This app is forked from which is not maintained any more.
Summary: View inter-app communication
- Open a photo-gallery-app (or a filemanager-app), select one photo and press "Edit" from toolbar or context-menu.
- -> A pop-up openes where you can choose which app to use to edit the photo with.
- choose "IntentIntercept" as "Editor"
- -> IntentIntercept displays the details used to "edit" the selected photo.
This app attempts to intercept as many intents as possible in order to examine their contents. This helps when trying to develop an app that reacts to a particular intent.
Some details of the intent can be edited before resending it.
Intent Intercept is available here:
There are two versions available:
- Version 3.x.y for Android 2.3 - Android 4.1 in branch android-2.3
- Version 4.x.y for Android 4.2 and later (including Android-10) in branch master
Apache License, Version 2.0
There is a similar devtool ContentProviderHelper to analyse android Content Provider