This Repo contains some projects made using python uses the COWIN API and gets the slots available for the vaccine for the next seven days
- Input : Pincode of an area in India
- Output : Gives the slots available in the next seven days
- this script one can get a maximum of 15 working proxies for use.
Credits : clarketm
- this script uses an API of Proxy Scan to get a maximum of 15 working proxies gives you a QR code for a URL and the validity of the QR code is 24 hours
- check some sample output files here
Message Frequency of a member in Whatsapp group outputs a Bar graph of number of messages per person in the whatsapp group
How to do?
Download your Whatsapp Chat files of any groups and download the above python file and run it.
Note: Install Matplotlib on your machine
Examples here: