This is a image translator package for python. This package is used by this project
The text binarization comes from this repository and the algorithm comes from this paper.
# Don't make high frequency requests to translator! Enterprises provide free services, we should remain grateful, not cause trouble
#translator=ImageTranslator(img, ocr, translator, src_lang, dest_lang)
#img: OpenCV image, PIL image, URL
#ocr: 'tesseract' or 'easyOCR'
#translator:'google', 'bing' or 'deepl'
#src_lang and dest_lang: looking the file
#For only processing the image
#For translate the image
#img_out is OpenCV image
#You can use method run_translator for translate string
python -m pip install torch==1.7.0+cpu torchvision==0.8.1+cpu -f
python -m pip install easyocr
If you want to develop use git clone instead of pip installation
python -m pip git+git://
Install tesseract in ImageTranslator/tesseract-orc or for Linux with the package manager
Use get-components command to download additionnal components.
get-components --mode all
You can replace all mode by one them:
- tesseract : Download tessdata_best. Store it in the tesseract path (linux) or install in the project/tesseract/tessdata` (windows)
- easyocr: Download all easyocr models
- pyppeteer: Download chromium for using pyppeteer
Run tests with this command:
python -m unittest