Live demo: User-friendly weather forecast
At a glance, quickly determine:
- Is it warmer than yesterday? Colder than the day before?
- Is it warm enough for short sleeves?
- Do I need sunscreen? An umbrella?
UltraWeather also gives a better intuitive sense of the temperature.
UltraWeather options are set via the URL:
- Default is location based on IP address.
- By city name.
-,,GB Force country to Great Britain.
- Sometimes ZIP codes work.
Locations are retrieved from the OpenWeather geocoding API, and sorted to prefer some countries like the US.
- Possible API's:
- Get mock data:
- Short versions:
- Possible API's:
-,mow,mvc Returns data from three API's, inspectable in the browser dev console. Normally only data from the first successful call is returned.
git clone
cd ultra-weather
yarn # Install dependencies.
netlify init # Connect to Netlify.
# Answer like this at prompts:
# Your build command: "yarn dev"
# Directory to deploy to: "public"
# Netlify functions folder: "functions"
netlify dev # Start the local server!
The above will fall back to mock data, since no API keys are configured. To show live weather data, set up your API keys:
cp .env-example .env
## Edit .env file with your own API keys
netlify dev
All these services offer a generous free tier:
OpenWeather This API is also used to geocode place names to lat/long.
Dark Sky (Unfortunately Dark Sky API does not accept new signups.)
ip-api Used to geocode IP address to lat/long. No API key needed, but listed here for reference.