Due to the lack of time. Sorry for that
If you are looking for alternatives, check out the awesome-graphql list, where you can find similar libraries like typegql, TypeGraphQL or graphql-schema-decorator .
The Typescrit implementation for GraphQL, a query language for APIs created by Facebook. See specification here http://graphql.org/
That package is currently in development and not ready for PRODUCTION. Graphql.ts use decorator and metadata for generate a graphql.js model. The why of this package is to provide a suger syntax for Typescript and use the power of the typings. Feel free to contribute, any issues, pull request or stars are welcome.
Install GraphQL.ts from npm
npm install --save graphql-ts
We use reflect-metadata for have type at the runtime, so we need to pass some parameters to the compilator
"compilerOptions": {
"module": "commonjs",
"target": "es6",
"emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
"experimentalDecorators": true,
GraphQL.ts provides the capabilities to build the schema. This schema will be interprated by GraphQL.js
First, build a GraphQL type schema which maps to your code base.
import {field, objectType} from 'graphql-ts'
class root{
return "world"
//That is the entry point of the schema
graphqlTs.init(new root());
This code will generate at the runtime the equivalent model
import {
} from 'graphql';
var schema = new GraphQLSchema({
query: new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'RootQueryType',
fields: {
hello: {
type: GraphQLString,
resolve() {
return 'world';
Then, serve the result of a query against that schema.
import {graphqlTs, field, objectType} from 'graphql-ts'
class root{
return "world"
graphqlTs.init(new root());
var queryString = '{ hello }';
graphqlTs.query(queryString).then(result => {
// Prints
// {
// data: { hello: "world" }
// }
Graphql-ts work with decorator for annotate the code and then generate the model
create an object type with the class name as name
class user{
create an input object type with the class name as name
class userInput{
create a scalar type, for more information about the scalar in graphql check here
export class DateQl {
serialize(value: any) {
//you're code here
parseValue(value: any) {
//you're code here
parseLiteral(valueNode: any): any {
//you're code here
add the field in the model, if it's a function, it will be use as resolve. In the resolve, 'this' will be the equivalent of _ in graphql, and the context will be in this.contextQl
class user{
console.log(this.contextQl) //value of the context, by default req
return this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName
add a description to the field or the object
class user{
@field @description('The name of the user')
same as field but return a list, for more information about the list in graphql check here@returnType(Type)
Cause of lack in typescript about emit decorator for complexe object, when we returne an object, Array for exemple, we are not able to have the T type, so that's why we need to specify that T using the @returnType
class user{
@field @description('The name of the user')
@list @returnType(Number)
@list @returnType(user)
return dataUsers({friends:this.name});
set a params as required
@objectType @description('voila enfin le root')
export class root {
@field @returnType(user) @required(['firstName'])
return dataUsers({name:firstName}).firstOrDefault();
set a field or input nullable or not, by default is true
export class userInput{
@field //nullable is true by default
@field @nullable(false)
@list @returnType(String) @nullable(false)
create a mutation, see here for more information
let newUser = new user();
return newUser;
###More complex exemple
For more complexe case, check the exemple folder.