Generate customized Debian ISO images for automatic deployments.
to generate a hands-free ISO image.
./ [-u username] [-p password] [-n hostname] [-d domain] [-a package] [-i iso_url] [-s sign_key] [-o path] [-x] [-z] [-v] [-h]
devbox shell --pure
Or install all dependencies on a Debian 12 system:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install curl git gnupg pwgen whois xorriso
Clone this repository and cd
into it.
git clone
cd debian-autoinstall
To include SSH keys for remote access, add them to the configs/authorized_keys
curl -fsSLo configs/authorized_keys
echo "ssh-ed25519 AAAA... foo" >> configs/authorized_keys
echo "ssh-ed25519 AAAA... bar" >> configs/authorized_keys
# set user and password
./ -u 'hub' -p 'changeme'
# set hostname and domain
./ -n 'calculon' -d ''
# include additional apt packages
./ -a 'strace' -a 'unattended-upgrades'
-u <username> Admin username
-p <password> Admin password
-n <hostname> Machine hostname
-d <domain> Machine domain
-a <package> Additional apt package
-i <iso_url> ISO download URL
-s <sign_key> ISO pgp sign key
-o <out_file> ISO output file
-x Power off after install
-z Sudo without password
-v Enable verbose mode
-h Display this help message
If the -p
flag is not set, a random admin password will be generated, printed to stdout and written to <out_file>.auth
If the -n
flag is not set, a hostname will be generated at installation.
The hostname will be based on the installed machines mac addresses.
If the -x
flag is not set, the machine will restart after the installation is finished.
For an extended example, check:
While running the installer, press ctrl
to show the installers log output.
To switch back to the installers graphical interface, press ctrl
Switch to any other TTY for an interactive shell.