fn create (debug int ) Webview_t
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fn (webview Webview_t) destroy ()
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fn (webview Webview_t) terminate ()
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fn (webview Webview_t) run ()
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fn (webview Webview_t) set_title (title string )
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fn (webview Webview_t) set_size (width int , height int )
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fn (webview Webview_t) set_html (html string )
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fn (webview Webview_t) navigate (url string )
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fn (webview Webview_t) get_window () voidptr
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fn (webview Webview_t) eval (code string )
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fn (webview Webview_t) load_html_file (file string )
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fn (webview Webview_t) bind (func_name string , func fn (& char, & char, mut voidptr ), mut app_data voidptr )
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fn (webview Webview_t) unbind (func_name string )
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fn (webview Webview_t) rturn (seq & char, the_string string )
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fn (webview Webview_t) init (code string )
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