This Pull to Refresh implementation in Titanium Alloy features ListView collection binding which is mostly based on: FokkeZB's Infinite Scroll widget - Test
It is mostly based on: Jolicode's Alloy-PullToRefresh widget
however it uses the: cornflakesuperstar Alloy-PullToRefresh Fork
in order to be able to build the ListView for the Pull to Refresh widget in the same alloy view as the widget itself
Define the widget and the ListView in a view:
<Alloy> <Collection src="tidev" id="listCollection" instance="true" /> <Window id="index" class="container"> <Widget id="pulltorefresh" src="com.jolicode.pullToRefresh"></Widget> <ListView id="list"> <ListSection dataCollection="$.listCollection"> <ListItem title="{title}" /> </ListSection> </ListView> </Window> </Alloy>
Bind the refresh functionality in the controller:
var listTopOffset = 20; var refreshFn = function(){ $.listCollection.fetch({ success: function(collection) { console.log("data retrieved"); $.pulltorefresh.stop(collection.models.length * 240, 20); }, error: function(model, message){ alert("data fetch error: " + message); $.pulltorefresh.stop(0, listTopOffset); } }); }; var list = $.list; if(OS_ANDROID){ $.index.remove(list); } $.index.addEventListener("open", function(){ $.pulltorefresh.initialize({ control: list, onRelease: refreshFn, headerPullView: { lastUpdate: { width: '230dp' } } }); refreshFn(); }); $;