Description In this project we are going to create a simple implementation of the game "Rock Paper Scissors". The game will be played through the browser console however this project will be revisited to incorporate a Graphical User Interface (GUI).
Understanding the Problem
- Both the User and Computer will have 3 options to play: Rock, Paper, Scissors
- The User or Computer will win in this following situation
- Rock > Scissors > Paper (">" means beat) Provided that the User or Computer selects a different choice
- Example: Consider this scenario
- User: Rock
- Computer: Paper
- Winner: Computer (since Paper beats Rock)
- If both users selects the same option it is a tie
- Write a program that simulates the Rock, Paper and Scissors game.
- Possible game outcomes are shown below
Rock > Scissors Scissors > Paper Paper > Rock
Questions Q1: Does your program have a user interface? What will it look like? What functionality will the interface have? Sketch this out on paper
Ans: Not yet it won't the simple implementation will use the browser console, however it will be revisited to use a GUI.
Q2: What inputs will your program have? Will the user enter data or will you get input from somewhere else?
Ans: The computer will randomly select "Rock" "Paper" or "Scissors" from the rand() and be stored in a function called getComputerChoice(). The user will enter their choice through prompt() method.
Q3: What the desired output? Ans: Desired Output is where the playerSelection and Computer selection returns a string that declares the winner of the round example: "You Lose! Paper beats Rock"
Q4: Given your inputs, what are the steps necessary to return the desired output?
- Create a function called getComputerChoice that handles the computer inputs random choice between Rock, Paper and Scissors
- Function called playRound that take two arguments playerSelection and computerSelection and plays a single round of Rock, Paper and Scissors game. Use a if statement to show possible conditions if (Rock > Scissors) print winner if(Scissors > Paper ) print winner if(Paper > Rock) print winner
- Print out choice of computer
- Print out choice of player
- Print out the winner of the game