CUCONNEX is a platform for participants of the competitions to find the right team for them.
CUCONNEX will act as a channel where competition teams can recruit members, and those members looking for a team will find a place that needs their skillset and is happy to have them. The project theme, combined with our expertise in computer programming, has made us come to the decision that we will be building a mobile app as the implementation of our solution.
This project is a part of the following courses:
2190423 Software Engineering
2143399 ICE Capstone
2190422 Database Systems
Developed by @pestobaimon, @palsp, @mickyngub, @birdglove2, @Chavin2543, @6131866021, @climaxhome, @xlububankx, @punpat2000, @matoommatom, and @AlphaNiner1415
CUCONNEX, Let's Connect.