbuse("enrollmentId")
  • Parameters:
  • Responses:
  • Example:


  • Path: /enrollments/{enrollmentId}/domestic-abuses/{domesticAbuseId}
  • Method name: updateDomesticAbuse("enrollmentId", "domesticAbuseId")
  • Parameters: enrollmentId and domesticAbuseId
  • Responses:
  • Example:


  • Path: /enrollments/{enrollmentId}/domestic-abuses/{domesticAbuseId}
  • Method name: deleteDomesticAbuse("enrollmentId", "domesticAbuseId")
  • Parameters: enrollmentId and domesticAbuseId
  • Responses:
  • Example:

Consent-to-Share Record (DRAFT 2016-07-27)

A Consent-to-Share Record represents a client's consent (or non-consent) to have their information shared with other parties. In practice, a Consent-to-Share Record usually covers sharing within a given Continuum of Care, or sometimes just within one organization.

Consent-to-Share Records support the GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE methods.


  • Path: /consents/{consentId}

  • Method name: getConsent("personalId")

  • Parameters: Takes a consentId.

  • Responses: Returns a single consent-to-share record with consentId matching the parameter passed in.

  • Example:

    Call: $ curl http://localhost:8080/openhmis/api/v3/consents/1729


                "id": CONSENT_RECORD_ID,
                "clientId": CLIENT_ID,
                # (submitterID is, e.g., the ID of the caseworker who
                # submitted this request on behalf of the client)
                "submitterId": SUBMITTER_ID,
                "organizationIds": [ORG_ID, ...],
                "cocIds": [COC_ID, ...],
                    # 0 means "share"
                    # 1 means "no"
                    # null (or omission) means nothing
                    "firstName": 0 | 1 | null,
                    "middleName": 0 | 1 | null,
                    "lastName": 0 | 1 | null,
                    "nameSuffix": 0 | 1 | null,
                    "ssn": 0 | 1 | null,
                    "dob": 0 | 1 | null,
                    "race": 0 | 1 | null,
                    "ethnicity": 0 | 1 | null,
                    "gender": 0 | 1 | null,
                    "veteranStatus": 0 | 1 | null
                "dateCreated": CREATION_DATE,
                "dateProcessed": PROCESSED_DATE,
                # 0: pending
                # 1: approved
                # 2: denied
                "approvalStatus": 0 | 1 | 2

For both POST and PUT, in either success case, the new or updated consent record is returned in the response body. If the approval_status field's value is "approved", then change took effect immediately; if the value is "pending", the interpretation is formally implementation-dependent, but typically means that the change to the Consent-to-Share Record has been received but requires review and approval by an administrator before taking effect. Server implementations are not required to implement "pending".

If POST or PUT is not successful due to lack of authorization, an ACCESS_DENIED error is returned, as described in the "Errors and Exceptions" section below.

If a DELETE call is successful, the HTTP response code 200 (OK) indicates this. Otherwise, an appropriate HTTP error code, and the appropriate error response body from "Errors and Exceptions", is returned in the response.

Manually grant consent

In order to grant consent for a user to view and edit a client in our testing phase only, please do the following:

  1. Add a consent to the TMP_CONSENT table with approvalStatusCode = 1 (APPROVED). See src/main/java/org/openhmis/code/ for the list of possible values for this field.

    For example:

     SQL> INSERT INTO TMP_CONSENT (submitterId, clientKey, approvalStatusCode, dateCreated) values (1, 558360, 1, NOW());
  2. Add fields to the TMP_CONSENT_FIELD table. The values for fieldCode are in src/main/java/org/openhmis/code/ and for requestTypeCode see src/main/java/org/openhmis/code/

    To grant access to the first name field of this client:

     SQL> INSERT INTO TMP_CONSENT_FIELD (consentId, fieldCode, requestTypeCode, dateCreated) values (1, 2, 1, NOW());
  3. Make sure that your user has a CoC and an Organization in the TMP_USER table.

  4. Grant your CoC or your organization access to the consent. Examples:

     SQL> INSERT INTO TMP_CONSENT_COC (consentId, coCId, dateCreated) values (1, 1, NOW());
     SQL> INSERT INTO TMP_CONSENT_ORGANIZATION (consentId, organizationId, dateCreated) values (1, 2, NOW());
  5. When making changes directly to the database, you need to redeploy the project for them to take effect.

     $ mvn tomcat7:redeploy

Errors and Exceptions

The API returns exceptions using the following format:

  "error": {
    "errors": [
    "message": "",
    "code": ""

The following error codes have been built into the API so far:

  • ACCESS_DENIED: when you try to access content you are not authorized to see (or to write)
  • AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE: when you have attempted to authenticate but something went wrong (invalid token, for instance)
  • MISSING_PARAMETER: a required parameter was not provided.
  • INVALID_PARAMETER: a parameter was provided but is not of the proper format.

(Expect the above list to grow.)

Each error type, for now, only provides a code and a message. The objects returned for each error type are expected to become richer based on the error, to include more detailed information in a structured way. For now, where possible the error message contains information in a human-readable format.