The objective of the course is to train a model with supervised learning to establish the success or failure of landing the first stage of the Falcon 9 for a fictitious company. To do this, data from a SpaceX API and web scarping were used. In this work you will find the parts that make up a data science project itself. From data collection, cleaning, visualization and model training
- API Scraping (jupyter-labs-spacex-data-collection-api)
- Web Scraping (webscrapingCapstone) - Exploring and Preparing data (edadataviz)
- MySQL Data Exploration (Jupyter-labs-eda-sql-sqlite..)
- Interactive Visual Analytics with Folium (lab_jupyter_launch_site_location.ipynb)
SpaceX_Machine Learning Prediction_Part_5(1)
- Machine Learning prediction with Logistic Regression
- Machine Learning prediction with SVC
- Machine Learning prediction with Decision Tree Classifier
- Machine Learning prediction with k nearest neighbors
The following libraries are used in this laboratory:
- Pandas
- Numpy
- seaborn
- Folium
- Sklearn
- datetime
- BeatifulSoup package
- SQL and MySQL language