This repo aims to make grpc communication with (any version of) lnd
Currently, Go and Python are supported.
While lnd
natively provides .go
files for grpc communication, importing the entirety of lnd
sometimes causes issues with dependencies (ex. the infamous btcd
versioning), etc. We aim to solve it by having zero/minimal dependencies, and providing direct access to each version individually.
That snippet shows how to import grpc's from here, and use them to init authenticated lnd client.
package main
import (
type rpcCreds map[string]string
func (m rpcCreds) RequireTransportSecurity() bool { return true }
func (m rpcCreds) GetRequestMetadata(_ context.Context, _ ...string) (map[string]string, error) {
return m, nil
func newCreds(bytes []byte) rpcCreds {
creds := make(map[string]string)
creds["macaroon"] = hex.EncodeToString(bytes)
return creds
func getClient(hostname string, port int, tlsFile, macaroonFile string) lnrpc.LightningClient {
macaroonBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(macaroonFile)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintln("Cannot read macaroon file", err))
mac := &macaroon.Macaroon{}
if err = mac.UnmarshalBinary(macaroonBytes); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintln("Cannot unmarshal macaroon", err))
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
defer cancel()
transportCredentials, err := credentials.NewClientTLSFromFile(tlsFile, hostname)
if err != nil {
fullHostname:= fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", hostname, port)
connection, err := grpc.DialContext(ctx, fullHostname, []grpc.DialOption{
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("unable to connect to %s: %w", fullHostname, err))
return lnrpc.NewLightningClient(connection)
func main() {
const (
hostname = "node's hostname"
port = 10009
tlsFile = "path/to/tls.cert"
macaroonFile = "path/to/macaroon/file.macaroon"
client := getClient(hostname, port, tlsFile, macaroonFile)
// Do stuff with the client…
This repo also holds the source (and scrips necessary to generate) the contents of lnd-rpc
PyPI package. To use it, install the version of the version you want to use, and…
pip3 install lnd-rpc
TODO: Add an example usage here
This repo helps with:
- download - download all
's, and their dependencies - generate-go - generate
sources for available.proto
files - generate-python - generate
sources for available.proto
Each of these can be done in two ways:
- Run the script directly
- Via
docker run
downloads all .proto
files, and all their dependencies unless a specific version is provided.
./scripts/download --help
download v1.0.0
Download all .proto files necessary to build lnd's gRPC client libraries
Usage: ./scripts/download [options] LND_VERSION
Where LND_VERSION is in a form: [v]MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH (ex: v0.9.0), or "all" to download all versions
-h, --help, help Show this help message
-G, --no-google Skip download of google/api/* and google/protobuf/*
-S, --strip-version Don't include lnd version in the path (only works if LND_VERSION != "all")
-o, --output Download to a specified dir (will be created, if doesn't exist)
./scripts/download all # Download all lnd versions, and all google/* protos
./scripts/download --no-google v0.4.2 # Only download protos for lnd v0.4.2, and no google/* protos
./scripts/download -G -S -o=~/last-lnd/ v0.9.0 # Only download protos for lnd v0.9.0, and save them to last-lnd/
# in user's HOME directory w/o the /LND_VERSION/ segment in path
NOTE: this one requires DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1
due to usage of --target=
# Build with:
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build . \
--target=protos-downloader \
# Run with:
docker run --rm -it \
--volume=$(pwd)/:/protos/ \
lnd-rpc-downloader # [VERSION|all]
generates .go
files for all available versions, unless a specific version is provided.
./scripts/generate-go --help
generate-go v1.0.0
Compile all .proto definitions into importable .go files
Usage: generate-go [options] LND_VERSION
Where LND_VERSION is in a form: [v]MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH (ex: v0.9.0), or "all" to generate for all versions
-h, --help, help Show this help message
-S, --strip-version Don't include lnd version in the path (only works if LND_VERSION != "all")
-o, --output Save generated files to a specified dir (created, if doesn't exist)
./generate-go all
./generate-go -o /tmp/last/ v0.9.0
docker build . \
--build-arg="LANG=go" \
docker run --rm -it \
--volume=$(pwd):/data/go/ \
lnd-rpc-go # [VERSION|all]
generates .py
files for all available versions, unless a specific version is provided.
NOTE: All generated versions are published to PyPi using this workflow
./scripts/generate-python --help
generate-python v1.0.0
Compile all .proto definitions into .py files
Usage: generate-python [options] LND_VERSION
Where LND_VERSION is in a form: [v]MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH (ex: v0.9.0), or "all" to generate for all versions
-h, --help, help Show this help message
-S, --strip-version Don't include lnd version in the path (only works if LND_VERSION != "all")
-o, --output Save generated files to a specified dir (created, if doesn't exist)
./generate-python all
./generate-python -o /tmp/last/ v0.9.0
docker build . \
--build-arg="LANG=python" \
docker run --rm -it \
--volume=$(pwd):/data/python/ \
lnd-rpc-python # [VERSION|all]