will be a CHIP-8 emulator/interpreter written in Rust. Just a small hobby project for me to learn Rust.
Thinking of making this a pure CLI, but I might add a GUI too.
Update: Implementing a GUI is actually easier so that's what I'm gonna do. The CLI will just refer to the ability to use the command line to load games.
Update 2: It works quite well now. Only thing that remains is adding sound support.
Note: The disassembler does not return actual syntactically correct code. It just converts the program bytes into a textual format with helpful comments at each line.
CHIP-8 is a simple interpreted programming language that was developed by Joseph Weisbecker back in the 1970s for the COSMAC VIP and Telmac 1800 Microcomputers. It was used to create quite a few games too. More information can be found on the Wikipedia Article.
- Get the public domain games from here.
- Compile the code.
- Run the game from the terminal as so
./executable <path_to_rom_file>
In that case, you should check out the following two websites :-
Mattmik's website is great for understanding the CHIP-8 language and Cowgod's website is a very concise and helpful reference.
Thanks to Cowgod for the amazing technical reference. All the opcode comments in the code have been directly picked up from their reference.