README for Nest shape influences colony organization in ants: spatial distribution and connectedness of colony members differs from that predicted by random movement and is affected by available space
Data and R script used for the manuscript: Nest shape influences colony organization in ants: spatial distribution and connectedness of colony members differs from that predicted by random movement and is affected by available space
Investigating how nest shape influences how Temnothorax rugatulus colonies spatially organize in their nests. This includes physical location of colony members and their distances from the entrance, mobile colony member distance to the brood center, worker distance to the physical center of the nest, and comparing worker distributions with those predicted by a random walk model.
- Stat_boxplot_custom.R - Custom boxplot function, replacing geom_boxplot() in ggplot2. The function extends the whisker range to the data range
- Bins_Working.r - Functions to bin colony member and Netlogo simulation coordinates into nest sections
- DistanceFunctions.R - Functions to find each colony member and Netlogo simulation coordinates shortest distances in the nest
- SFZFunctions.R - Functions towards marker worker site fidelity (spatial fidelity & occurrence zones)
- NestArchFuncts.Analyses.R - All analyses and plots
Several packages are required, however all are loaded through the package "pacman", so be certain to install this package before running any other code.
See the following documentation for further information on the "pacman" package:
- Colony: Unique experimental colony identifiers
- Nest: The nest shape treatment (Tube / Circle)
- Day: The experimental day that the observation was collected on
- ScaledX: X-axis coordinate, scaled from original (px) to (cm) in the software Fiji (Schindelin et al., 2012)
- ScaledY: Y-axis coordinate, scaled from original (px) to (cm) in the software Fiji
- ColorID: The unique color marking assigned to an individual worker's head, thorax, abdomen1, abdomen2 (i.e., Yellow, White, Green, Green = Y,W,G,G)
- Density: The density treatment (High / Low)
BROOD / QUEENS: FullDataCoordBrood.csv, FullDataCoordBroodRD2.csv; FullDataCoordQueen.csv, FullDataCoordQueenRD2.csv
- Colony: Unique experimental colony identifiers
- Nest: The nest shape treatment (Tube / Circle)
- Day: The experimental day that the observation was collected on
- ScaledX: X-axis coordinate, scaled from original (px) to (cm) in the software Fiji (Schindelin et al., 2012)
- ScaledY: Y-axis coordinate, scaled from original (px) to (cm) in the software Fiji
- Density: The density treatment (High / Low)
- Colony: Unique experimental colony identifiers
- Nest: The nest shape treatment (Tube / Circle)
- Day: The experimental day that the observation was collected on
- ScaledX: X-axis coordinate, scaled from original (px) to (cm) in the software Fiji (Schindelin et al., 2012)
- ScaledY: Y-axis coordinate, scaled from original (px) to (cm) in the software Fiji
- SexID: The unique sex assignment and number given to an individual alate: Sex, SexNumber, TotalNumber (i.e., the first male alate observation that came after three queen alates making it the fourth total observation = M,1,4)
- RunNumber: The simulation number - 1 to 4000 - there are 1000 simulations for each combination of nest shape and size
- NestSize: The size of the nest area that agents were allowed to move throughout (Small / Large)
- Nest: The nest shape treatment (Tube / Circle)
- TimeStep: The duration of each simulation (should be 50000)
- xcor: a list of every agent x coordinate position at the end of the simulation
- ycor: a list of every agent y coordinate position at the end of the simulation
- Colony: Unique experimental colony identifiers
- Nest: The nest shape treatment (Tube / Circle)
- Bin: Nest section identifier (1-8)
- Colony: Unique experimental colony identifiers
- Nest: The nest shape treatment (Tube / Circle)
- CoordID: The unique coordinate identifier within each colony and nest combination
- ScaledX: X-axis coordinate, scaled from original (px) to (cm) in the software Fiji (Schindelin et al., 2012)
- ScaledY: Y-axis coordinate, scaled from original (px) to (cm) in the software Fiji
- Nest: The nest shape treatment (Tube / Circle)
- NestSize: The size treatment for simulations (Small / Large)
- Bin: Nest section identifier (1-8)
- Nest: The nest shape treatment (Tube / Circle)
- NestSize: The size treatment for simulations (Small / Large)
- ScaledX: X-axis coordinate
- ScaledY: Y-axis coordinate
- CoordID: The unique coordinate identifier within each colony and nest combination
- Colony: Unique experimental colony identifiers
- Nest: The nest shape treatment (Tube / Circle)
- Bin: Nest section identifier (1-8)
- Corner: Presence of a corner (Y / N)
- Nest: The nest shape treatment (Tube / Circle)
- Bin: Nest section identifier (1-8)
- Corner: Presence of a corner (Y / N)
Reference coordinates for the entrance of nest sections (Bin) front-to-back and shortest distance to the entrance from each nest section entrance
- Colony: Unique experimental colony identifiers
- Nest: The nest shape treatment (Tube / Circle)
- Distance: Reference shortest distance from a nest section to the entrance
- Bin: Nest section identifier (1-8)
- BinX: X-axis reference coodinate for a nest section entrance
- BinY: Y-axis reference coodinate for a nest section entrance
- Xmax: Max X-axis coordinate possible within the nest
- Ymax: Max Y-axis coordinate possible within the nest
- MaxDist: Max possible shortest distance from the nest entrance
- TubeRatio: Ratio of shortest distance to the nest entrance in circle nest / tube nest
Reference coordinates for the entrance of nest sections (Bin) front-to-back and shortest distance to the entrance from each nest section entrance
- NestSize: The size treatment for simulations (Small / Large)
- Nest: The nest shape treatment (Tube / Circle)
- Distance: Reference shortest distance from a nest section to the entrance
- Bin: Nest section identifier (1-8)
- BinX: X-axis reference coodinate for a nest section entrance
- BinY: Y-axis reference coodinate for a nest section entrance
- Xmax: Max X-axis coordinate possible within the nest
- Ymax: Max Y-axis coordinate possible within the nest
- MaxDist: Max possible shortest distance from the nest entrance
- TubeRatio: Ratio of shortest distance to the nest entrance in circle nest / tube nest
- Colony: Unique experimental colony identifiers
- Head: Head color mark
- Thorax: Thorax color mark
- Abd1: Left side abdomen mark
- Abd2: Right side abdomen mark
- Colony: Unique experimental colony identifiers
- Number.ants: Number of workers in the colony after painting
- Diameter: The diameter of the circle nest
- Area: The area of the nest
- Colony: Unique experimental colony identifiers
- Scaling: The scaling factor that is applied to the radius of each circle nest