This repository contains a LaTeX document, which can be used as a basis for documentation.
When using Visual Studio Code, ensure these extensions are installed:
- Remote - Containers by Microsoft
- LaTeX Workshop by James Yu
Alternatively, you can create this document by using XeTex and running the following build command:
xelatex -shell-escape -output-directory target -interaction=nonstopmode main.tex
To get the full text once built:
mkdir -p target
lualatex -shell-escape -output-directory target -interaction=nonstopmode main.tex
biber target/main
lualatex -shell-escape -output-directory target -interaction=nonstopmode main.tex
lualatex -shell-escape -output-directory target -interaction=nonstopmode main.tex
Note that if you build this locally, you will need the Pygments package to use minted.