This is an API for accessing all sorts of college football data. Please note that API keys should be supplied with "Bearer " prepended (e.g. "Bearer your_key"). API keys can be acquired from the website.
This Python package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 4.5.2
- Package version: 4.5.2
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen
Python 2.7 and 3.4+
pip install cfbd
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install cfbd
Then import the package:
import cfbd
Install via Setuptools.
python install --user
(or sudo python install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import cfbd
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
from __future__ import print_function
import time
import cfbd
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
configuration = cfbd.Configuration()
configuration.api_key['Authorization'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
configuration.api_key_prefix['Authorization'] = 'Bearer'
# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = cfbd.BettingApi(cfbd.ApiClient(configuration))
game_id = 56 # int | Game id filter (optional)
year = 56 # int | Year/season filter for games (optional)
week = 56 # int | Week filter (optional)
season_type = 'regular' # str | Season type filter (regular or postseason) (optional) (default to regular)
team = 'team_example' # str | Team (optional)
home = 'home_example' # str | Home team filter (optional)
away = 'away_example' # str | Away team filter (optional)
conference = 'conference_example' # str | Conference abbreviation filter (optional)
# Betting lines
api_response = api_instance.get_lines(game_id=game_id, year=year, week=week, season_type=season_type, team=team, home=home, away=away, conference=conference)
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling BettingApi->get_lines: %s\n" % e)
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
BettingApi | get_lines | GET /lines | Betting lines |
CoachesApi | get_coaches | GET /coaches | Coaching records and history |
ConferencesApi | get_conferences | GET /conferences | Conferences |
DraftApi | get_draft_picks | GET /draft/picks | List of NFL Draft picks |
DraftApi | get_nfl_positions | GET /draft/positions | List of NFL positions |
DraftApi | get_nfl_teams | GET /draft/teams | List of NFL teams |
DrivesApi | get_drives | GET /drives | Drive data and results |
GamesApi | get_advanced_box_score | GET /game/box/advanced | Advanced box scores |
GamesApi | get_calendar | GET /calendar | Season calendar |
GamesApi | get_game_media | GET /games/media | Game media information and schedules |
GamesApi | get_game_weather | GET /games/weather | Game weather information (Patreon only) |
GamesApi | get_games | GET /games | Games and results |
GamesApi | get_player_game_stats | GET /games/players | Player game stats |
GamesApi | get_scoreboard | GET /scoreboard | Live game results (Patreon only) |
GamesApi | get_team_game_stats | GET /games/teams | Team game stats |
GamesApi | get_team_records | GET /records | Team records |
MetricsApi | get_fgep | GET /metrics/fg/ep | Field Goal Expected Points |
MetricsApi | get_game_ppa | GET /ppa/games | Team Predicated Points Added (PPA/EPA) by game |
MetricsApi | get_player_game_ppa | GET /ppa/players/games | Player Predicated Points Added (PPA/EPA) broken down by game |
MetricsApi | get_player_season_ppa | GET /ppa/players/season | Player Predicated Points Added (PPA/EPA) broken down by season |
MetricsApi | get_predicted_points | GET /ppa/predicted | Predicted Points (i.e. Expected Points or EP) |
MetricsApi | get_pregame_win_probabilities | GET /metrics/wp/pregame | Pregame win probability data |
MetricsApi | get_team_ppa | GET /ppa/teams | Predicted Points Added (PPA/EPA) data by team |
MetricsApi | get_win_probability_data | GET /metrics/wp | Win probability chart data |
PlayersApi | get_player_season_stats | GET /stats/player/season | Player stats by season |
PlayersApi | get_player_usage | GET /player/usage | Player usage metrics broken down by season |
PlayersApi | get_returning_production | GET /player/returning | Team returning production metrics |
PlayersApi | get_transfer_portal | GET /player/portal | Transfer portal by season |
