Lightweight and Powerful Editor Kit built on Texture(AsyncDisplayKit)
VEditorKit provides the most core functionality needed for the editor.
Unfortunately, When combined words are entered then UITextView selectedRange will changed and typingAttribute will cleared. So, In combined words case, Users can't continue typing the style they want.
When the text view’s selection changes, the contents of the dictionary are cleared automatically.
- Advanced EditableTextView (Support Combined words such as Korean)
- Default Image, Video, Og-Object(Link Preview) UI Components
- XML Parser & Builder
- Editor Rule Base Development
Bi-direction attribute binding | Combined Words TypingAttribute | Regex pattern base attributed typing |
XML Parse & Build | Delete Media Content & Merge TextViews | Auto-generate Link Preview |
- Xcode <~ 9.0
- Swift 4.2
- iOS <~ 9.3
VEditorKit is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'VEditorKit'
VEditorKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.