Ingests a list of hostnames and runs the following checks:
- Fetches the http:// site and checks for timeouts & errors
- Fetches the https:// site
- Records:
- Results of the TLS handshake, if applicable
- Final redirect destination based on above
- "HTTPS-only" status
Install Go Version Manager:
$> gvm install 1.7.3 (+)
$> go build
# run with custom number of workers and output file
$> ./hosts -workers=10 -output=results.json < /path/to/list-of-domains 2> output.log
$> unzip -p | DEBUG=true ./hosts -workers=2
# run with verbose debug output
$> DEBUG=true ./hosts -workers=10 -output=results.json < /path/to/list-of-domains 2> output.log
- Follow steps to install Apache Beam SDK.
- Activate environment and run the dataflow job:
$> pip install google-cloud-dataflow
$> virtualenv /path/to/dataflow-env
$> . /path/to/dataflow-env/bin/activate
$> python --input gs://httparchive/urls/<input-file> --output project:dataset.tablename