Pure V library for parsing XML. The data is accessed with a tree API accessible directly within the Node
v install walkingdevel.vxml
fn parse(xml string) Node
fn parse_file(path string) !Node
struct Node {
pub mut:
attributes map[string]string
name string
text string
cdata string
children []&Node
parent &Node
fn (node Node) is_root() bool
fn (node Node) get_elements_by_tag_name(name string) []&Node
fn (node Node) get_element_by_tag_name(name string) !&Node
fn (node Node) get_elements_by_predicate(predicate fn (&Node) bool) []&Node
fn (node Node) get_attribute(name string) !string
fn (node Node) get_text() string
fn (node Node) get_cdata() string
import vxml { parse_file }
fn main() {
news := parse_file('./news.xml') or { panic(err) }
posts := news.get_elements_by_tag_name('post')
It doesn't support (yet):
- Error handling
- Schemas (DTD)
The features listed above will all be supported soon.