This config, especially the documentation, is still WiP, use at your own risk.
A lot of what you see this is based on Frost-Phoenix's config so if you happen to like/use this one, go give him some love too.
- flake.nix base of the configuration
- hosts 🌳 per-host configurations that contain machine specific configurations
- modules 🍱 modularized NixOS configurations
- core Core NixOS configuration
- [home(modules/home/) 🏠 my Home-Manager config
- [common]
- [personal]
- [work] -> some specific packages for usage on WSL
- pkgs 📦 Packages Build from source -> not used
- wallpapers 🌄 wallpapers collection
NixOS + Hyprland | |
Window Manager | Hyprland |
Bar | Waybar |
Application Launcher | rofi |
Notification Daemon | swaync |
Terminal Emulator | [Kitty][Kitty] |
Shell | zsh + [antidote][antidote] + Starship |
Text Editor | Neovim |
network management tool | NetworkManager + network-manager-applet |
System resource monitor | [bottom][bottom] |
File Manager | nemo + yazi |
Fonts | CascadiaCode Nerd Font + JetBrainsMono Nerd Font |
Color Scheme | Gruvbox Dark Hard |
Cursor | Bibata-Modern-Ice |
Icons | Papirus-Dark |
Lockscreen | Hyprlock + Swaylock-effects |
Image Viewer | qview |
Media Player | mpv |
Screenshot Software | grimblast |
Screen Recording | wf-recorder |
Clipboard | wl-clip-persist |
Color Picker | hyprpicker |
- use
nixos-rebuild switch --flake .#server --target-host <user>@<ip> --use-remote-sudo
- will need to be declared in
- building will be done on localhost which then tries to connect to the server through ssh
- might be a good idea to also add localhost sshkey to server
- secure boot with lanzaboote
- secret management with sops or agenix
- dev environments
- VM configuration and usage
- more themes
Places where I drew inspiration and knowledge from:
- Frost-Phoenix/nixos-config: the foundation of this config
- ryan4yin/nix-config: one of the first NixOS configs I looked into and got me really interested in NixOS
- NixOS & Flakes Book: insanely good documentation