Portfolio of Mobile Projects
- App Requirements and Goals:
The application, an inventory application for warehouse workers, is designed to manage inventory levels by providing real time updates and notifications to users about stock status. It addresses the users need for efficient management.
Screens and Features: Login Screen: Allows users to login Data Display: Shows all inventory items. Add Item: Enables users to addd items Update or Delete: Allows users to increment/decrement or "X" an item.
Modular Code: DBHelper class and functions were kept small and compact. Android Framework: Used Android's recycler view and alert dialogs. Testing: Regular testing with various accounts.
Testing: Testing was done throughout the entire process. Different components were tested, such as database interactions. Integration testing was also completed.
Innovations to overcome challenges. The SMS configuration and how the answer persisted until the app was uninstalled.
Demonstrating Skills and Knowledge: I think the SMS integration. It required working with Android SMS and permission system, but also external systems.