SHML is a shell framework for faster and easier script development.
HTML has CSS, terminals have "ANSI/VT100 Control Sequences". SHML makes is easy to apply some style to your shell scripts without trying to remember that Yellow = \033[33m
instead Yellow is $(color yellow)
# Unix-like
$ sudo bash -c 'curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/shml && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/shml'
# Homebrew
$ brew install shml
# npm
$ npm install -g shml
You can just download SHML without installing it...
$ git clone
$ wget
In order to use SHML you must tell your shell environment where it is located. Lets assume that we are writing a BASH script and want to use SHML.
If you installed in using the 1-liner above you would do:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
source $(which shml)
If you downloaded SHML using git or wget you would do:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
source ./
#!/usr/bin/env bash
source "$(which shml)"
echo "
$(fgcolor red)
This will make the text red...
$(fgcolor end)
View all examples:
Contributions are more than welcome. Before submitting ANY new features please read the Contribution Guidelines.
To report any bugs or if you have a feature request feel free to open an issue.
Updating the docs requires Ruby/Jekyll to generate & view locally.
Run once:
$ cd docs/
$ gem install bundler
$ bundle install
Generate and serve:
$ bundle exec jekyll s --watch
Then go to: http://localhost:4000/shml/