RigMon is a quick way to monitor your mining rigs using Telegram bot.
It currently supports:
- Claymore miners (Eth, Equihash, CryptoNight)
- EWBF miner
You can also check balance and transaction history in:
- Bittrex
- Poloniex
Download and install Node.js
Clone or download this repository
Open config.json
with your favorite text editor
Specify your currency and symbol here:
"currency": "usd"
"currency_symbol": "$"
You can use any currency you see on https://coinmarketcap.com, you have to use lowercase letters.
Specify your power cost per kW (for example, 0.09 is 9 cents for 1 kilowatthour)
"electricity": 0.09
Replace TELEGRAMBOT_TOKEN with your Telegram Bot token here:
Talk to the BotFather https://telegram.me/botfather
Write /newbot and follow the instructions
You should get your token like this:
Use this token to access the HTTP API:
Sample configuration:
"clay": [
"name": "rig1",
"host": "",
"port": 3333,
"comments": "loginName/password",
"power": 510,
"coin": "ETH",
"algo": "eth"
Use "clay":
for rigs using Claymore miner
Use "ewbf":
for rigs using EWBF miner
Change host and port address to what you set up as your miners API.
"host": ""
"port": 3333
Default values for Claymore is port 3333, EWBF is port 42000.
Use IP if you are mining on this computer.
You can reference your rig with any comments you like, I put my remote login and password here.
"comments": "comment"
Put your power from the wall here in watts, for profit calculation:
"power": 820
Put the coin shortname and algorithm you are mining with this rig here:
"coin": "ETH"
"algo": "eth"
Currently available algos are:
eth - Ethereum
eq - Equihash
cn - CryptoNight
Don't forget to install Node.js
Open up your command prompt or terminal and navigate to your directory
(Easy way to open Command Prompt is to shift+right click inside the folder)
Navigate to your directory using
cd *your directory*
for example:
cd C:/Users/User/rigmon
Then, run these commands
npm install
npm start
npm install will install required dependancies for this script and npm start will run it.
After running npm start for the first time, you have to send a direct message to the bot:
You will receive your chat id which you will have to put to the config file here:
"chatid": 123456
It will enable monitoring of your rigs, in case it gets offline or stuck, you will receive a notification.
Each time you make a change to the config file, you will have to restart the bot.
Use ctrl+c to stop the running script and start it again.
You can also add your bot to a group chat and get an /id there.
Currently supported exchanges:
Use the read-only API key without any access to trading.
This program uses the keys only to get your balance and withdrawal/deposit history.
Put your API keys here:
"poloniex": {
"bittrex": {
Simple commands:
Displays the current status of all rigs.
Displays more information, like temps and power usage (for EWBF).
Displays current pool servers.
Displays current ip addresses of rigs.
Displays current profit taken from whattomine.com, including electricity costs.
Exchange commands (needs an API key):
Returns balances for your account.
Returns withdrawal and deposit history for the last week.