The main idea behind the project is to build a customizable Jenkins distribution service that could be used to build tailor-made Jenkins distributions. The service would provide users with a simple interface to select the configurations they want to build the instance with eg: plugins, authorization matrices etc. Furthermore it would include a section for sharing community created distros so that users can find and download already built Jenkins war/configuration files to use out of the box.
You can spin up the entire web application using a docker compose file command:
The front-end runs on localhost:3001
and the backend runs on localhost:8080
Build the containers:
docker-compose up -d --build
Run the containers:
docker-compose up
a) maven
b) npm
You can run the backend spring boot server from the root directory using:
mvn spring-boot:run
You can run the front end using the following:
cd frontend/
npm install
npm start
We currently have two environment variables
a) REACT_APP_API_URL: This variable points to the base API_URL to which the service makes calls to.If you decide to run the backend on another port this variable should be set. The default value is set to http://localhost:8080
b) REACT_APP_GITHUB_COMMUNITY_URL: This variable points to the URL at which you would like to store your community configurations on github. It needs to be in the format of:{repo-owner}/{repo-name}/contents/{path-to-folder}
The default configuration is:
In order to change the ports on which spring-boot runs you need to execute the following command. For example if you need to run the spring boot server on port 8081 these are the commands you would want to run.
- For UNIX
SERVER_PORT=8081 mvn spring-boot:run
Once you have started the spring boot server the next thing is to configure the front-end environment file so that the react server knows where to find the backend server.
The file that needs to be changed is the
inside the frontend folder. -
Inside this file this line needs to be changed
for eg: If the backend is running on port 8081
In order to change the docker port the following file need to changed
- Inside the docker-compose.yml the line:
- "8080:8080" # Forward the exposed port 8080 on the container to port 8080 on the host machine
needs to be changed to the port you want to run it at.
Eg: The port on the left indicates the port that needs to be exposed on the host machine, so it needs to be changed according to our requirement. So in order to run on port 8081 we need to make the following change.
- "8081:8080"
Once you have started the spring boot server the next thing is to configure the front-end environment file so that the react server knows where to find the backend server.
The file that needs to be changed is the
inside the frontend folder. -
Inside this file this line needs to be changed
for eg: If the backend is running on port 8081
The file that needs to be changed is the
inside the frontend folder. -
Inside this file this line needs to be changed
The file that needs to be changed is the
inside the frontend folder. -
Inside this file this line needs to be changed
You can find more documentation about how to use the service here:
a) Project page