Nucleo is open to any contribution made by community. And by contributing to Nucleo, you agree to our code of conduct
Open a issue with the prefix [BUG] or [FEATURE REQUEST] for one of those cases with no restrictions, and try to clarify all your points bringing examples and well-founded arguments. If you need help in something, just make it clear at the beginning of your issue.
Once you want to fix something for Nucleo, you can just go ahead and do it, but for making people know the problem and that you're working on it (and maybe can get even more information) open an issue about it, and if necessary, just point that you desire to fix it, or if some help is needed.
For new features, it's highly recommended to open an issue first and discuss more to make sure this feature is really required to the project.
Every approved issue as features and issues for fixes will be placed at Nucleo roadmap, in this repository milestones.
In case of critical fixes, which applies to everything that would directly interfere in Nucleo functionalities, we'll work hard to solve it and publish a new minor patch as soon as possible.