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Luma Style Guide

Luma Style Guide

Luma coding style guide, specifically for frontend, JavaScript and TypeScript projects.

NOTICE: Are you about to contirubte the projects with this style? If we're in owners of that project, please make PR at first and I will refer to the rules violated in your PR, so it's unnecessary to read this.



pnpm add @luma-dev/eslint-config-base -D


pnpm add @luma-dev/eslint-config-jest -D


pnpm add @luma-dev/eslint-config-next -D


pnpm add @luma-dev/eslint-config-react -D


pnpm add @luma-dev/eslint-config-unstyle -D


pnpm add @luma-dev/prettier-config -D


NPM Package Type

We define 3 types for npm packages.

  • Monorepo Root
  • Application
  • Library

And root refers to monorepo root if monorepo, otherwise the single directory including the package manifest.


  • Use tools as newer as possible.
  • Keep consistent, simple and verifiable.
  • Use pnpm as a package manager.
  • Regard build steps as development step, so dependencies only used in dev and build should in devDependencies.
  • Use TypeScript rather than JavaScript anywhere if possible.
  • Use .npmrc including following.
    • Place .npmrc in every application pacakges and monorepo root.
    • engine-strict=true for all non-library packages including subdirectories.
    • strict-peer-dependencies=true for root.
    • save-prefix= for application pacakges.
  • Use commitlint with '@commitlint/config-conventional'.
  • Use eslnit with '@luma-dev/base' and correspoing ones.
    • Avoid using eslint-disable directives.
  • Use prettier with "@luma-dev/prettier-config".
    • File types except JavaScript and TypeScript, run prettier by itself.
  • Never use engines in package.json and engine-strcit=true for library projects.
    • It causes errors when used by other package managers even if used as dependency.
  • Use jest for testing framework.
  • Place ignore files (.gitignore, .eslintignore, .dockerignore) only in root if possible.
    • Distributed ignore files are troublesome to maintain.
  • .gitignore can include following.
    • (ignore/a) Files that may be generated by scripts in project.
      • e.g. node_modules/, dist/, .pnpm-debug.log
    • (ignore/b) Files used for locally controlling behavior only in specific occasion.
      • *.local
    • (ignore/c) Files generally known as generated in some environments following.
      • .DS_Store
      • .vscode/
      • .idea/
  • Ignore files should suffix iff target may be directory generally, if possible.
    • e.g. node_modules/ (acceptable) vs node_modules
  • Never include trailing spaces.
  • Ignore files except .gitignore should never include (ignore/b) and (ignore/c).
    • Build steps should run in reproducable environments like CI or Container.
  • Keep top level directory simple, so prefer to pack sources in src/ directory.
  • Use "type": "module" in package.json if possible.
  • Write "type": "commonjs" explicitly.
  • Use ESModule rather than CommonJS in setting files.
  • Use .js instead of .mjs if "type": "module" set in manifest.
  • Follow Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide preceded by @luma-dev/prettier-config.

Package manifest version specifier rules

  • Use ~4.0 style for TypeScript.
  • Use ^ + fully stated version style for libraries.
  • Use pinned version for applications.
    • save-prefix= helps to achieve this.

Commenting Guideline

TBD. Here's draft based on @twada 's tweet.

  • WHAT for tests.
  • WHY for commit messages.
  • HOW for function level code comments (// ... or /* ... */).
  • WHY NOT for line level code comments.
  • Non-code comments (/** .. */) are documentation, so write WHAT.


Monorepo Root

// .eslintrc.cjs
const configureBase = require('@luma-dev/eslint-config-base/configure');

/** @type {import('eslint').Linter.Config} */
module.exports = {
  extends: ['@luma-dev/base', '@luma-dev/jest'],
  overrides: [...configureBase(__dirname)],
; .npmrc
// .prettierrc.json


// .eslintrc.cjs
const configureBase = require('@luma-dev/eslint-config-base/configure');

/** @type {import('eslint').Linter.Config} */
module.exports = {
  overrides: [...configureBase(__dirname)],
; .npmrc


; .npmrc


Version Fixer

// .pnpmfile.cjs
const { esbuild } = require('./package.json').devDependencies;

function readPackage(pkg) {
  for (const section of ['dependencies', 'devDependencies', 'peerDependencies', 'optionalDependencies']) {
    if (pkg[section].esbuild) {
      pkg[section].esbuild = esbuild;
  return pkg;

module.exports = {
  hooks: {

Add Potentially Unresolvable

'import/no-unresolved': ['error', {
  ignore: [


[![Luma Style Guide](](


You can find the real examples by searching topics/luma-style.