This project is DEPRECATED! We are shifting our technical roadmap to llgo.
This is a subproject of the Go+ project. Its goal is converting any C project into Go without any human intervention and keeping performance close to C.
- Make it passed. Stage:
Done Almost
. We have compiled libc (in progress) and sqlite3 (done). - Make it correct. Stage:
. We portedlibc-test
to test c2go and libc. Coverage: - Make it fast. Stage:
Run an example:
- Build c2go tools:
go install -v ./...
- Go
directory, and runc2go .
Run/Test multiple examples:
- Run examples:
c2go ./...
- Test examples:
c2go -test ./...
Here is an example to show how Go+ interacts with C.
import "C"
C.printf C"Hello, c2go!\n"
C.fprintf C.stderr, C"Hi, %7.1f\n", 3.14
Here we use import "C"
to import libc. It's an abbreviation for import "C/"
. It is equivalent to the following code:
import "C/"
C.printf C"Hello, c2go!\n"
C.fprintf C.stderr, C"Hi, %7.1f\n", 3.14
In this example we call two C standard functions printf
and fprintf
, passing a C variable stderr
and two C strings in the form of C"xxx"
(a Go+ syntax to represent C style strings).
Run gop run .
to see the output of this example:
Hello, c2go!
Hi, 3.1
- First, support most of the syntax of C. Stage:
Done Almost
, see supported C syntax. - Second, compile
to fix c2go bugs and get list of its dependent C standard libary fuctions. Stage:Done
, see and its dependent fuctions. - Third, support most of C standard library functions (especially that used by
), and can import them by Go+. Stage:Doing
, see detailed progress here. - Last, support all custom libraries, especially those well-known open source libraries. Stage:
- MacOS: 11.x
- Linux: ubuntu-20.04 (temporarily skip
) - Windows
- Void:
- Boolean:
- Integer: [
] [short
/long long
- Enum:
- Float:
,long double
- Character: [
- Wide Character:
- Large Integer: [
- Complex:
/long double
- Typedef:
- Pointer: *T, T[]
- Array: T[N], T[]
- Array Pointer: T(*)[N]
- Function Pointer: T (*)(T1, T2, ...)
- Struct:
- Union:
- BitField:
intType :N
- Arithmetic: a+b, a-b, a*b, a/b, a%b, -a, +a
- Increment/Decrement: a++, a--, ++a, --a
- Comparison: a<b, a<=b, a>b, a>=b, a==b, a!=b
- Logical: a&&b, a||b, !a
- Bitwise: a|b, a&b, a^b, ~a, a<<n, a>>n
- Pointer Arithmetic: p+n, p-n, p-q, p++, p--
- Assignment:
- Operator Assignment: a
b - BitField Assignment:
- BitField Operator Assignment: a
b - Struct/Union/BitField Member: a.b
- Array Member: a[n]
- Pointer Member: &a, *p, p[n], n[p], p->b
- Comma:
- Ternary Conditional: cond?a:b
- Function Call: f(a1, a2, ...)
- Conversion: (T)a
- Sizeof: sizeof(T), sizeof(a)
- Offsetof: __builtin_offsetof(T, member)
- Boolean, Integer
- Float, Complex Imaginary
- Character, String
- Array:
(T[]){ expr1, expr2, ... }
- Array Pointer:
&(T[]){ expr1, expr2, ... }
- Struct:
struct T{ expr1, expr2, ... }
- Basic:
T a = expr
- Array:
T a[] = { expr1, expr2, ... }
,T a[N] = { expr1, expr2, ... }
- Struct:
struct T a = { expr1, expr2, ... }
,struct T a = { .a = expr1, .b = expr2, ... }
- Union:
union T a = { expr }, union T a = { .a = expr }
- Array in Struct:
struct { T a[N]; ... } v = { { expr1, expr2, ... }, ... }
,struct { T a[N]; ... } v = { { [0].a = expr1, [1].a = expr2, ... }, ... }
- If:
if (cond) stmt1 [else stmt2]
- Switch:
switch (tag) { case expr1: stmt1 case expr2: stmt2 default: stmtN }
- For:
for (init; cond; post) stmt
- While:
while (cond) stmt
- Do While:
do stmt while (cond)
- Break/Continue:
- Goto:
goto label
- Parameters
- Variadic Parameters
- Variadic Parameter Access
- Return