Android Checkin allows you to register a Google account with a device, as if it was done from the device.
Most of the code for the checkin process is from android-checkin. However, the original code did not work since Google changed their Authentication process to require encrypted password (vs. plaintext). This repository includes a tool for encrypting Google account passwords in the same fashion as GoogleLoginService.
The password encryption method is the reverse-engineered version of gapps-jb-20130813-signed/system/app/GoogleLoginService/smali/com/google/android/gsf/loginservice/Password_Encrypter.smali
(aka Android 4.3 JellyBean). It has not been tested on Lollipop but seems to also work for Jellybean (4.4).
The device is mimicks is a MotoX Gen 1. Also added ble as one of the hardware components to enable downloading of more applications.
- figure out why it needs to manually add deps to classpath
Check ""
From the command line:
# Outputs the registered android_id
java -Xbootclasspath/a:lib/httpcore-4.2.2.jar:lib/httpclient-4.2.2.jar:lib/httpmime-4.2.2.jar:lib/httpclient-cache-4.2.2.jar:lib/commons-logging-1.1.1.jar:lib/fluent-hc-4.2.2.jar:lib/protobuf-java-2.4.1.jar:lib/commons-codec-1.6.jar -jar android-checkin-jb.jar <email> <password>
The resulting android_id is in decimal format. However we need a hexadecimal format to feed Blank Store. Do the conversion using
To obtain androidId via adb
adb shell settings get secure android_id
From the command line:
mvn clean
mvn package
If you get an error like [ERROR] Failed to execute goal com.github.igor-petruk.protobuf:protobuf-maven-plugin:0.4:run (default) on project android-checkin: Unable to find 'protoc' -> [Help 1]
, either:
- install libprotobuf-java
apt-get install libprotobuf-java
or - download protobuf-2.4.1 source and build. Make sure the executable
is in your PATH.
Android Checkin is released under the MIT license.