This is a mirror version of OpenSpecFun_jll 0.5.3+1 for compat requirements of (among other things) MLJModels.
This is an autogenerated package constructed using BinaryBuilder.jl
The code bindings within this package are autogenerated from the Products
defined within the build_tarballs.jl
file that generated this package. For example purposes, we will assume that the following products were defined:
products = [
FileProduct("src/data.txt", :data_txt),
LibraryProduct("libdataproc", :libdataproc),
ExecutableProduct("mungify", :mungify_exe)
With such products defined, this package will contain `data_txt`, `libdataproc` and `mungify_exe` symbols exported. For `FileProduct` variables, the exported value is a string pointing to the location of the file on-disk. For `LibraryProduct` variables, it is a string corresponding to the `SONAME` of the desired library (it will have already been `dlopen()`'ed, so typical `ccall()` usage applies), and for `ExecutableProduct` variables, the exported value is a function that can be called to set appropriate environment variables. Example:
using OpenSpecFun_jll
# For file products, you can access its file location directly:
data_lines = open(data_txt, "r") do io
# For library products, you can use the exported variable name in `ccall()` invocations directly
num_chars = ccall((libdataproc, :count_characters), Cint, (Cstring, Cint), data_lines[1], length(data_lines[1]))
# For executable products, you can use the exported variable name as a function that you can call
mungify_exe() do mungify_exe_path
run(`$mungify_exe_path $num_chars`)