- Save the current visited tab information to a local HTTP serve
skinparam svgLinkTarget _parent
actor User
User -> Firefox: Access page
Firefox -> "HTTP Server": POST /v1/echo, URL and Title Information
"HTTP Server" -> "HTTP Server": Save Information
User -> Emacs: "Execute my/insert-jsno-link"
Emacs -> "HTTP Server":GET /v1/show Retrieve Latest Tab Information
"HTTP Server" -> Emacs:url and title
Emacs -> Emacs: Assemble link and insert at cursor position
Please install the user script located at the following link Click To Install
edit package.el
(package! deno-bridge-echo
:ignore t
:recipe (:host github :repo "nailuoGG/deno-bridge-echo"
:files ("*.el" "*.ts")))
edit config.el
(use-package! deno-bridge-echo
(defun my/insert-deno-link ()
"Insert recently visited Tab from browser"
(deno-bridge-call "deno-bridge-echo" "getCurrentTab")))
api | description |
my/insert-deno-link | insert link from current visited tab |