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SPDX Query, Making SPDX (2.2 & 2.3) JSON Files human readable

Note for newbies: SPDX is a format where sw entities discloses what open source libraries they have used in building their software. Security expers and legal compliance experts uses this data to check if they have any license issues or security vulnerability is there..

Docker image

docker pull dineshr93/sq:1.0

Load alias

alias dr='docker run'
alias p='echo ${PWD}'
alias sq='dr -v ${PWD}:${PWD} dineshr93/sq:1.0'


sq -c $(p)/ubuntu20.04.spdx.json -h


sq -c $(p)/ubuntu20.04.spdx.json pkgs 5


A binary to query the spdx-sboms-JSON results.

By default uses $HOME/sbom.spdx.json file to load the data. (you can pass custom *.spdx.json file using --config option any time)


Display meta data with sq meta option Sample

If --config option is not passed it will detect & load first spdx json file automatically Display pkgs list with sq pkgs option Sample

limit pkgs with sq pkgs NUMBER option Sample

Display files list with sq files option Sample

Display spdx relationships table and list with sq rels option Sample

Display spdx relationships list with sq rels dig option Sample

Display IP Details list with sq pkgs ip option Sample

Getting Started

Contains following commands

    1. List Meta data (sq meta)
    2. List Files(sq files)
    3. List Packages (sq pkgs)
    4. List Relationships (sq rels)
    5. List pkgs and files in Relationships`(sq rels dig)


  • Cobra
  • Viper
  • Simple table


Choose appropriate (binary Releases)[]

  • Rename the binary to 'sq'.
  • Add the binary to your environment path and use it.

How to run

  • How to run the program
>sq -h
A SBOM Query CLI (for issue ->

        1. List Meta data (sq meta)
        2. List Files (sq files)
        3. List Packages (sq pkgs)
        4. List Relationships (sq rels)
        5. List pkgs and files in Relationships (sq rels dig)

  sq [command]

Available Commands:
  files       Command to list files section
  help        Help about any command
  meta        Meta data of the spdx file
  pkgs        Command to list pkgs section
  rels        Lists Relationships

      --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.sq.yaml)
  -h, --help            help for sq
  -t, --toggle          Help message for toggle

Use "sq [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Alternatively if UI is small to fit every thing, you can save the output to the file

sq meta > sbom-meta.txt
sq files > sbom-files.txt
sq pkgs > sbom-pkgs.txt
sq rels > sbom-rels.txt


Dinesh Ravi

Version History

  • 1.0.0
    • Initial Release


This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 - see the Apache-2.0 file for details
