A remake of the classic [DuckHunt NES game] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duck_Hunt) ([video] (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-daxzVxrQI)) implemented using the HTML5 canvas element.
You can play it here: [Play] (http://grosbouddha.github.io/duckhunt/)
- [cake.js] (https://code.google.com/p/cakejs/) - a canvas animation framework (using a scene paradigm)
- [Yahoo! UI library] (http://yuilibrary.com/) - for all the internal architecture plumbing
- SoundManager2 - for everything sound/music related
- assets from Nintendo
- Read my ugly code
- A [quick prez] (https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1l8L7YztWLHbxU8j_E1InVYaXufH76ghRVcmMTZuJBs0/edit?usp=sharing&authkey=COmsiZAL) when I showed this game at [JS-Montreal] (http://js-montreal.org/)
This mini-project was made few years ago and just to kill some time. Don't expect it to be too stable or using top-notch library updates and tricks.