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=== User Roles and Capabilities ===
Contributors: mahabub81
Donate link:
Tags: user roles, user capabilities, roles and capabilities, wordpress capabilities, wordpress user roles, manage capabilities, security, wordpress user security, permission system, wordpress user permission
Requires at least: 3.5
Tested up to: 4.5
Stable tag: 1.2.1
License: GPLv3
License URI:

Manage user roles and Capabilities, create new roles and change default role.

== Description ==
manage user roles and capabilities. Create new roles and delete existing roles. Using this plugin you will not be able to modify any capabilities for administrator user role.
WordPress built in roles cant be deleted.
If you find any issue just let us know we will get back to you with the fix in 24 hours.

### Features of Roles and Capabilities
* Fully tested by QA team.
* Create new roles.
* Delete existing roles.
* Clone existing roles.
* Rename Role
* Import / Export Roles and Capabilities
* Manage user Capabilities.
* set permission.
* Change default user role.
* Assign multiple roles to users.
* set permissions / capabilities to users.
* single screen to manage capability for all roles.
* easy to use.

== Installation ==
1. Upload plugin to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
1. No more settings available, its plug n play

== Screenshots ==
1. Add/edit roles, capabilities, change default roles, free support link etc
2. Go to specific users roles and capabilities.
3. Chnage user roles and capabilities.
4. Filter Capability
5. Add new role
6. Export Roles and Capabilities
7. Import Roles and Capabilities
8. Rename a role name

== Changelog ==
= 1.0 =
* Initial release.
= 1.1.1 =
* Fix spelling mistake [ Reported By: Effie Siverts, Robert Susmilch, David 'Doc' Watson, Hadi Permana, Andrei Olariu, Larry ]
* Import/Export Roles and Capabilities [ Requested By: Jesper Holst, Ozan Çanaklı ]
* Specific Item descriptions on mouse hover [ Requested By: Jesper Holst ]
* Rename a role [ Requested By: Mauro Barba]
* Fix a Logical bug [ Reported By: Tom van der Beek ([email protected]) ]
* Fix Bug generated 3037 characters of unexpected output during activation [ Reported By: X-Raym,  Serdar Gürler]
* Fix other bug and Improve the code
= 1.2.0 =
* Fixing Branch Naming
= 1.2.1 =
* Fix the version number in code