Engine versions
- Node:
- MongoDB:
4.4, 5.0, 6.0
- Apps-Engine:
Patch Changes
Bump @rocket.chat/meteor version.
Bump @rocket.chat/meteor version.
(#34906) Adds simple app subprocess metrics report
(#34906) Attempts to restart an app subprocess if the spawn command fails
(#34906) Fixes an issue while collecting the error message from a failed restart attempt of an app subprocess
(#34906) Prevents app:getStatus requests from timing out in some cases
(#34906) Fixes an error where the engine would not retry a subprocess restart if the last attempt failed
(#34906) Fixes error propagation when trying to get the status of apps in some cases
(#34906) Fixes wrong data being reported to total failed apps metrics and statistics
(#34906) Fixes an issue that prevented the apps-engine from reestablishing communications with subprocesses in some cases
Updated dependencies [50837dd, 50837dd, 50837dd, 50837dd, 50837dd, 50837dd, 50837dd, 50837dd]:
- @rocket.chat/[email protected]
- @rocket.chat/[email protected]
- @rocket.chat/[email protected]
- @rocket.chat/[email protected]
- @rocket.chat/[email protected]
- @rocket.chat/[email protected]
- @rocket.chat/[email protected]
- @rocket.chat/[email protected]
- @rocket.chat/[email protected]
- @rocket.chat/[email protected]
- @rocket.chat/[email protected]
- @rocket.chat/[email protected]
- @rocket.chat/[email protected]
- @rocket.chat/[email protected]
- @rocket.chat/[email protected]
- @rocket.chat/[email protected]
- @rocket.chat/[email protected]
- @rocket.chat/[email protected]
- @rocket.chat/[email protected]
- @rocket.chat/[email protected]
- @rocket.chat/[email protected]
- @rocket.chat/[email protected]
- @rocket.chat/[email protected]