This project is part of a semester assigment for the course of "Distributed Systems" of Harokopio University of Athens, 5th semester, 2022-2023.
The project is composed of two parts. The backened application and the frontend application.
The application uses PostgreSQL database using Docker. To run the database use:
docker run --name DS_Assigment_AirTours --rm -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=pass123 -e POSTGRES_DB=air_tours -p 5432:5432 -v group35_data_main:/var/lib/postgresql/data -d postgres:14
You can connect to the database using these details:
Port: 5432
Username: postgres
Password: pass123
Open the directory "DS-Assigment-2022-2023/backend" in an IDE preferably IntelliJ. Wait for dependencies to be installed and then run the server application from the IDE.
You need the latest LTS versions of NodeJS and NPM installed.
Navigate to the "DS-Assigment-2022-2023/frontend" directory.
Install the dependencies by running:
npm install
Once the depedencies are installed run:
npm start
The application server runs on http://localhost:8080
The application frontend runs on http://localhost:3000