PlayersApi | player_search | GET /player/search | Search for player information |
PlaysApi | get_live_plays | GET /live/plays | Live metrics and PBP (Patreon only) |
PlaysApi | get_play_stat_types | GET /play/stat/types | Types of player play stats |
PlaysApi | get_play_stats | GET /play/stats | Play stats by play |
PlaysApi | get_play_types | GET /play/types | Play types |
PlaysApi | get_plays | GET /plays | Play by play data |
RankingsApi | get_rankings | GET /rankings | Historical polls and rankings |
RatingsApi | get_conference_sp_ratings | GET /ratings/sp/conferences | Historical SP+ ratings by conference |
RatingsApi | get_elo_ratings | GET /ratings/elo | Historical Elo ratings |
RatingsApi | get_fpi_ratings | GET /ratings/fpi | Historical FPI ratings |
RatingsApi | get_sp_ratings | GET /ratings/sp | Historical SP+ ratings |
RatingsApi | get_srs_ratings | GET /ratings/srs | Historical SRS ratings |
RecruitingApi | get_recruiting_groups | GET /recruiting/groups | Recruit position group ratings |
RecruitingApi | get_recruiting_players | GET /recruiting/players | Player recruiting ratings and rankings |
RecruitingApi | get_recruiting_teams | GET /recruiting/teams | Team recruiting rankings and ratings |
StatsApi | get_advanced_team_game_stats | GET /stats/game/advanced | Advanced team metrics by game |
StatsApi | get_advanced_team_season_stats | GET /stats/season/advanced | Advanced team metrics by season |
StatsApi | get_stat_categories | GET /stats/categories | Team stat categories |
StatsApi | get_team_season_stats | GET /stats/season | Team statistics by season |
TeamsApi | get_fbs_teams | GET /teams/fbs | FBS team list |
TeamsApi | get_roster | GET /roster | Team rosters |
TeamsApi | get_talent | GET /talent | Team talent composite rankings |
TeamsApi | get_team_matchup | GET /teams/matchup | Team matchup history |
TeamsApi | get_teams | GET /teams | Team information |
VenuesApi | get_venues | GET /venues | Arena and venue information |
- AdvancedGameStat
- AdvancedGameStatOffense
- AdvancedGameStatOffenseRushingPlays
- AdvancedGameStatOffenseStandardDowns
- AdvancedSeasonStat
- AdvancedSeasonStatOffense
- AdvancedSeasonStatOffenseFieldPosition
- AdvancedSeasonStatOffenseRushingPlays
- AdvancedSeasonStatOffenseStandardDowns
- BoxScore
- BoxScorePlayers
- BoxScorePlayersAverage
- BoxScorePlayersPpa
- BoxScorePlayersUsage
- BoxScoreTeams
- BoxScoreTeamsExplosiveness
- BoxScoreTeamsFieldPosition
- BoxScoreTeamsHavoc
- BoxScoreTeamsOverall
- BoxScoreTeamsPpa
- BoxScoreTeamsRushing
- BoxScoreTeamsScoringOpportunities
- BoxScoreTeamsSuccessRates
- Coach
- CoachSeasons
- Conference
- ConferenceSPRating
- ConferenceSPRatingDefense
- ConferenceSPRatingOffense
- DraftPick
- DraftPickHometownInfo
- DraftPosition
- DraftTeam
- Drive
- DriveStartTime
- FieldGoalExpectedPoints
- Game
- GameLines
- GameLinesLines
- GameMedia
- GamePPA
- GamePPAOffense
- GameWeather
- LivePlayByPlay
- LivePlayByPlayDrives
- LivePlayByPlayPlays
- LivePlayByPlayTeams
- Play
- PlayStat
- PlayStatType
- PlayType
- PlayWP
- Player
- PlayerGame
- PlayerGameAthletes
- PlayerGameCategories
- PlayerGamePPA
- PlayerGamePPAAveragePPA
- PlayerGameTeams
- PlayerGameTypes
- PlayerSearchResult
- PlayerSeasonPPA
- PlayerSeasonPPAAveragePPA
- PlayerSeasonStat
- PlayerUsage
- PlayerUsageUsage
- PortalPlayer
- PositionGroupRecruitingRating
- PredictedPoints
- PregameWP
- RankingWeek
- RankingWeekPolls
- RankingWeekRanks
- Recruit
- RecruitHometownInfo
- ReturningProduction
- ScoreboardGame
- ScoreboardGameBetting
- ScoreboardGameHomeTeam
- ScoreboardGameVenue
- ScoreboardGameWeather
- Team
- TeamEloRating
- TeamFPIRating
- TeamFPIRatingEfficiencies
- TeamFPIRatingResumeRanks
- TeamGame
- TeamGameStats
- TeamGameTeams
- TeamLocation
- TeamMatchup
- TeamMatchupGames
- TeamPPA
- TeamPPAOffense
- TeamPPAOffenseCumulative
- TeamRecord
- TeamRecordTotal
- TeamRecruitingRank
- TeamSPRating
- TeamSPRatingDefense
- TeamSPRatingDefenseHavoc
- TeamSPRatingOffense
- TeamSPRatingSpecialTeams
- TeamSRSRating
- TeamSeason
- TeamSeasonStat
- TeamTalent
- Venue
- VenueLocation
- Week
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Authorization
- Location: HTTP header