The latest version of the Meatspace Chat source code is now located at
Note that we are not taking any new features or changes - if you feel like something is that important to the chat, please contact ednapiranha before sending something that might be rejected.
If you want to create a browser add-on or plugin feel free to do so and follow the API instructions below. Then send us a pull request with your link at
brew install zeromq redis
redis-server &
cp local.json-dist local.json
cp clients.json-dist clients.json
cp whitelist.json-dist whitelist.json
npm install
npm -g install nodemon
bower install
npm run-script build
npm start
Sign in with your Twitter account to and create a new application.
Fill in the details for your local setup like so:
Save your settings then go back and edit the settings again. Check off the 'Allow this application to be used to Sign in with Twitter' and save.
Open your browser at
You can listen to the socket to receive incoming messages or use long polling at either or
A meatspace chat message is a nested dictionary in the form
media: data:image/gif;base64,<base64 data>,
message: '<message; may be empty>,
ttl: 600000,
created: <time-string>,
fingerprint: <32-byte hex>
key: <unique message key>
If you mute a user then you won't see any new posts from them at that machine and IP. There is an unmute button in the menu in the top right corner.
If you need an apiKey to post from your app, contact me at [email protected] and I will try to hook you up! You will get access to staging server to see if everything works and see if it is appropriate for the production server (which I will give you a new apiKey).
If you plan on using node and the for a bot or other purposes, ensure you have ~0.9, as ~1.0 isn't compatble with the ~0.9.
If you are doing native or non-web calls to the API, you will first need a valid apiKey and then you can make the following calls:
Push a new message through a socket request and provide the following data:
apiKey: <apiKey>,
message: <text message; can be empty>,
picture: data:image/gif;base64,<a base64 blob of the gif data>,
fingerprint: <a unique identifier for the user posting from the client, preferably md5-hashed>