Two possible means of execution are presented.
- Through an intermediate bash script (, fed to supervisord's command arg.
- Through a one liner fed to supervisord's command arg.
pyenv install 3.7.2
pyenv virtualenv 3.7.2 daemon_372
In the files:
* direct_python_supervisord.conf
* intermediate_script_supervisord.conf
* {{ PATH_TO_VIRTUAL_ENVIRONMENT }} -> path to venv (usually ~/.pyenv/versions - expanded)
* {{ WORK_DIRECTORY }} -> in case you want the program to run in a certain directory
* {{ PATH_TO_LOG_DIR }} -> where to place log files
* {{ USER_NAME_TO_RUN_AS }} -> your username
* {{ PATH_TO_PROJECT }} -> where is the project located
Move the app supervisord conf you would like to test to the conf.d dir of your supervisord installation.
Use supervisorctl to reread and update the confs.
Check the log files for successful execution.